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7-рядний тур на Північному узбережжі Мауї

Хочете змінити темп від пляжної сцени? Вирушайте до верхівок дерев, щоб покататися на захоплюючій пригоді зіплайном на історичній базі часів Другої світової війни під назвою «Кемп Мауї» на північному березі Мауї. Професійні гіди проведуть вас по трасі зіплайну, яка складається з 7 смуг, гігантських веж, підйомних платформ і хитних підвісних мостів. Відчуйте веселощі та розваги від НАЙКРАЩИХ гідів Мауї, милуючись дивовижними краєвидами пишних ландшафтів Мауї. Під час екскурсії ви також дізнаєтеся про історію Другої світової війни Мауї, місцеву дику природу та культуру. Вибирайте з проміжків часу, доступних протягом дня, з усіма інструкціями зі сплаву та обладнанням для безпеки.
Місто: Мауї
Wed 25 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $153.12
Wed 25 Sep
Починаючи з $153.12
Що включено
Професійний гід
Усі податки, збори та плата за обробку
Все необхідне спорядження (шолом, рукавички, ремені та дощовик, якщо потрібно)
Додаткова інформація
  • Дозволяються тварини-поводирі
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендується вагітним мандрівникам
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки.
  • Гості повинні носити закрите взуття. Закрите взуття надається безкоштовно за запитом
  • Учасникам має бути п’ять років і вага від 40 до 270 фунтів (19 і 122 кілограми)
  • Неповнолітні повинні мати батьки або опікуни підписують свою угоду про участь
  • Матерям, які мають проблеми зі спиною чи шиєю, заборонено їздити на зіплайни
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (1000)
Sep 2018
Julie and AJ were our team guides and both had very different personalities which complimented each other as a team. Julie was sweet and had a caring attitude about every guest and AJ honestly seemed just ready to move on to another adventure of his own which is totally understandable when you've been doing this for a long time! He knew a lot of facts/details but you can tell he needs a break. As far as safety is concerned, both of them were great at communicating the do's and don't's. They both tried to make you feel comfortable and enjoy yourself which was a nice touch to the experience. They work with your level of comfort and took a small group which made the experience more intimate. The staging was done very well and worked you up to the most difficult/longest line levels. They take pictures for you as you're not allowed to take cellphones and charge quite a bit for digital access for you to print at home. They only have porter potties onsite, would be nice if they had real restrooms for the amount of tourists that come through on site. Overall, had a great experience with my husband. We toured through Haiku afterwards, a lovely change of scenery from Kaanapali.
Joel W
Sep 2018
Went with my teen and adult sons. The oldest might have referred a little terror, but we all had fun, did NOT have a trouncing van ride (see other zip reviews), and enjoyed guides Brittany and Micheal! Great Trip Advisor rate too.
Sep 2018
My boyfriend and I celebrated his birthday at the NorthShore Ziplining and our tour guide, Allen (AKA Screwloose as he called himself), came off the wrong way from the jump. He wasn’t particularly nice and friendly and when he helped put on the harness for my boyfriend and I, we both said that he had a strong smell of alcohol on his breath ( it was 10 AM!). I think everyone else in the group smelled it too and did not appreciate his overly intense attitude. He asked my boyfriend twice (within the matter of 5 minutes) why we were in Maui, even though he had said happy birthday in Hawaiian to my boyfriend (and then forgot two minutes later). He also asked someone else on our tour ( people who were from Israel) where they were from two different times in the matter of minutes. He even made a rude comment to them, and asked them if they understood English because he said they looked confused when he was speaking. He made a few slick comments regarding their accents and language which I’m not sure they picked up on. He also made a series of jokes about women and hoping that he can bread one day, and after his bad jokes he would literally pause for a minute until someone laughed or said something, which took a while because everyone on the tour felt uncomfortable with him. Our other tour guide, David, was the complete opposite. David was extremely nice and professional while also making things seem more comfortable and less awkward unlike his counterpart Allen. When the tour was over there was an option to tip our tour guides in a jar. We decided to just hand David his tip directly since we did not want to tip Allen. Overall, the zip lines were super fun and felt very safe. Lasted about an hour and a half and felt worth the money, even though our tour guide wasn’t what we would’ve wanted or expected. Also, they do take photos of you when you’re on a few of the zip lines(because phones aren’t allowed), but they charge you $30 for the pictures to just be emailed to you and then you have to go and print them yourself at home.
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2018
Hello. Our sincerest apologies for your experience. I want to assure you, that Allen is an extremely conscientious guide who is dedicated to the safety of our guests and would never be on the job under the influence of alcohol. We discussed your review with Allen and learned that he had spent the previous day away from home, helping a friend move. Beer was spilled on his clothes, and unfortunately, since he was away from home, he was unable to change prior to his shift. He also reported that there was a bit of a language barrier with the other couple on the tour which caused some confusion. Our guides like to interject humor throughout the tour, as it helps those who are apprehensive to relax. Sometimes it is a fine line between what people think is funny and what is not, as everyone has a different sense of humor. Please be assured that we will be addressing this issue, to ensure in the future, that our guides use the utmost care so that no one feels offended. Our prices for photography start at $30 and up, depending on how many people are in your group. They generally take between 60-120 photos per tour and send the guests a dropbox link so they can Download and/or print which pictures they choose. Once again, we are sorry you were dissatisfied. If you are still on the island or will be coming back to Maui, we would like to have you return as our guests. Please call me if you would like to discuss this option. Thank you for taking the time to write as we truly appreciate your feedback. Sincerely, Beth . 808-269-0671

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