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90-хвилинна екскурсія на повітряному катері Everglades у Центральній Флориді

Насолоджуйтесь величезним ландшафтом Флоридських Еверглейдс, мандруючи болотами на борту наших першокласних аерокатерів для захоплюючої 90-хвилинної екскурсії. . Жодних натовпів і довгих черг, просто розслаблююча поїздка через чудеса болота. Вашим екскурсоводом стане ваш досвідчений капітан, який відведе вас у царство американського алігатора. Вам сподобається сафарі, схоже на пригоду в пошуках інших тварин болота під час вашого туру. Підійдіть ближче до міс Сьюзі, мами-алігатора зі своїми немовлятами. Насолоджуйтесь красивими квітами, рогозом і алігаторовою травою, пробираючись стежками середовищ існування.
Місто: Орландо
Wed 25 Sep
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Починаючи з $88.99
Wed 25 Sep
Починаючи з $88.99
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (637)
Apr 2022
Brilliant morning with Captain Chris - would totally recommend to anyone in the area! Chris was a great guide for the hour and was so knowledgable about both the wildlife and the conservation efforts within the Everglades. Having stayed in a villa near Disney, the boat ride is very easy to access via car (30-40min travel time, with/without Toll routes), a definite must do on a trip to Orlando!
Howard L
Apr 2022
We did their 90 minute swamp tour and it was a fun and interesting experience. The wife summarized for someone that she saw a head and a tail (alligator that is) and that was it, ha. I thought of a coin toss lol. We actually saw 3 separate alligators pretty close up - yes, a head, a tail, and also a torso. They only eat once per month, so they stay very motionless to conserve energy. They really look like lifeless replicas but one actually did scurry away when the boat fan started up! The other tour wildlife highlights for me were the quite varied bird life which are very accustomed to the loud airboats, and they hardly budge when we passed by their location or their nests. The airboat ride itself was also fun with the smooth and sometimes fast ride. Ear phones are provided for noise protection. Our knowledgeable Captain Roy stopped the boat at numerous locations for some informative lecturing. Pro-tip: wear long pants, long sleeves, and bring sunscreen and a light jacket. The wind chill can be surprising even a warm day. Mosquitoes and other insects can get on your skin, and though we didn't experience that during our pleasantly cloudy 9am tour, we were prepared clothing-wise. I would highly recommend doing this swamp tour thing once while in Florida but I imagine all swamp tours are pretty much the same. 90 minutes was perfect for us but they also do 30, 60, and 120 minutes. I knocked the rating back to 4 stars because they only have a single men's and a single women's toilet on the premises and that's wholly adequate for numerous boats off-loading at once and with the longish tour durations. I barely held on, and another second delay would have really hit this Yelp rating hard! This is a friendly family run business. Captain Jim is the owner and he graciously answered my initial phone call query at 10pm local time. I also met his friendly and laid-back son Captain Chris during check-in. They have 4 captains, so I guess I met half the team.
Відповідь від хоста
Jun 2022
Thanks so much for the great review! Sounds like you had a great time on our your adventure with Capt Roy. To note the restroom situation, we are at the mercy of the county. They run the park area and we have requested more restrooms for our guests.
Apr 2022
Had a great time with Chris, we got to see a handful of alligators and even two baby gators! So excited and worth the trip, our son loved it!

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