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30-хвилинна прогулянка на повітряному катері поблизу Орландо

Здійсніть дику прогулянку на повітряному човні, щоб відкрити Верхів’я Флориди Еверглейдс, на південь від Орландо. Тримайте очі відкритими під час вашої захоплюючої їзди через заболочені території, ви ніколи не знаєте, коли алігатор може підняти голову над водою, щоб перевірити вас!
Місто: Орландо
Sun 22 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $31.12
Sun 22 Sep
Починаючи з $31.12
Що включено
Оазис алігаторів (зона огляду живих алігаторів)
Використання засобів захисту слуху та рятувального жилета
Усі збори та податки
30-хвилинна екскурсія на повітряному катері – для цієї екскурсії бронювання не потрібне
Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для інвалідних візків
  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в колясці
  • Дозволено поводження з тваринами
  • Немовлята повинні сидіти на коліна для дорослих
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Ми дотримуємося вказівок CDC. Перегляньте ці вказівки перед туром.
Чого очікувати
Пригоди на повітряному судні Боггі-Крік
Мчачись по водній гладі зі швидкістю до 45 миль на годину під час 30- або 60-хвилинної їзди ви відчуєте себе ніби летите. 17-місний повітряний човен дозволяє побачити частини водно-болотних угідь, недоступні на автомобілі, і водночас відчути хвилювання від швидкої подорожі по воді з вітром у волоссі.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (352)
Mar 2018
We absolutely LOVED this attraction. It was included as a 'freebie' with our Disney Ticket and to be honest wondered how good it would be and whether it was worth the effort (and time) driving down to it. The answer is quite simply - YES! the drive down was fantastic actually, getting to see a different more rural aspect of the state and the Turkey Vultures circling overhead. In fact just before we reached Boggy Creek an Eagle swooped into the road in front of us to catch a baby boar. Pretty incredible if a little gruesome to witness. Boggy Creek is fabulous, whilst waiting for our time slot we wandered around the grounds seeing the baby alligators, listening to the native American Indian talking about his heritage (well worth a visit as he was informative funny and engaging with all age groups!) The Airboat ride was amazing! very loud - so wear the ear protectors! Our guide Ryan definitely earned his tip.... we saw turtles a variety of Alligators including 1 which was at least 35 years old and a fair old size! my 3 kids of various age group - 6, 13 and 17 all loved this trip which I was so pleased about as it was definitely up there for me too! after the ride we grabbed some sodas and root beers and sat by the creek (whilst keeping a few eyes open for Gators!) a lovely unspoilt place.
Відповідь від хоста
Mar 2018
What a great review, ChezandSteve! Thank you for taking the time to write about your experience with us. We greatly appreciate it, and you! We will be sure to let Captain Ryan know that you had a great time with him during your airboat tour. Please come back and see us again soon!
Tracy K
Mar 2018
We didn't know there was so much to.offer at Boggy Creek, thought we were in for an Air boat ride but after our ride we had an awesome Native American weapons demonstration, and posed for some really cool pictures on an Air Boat in front of a cool little cabin. We could have mined for gems but skipped that and went into the restaurant for some bbq and gator bites. What a great day!
Відповідь від хоста
Mar 2018
Thanks for the wonderful review, Tracy! We're glad to hear you enjoyed the new additions to our park! Please come back and see us again soon!
Mary Katherine G
Mar 2018
Took our 5year old granddaughter on the one hour airboat ride and she had a blast, as did we! We also mined for fossils and “the mother load” gems. The prices for the mining were less expensive here compared to another place we have visited. We had gator bites, a hot dog, grilled cheese and brisket! My husband said that the brisket was out of this world. While waiting for our ride we played checkers, fed the alligators and mined. There was a Native American demonstration on how they lived, hunted, cooked and tools they used— we unfortunately missed the demonstration. There was a lady there who help educate our granddaughter even though we didn’t see the demonstration. Our airboat captain was wonderful and found us may different species of birds and was very knowledgeable. We saw alligators, turtles, snails, a bald eagle, herons, wild turkeys, snail kite and as I mentioned many different birds! Very educational! A Must! I will mention that I would have love to see a penny press machine!!!!😁. We did purchase items in their little store which I found reasonably priced❤️. Will definitely be back! Thank you
Відповідь від хоста
Mar 2018
Wow! What a fantastic review, Mary Katherine. We are so glad you came to see us and happy to hear that you, your husband, and your granddaughter had such a great time. Thank you for taking the time to write about your experience. Please come back again soon!

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