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Розширений рафтинг у Королівській ущелині

Рафтинг у Королівській ущелині — це найкраща пригодницька подорож на півдня або на цілий день у Колорадо. Величезні хвилі, круті технічні перепади та майже безперервні пороги з білою водою у вузькому каньйоні чекають на вас із такими порогами, як Кувалда, Уоллсламмер, Нарорс, Човнятер і сумнозвісний водоспад Саншайн. Королівська ущелина може потребувати стільки уваги, що ви навіть не помітите всесвітньо відомий міст Королівська ущелина на висоті 1053 фути над річкою. Ця захоплююча подорож рекомендована для рафтерів або любителів пригод у хорошій фізичній формі, які готові до агресивного веслування. Наші рафтинг по Королівській ущелині — наші найпопулярніші подорожі для просунутого рівня! Якщо ви шукаєте багато розваг, ця подорож для вас і вашої групи. Обід буде подано на зупинці на річці.
Місто: Каньон Сіті
Mon 23 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $120.00
Mon 23 Sep
Починаючи з $120.00
Що включено
Професійний гід
Усі податки, збори та плата за обробку
Трансфер і висадка з визначених місць зустрічі
Використання шолома /рятувального жилета /куртки
Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для інвалідного візка
  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в колясці
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Не рекомендується для вагітних мандрівникам
  • Не рекомендується для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Рекомендований дрес-код – не бавовна. Усе синтетичне, як-от купальники, спортивне спорядження та босоніжки/кросівки на підборах. Жодних шльопанків для глиняних чашок, будь ласка
  • Потрібні маски для мандрівників у громадських місцях
  • Маски для обличчя потрібні для гідів у громадських місцях
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний для мандрівників і персоналу
  • Соціальне дистанціювання дотримується протягом усього досвіду
  • Регулярна дезінфекція місць з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікуються між використаннями
  • Регулярно дезінфікуються транспортні засоби
  • Вказівки щодо регулярного миття рук
  • Регулярне вимірювання температури для персоналу
  • Оплачувана політика перебування вдома для персоналу з симптомами
  • Безконтактний зв’язок оплата чайових і надбавок
  • На річці не будуть носити маски, оскільки це небезпечно у водному середовищі
Чого очікувати
Тури по річці Арканзас
Ви прибудете за межі Canon City, зареєструєтесь у наших привітних співробітників, зустрінетесь зі своїм гідом на день, отримаєте необхідне спорядження для рафтингу, пройдете поглиблений інструктаж з безпеки, а потім сядете на фургон чи автобус на короткі 5 хвилин. -10 хв їзди до річки пут в
Королівський міст і парк
Коли ви прибудете до річки, ваш гід дасть вам конкретні вказівки, а потім вирушайте в річку, щоб вирушити на дивовижну пригоду. Ви пропливете всесвітньо відомим Королівським ущелиною! Дивовижні види на міст Королівської ущелини та дивовижну білу воду під час цієї подорожі. Це прем'єрна подорож річкою Арканзас!
Політика скасування
Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (123)
May 2021
Finally made it back out to Colorado, for a trip down the royal Gorge again. At ART we were lucky enough to have Austin as our guide. I cannot say enough about how knowledgeable, conversational and friendly Austin was. I brought a first time white water rafter on this trip and he loved it. Austin’s instructions were simple and to the point. He was very relaxed but also made us feel very safe. We will definitely be back AGAIN.
Відповідь від хоста
May 2022
Thank you for your review. We are happy to hear that you had a great experience while rafting with us. We are looking forward to rafting with you again in the future.
Jean-Pierre G
Nov 2020
Went on a tour provided by a guide called "Hannah". The gross negligence, ineptitude and unpreparedness almost cost the life of three rafters the were under the supervision of Hannah. We were dumped in the river while cross Sunshine Falls Rapids and instead of performing what is called "Swift Water Rescue" as they loudly advertise on the bus on the way to the river. After almost drowning and having to rescue ourselves because the guide was more concerned with unpinning an UPRIGHT raft, rather than human life. The river current carried us for a couple hundred meters all while getting water boarded by the current and badly beat up by boulders and rocks everywhere... After rescuing ourselves, we said we didnt want to continue any longer, but Hannah said this is the only way out of the river. Later on we found out, that's not true, essentially being held hostage on a raft. LOL We were trapped on more rocks further down and forced to get off the raft and hike next to a section high in elevation and very dangerous, many times we were needlessly navigated through rougher water, after we were dumped in the water. I reached out to the owner and advised that we were considering legal action from the sheer negligence that his raft guide caused. As a basic settlement, it was asked that Arkansas River Tours cover the medical copay for my fiance which is $500 plus our money back which was $200 and some change. Essentially just pennies on the dollar. The owner said he would "consult with his attorney and get back to me" two days passed and I didn't hear from Billy so I sent a follow up email outlining my offer and also mentioning our willingness to sign a release...nobody replied back to the email (of course). I'm still exploring my options if I want to take up the headache to move forward with filing suit in Colorado Court, but still undecided. This review is TO WARN YOU. These people take you on tour and have no regard for your life or safety. RAFT AT YOUR OWN RISK AND BE PREPARED TO SAVE YOURSELF, DO NOT RELY ON BILLY'S POORLY TRAINED TEAM. IT CAN COST YOUR LIFE...TAKE HEED OF MY WORDS. I DIDN'T THINK HAVING TO RESCUE MYSELF WOULD HAPPEN BECUASE THEY REITERATE THAT THEY'RE TRAINED IN SWIFT WATER RESCUE, BUT THE REALITY IS QUITE A DIFFERENT ONE. AS YOU CAN SEE IN THE PIC, IM TRYING TO REACH TO MY FIANCE TO PULL HER IN AND THE RAFT GUIDE IS BUSY ON THE RAFT TRYING TO UNPIN THE RAFT RATHER THAN RESCUE US. Take your money to AVA Rafting & Zipline, those people know safety
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2021
Dear Jean Pierre, Thank you for your comments on your outdoor adventure experience. We are sorry that your expectations of a perfectly calm experience on our class IV and V whitewater tour were not met. Running rivers, like life, can be unpredictable and that is why we put so much emphasis on safety protocols prior to getting on the river. In our history we have serviced over 300k happy guests over the last 49 years and through this time we developed extensive professional river training and certification with our guides. Is there a risk of falling out of a raft or intentionally getting out of the raft on a tour? Yes, that is why it is called adventure travel and 99.9% of our guests have tons of fun with us running rivers. During your pre-trip safety meeting your trip leader highlighted that self rescue is the best rescue when possible. Meaning that if you find yourself outside of the raft then try to get back into the raft or swim to shore based on your guides direction if possible, don’t just keep floating downstream. If self rescue is not possible then your guides will move to best alternative course of action to get you out of the river. In no situation do we want guides or guests intentionally jumping into the river to swim after someone, creating an even bigger situation or possibly leaving behind other guests in an unguided boat. When multiple guests go into the river which can happen when rafting rivers, then our guides do their best to help everyone and keep track of all their people under their care. Again, that’s why guests are given instruction on what to do if these types of situations occur so they are informed on how to work with our guides to keep everyone safe. When our guests and staff work together to deal with variety of rapids and challenges out on the river, the experience if fun, rewarding and exciting. Since 1973 Arkansas River Tours has been committed to a fun and safe experience. Our guest thinks so too and that’s why we have 100’s and 100’s of 5-star reviews, a very high repeat guest ratio and endorsements from church groups, Scouts, and many more. In our numerous conversations after your trip I offered to help pay for your fiancé’s medical expenses as you had asked and had requested documentation of medical services. You then explained to me that she still hasn’t gone to see medical attention yet with a few months of time since your tour but demanded payment with our without treatment. Again, we are sorry that your river rafting trip experience, our conversation and our offer to pay for a medical claim did not fulfill your expectations.
Nov 2020
My friends and I had the time of our lives on the royal gorge whitewater rafting trip! Our guide was not only very professional but knew how to have a good time. She was incredibly knowledgeable about the river and the canyon. Definitely want to go rafting with ART again! As rafting is a very dangerous adventure, I think that they handled every possible situation with diligence and care. The raft guides also made it clear that our safety was at risk due to the pure risk of being on swift water that could put any professionally trained guide at risk of their life. As it was completely obvious that A.R.T. attract a lot of out of state groups, they handle even the toughest customers. While observing many groups who were first time rafters, it must be known to all who are interested in rafting that this is not a leisurely activity. Much like any guided outdoor sport, there are always risks. Be cautious as to signing up if this is your first time rafting because there is a good chance that you will get wet and you might possibly flip in the raft! Not due to any raft guide but due to the fact that the water is hard to manage with people who are inexperienced and from big cities who have little to no experience in the outdoor community. If you are afraid of the risks stated above, I would suggest going to the moped tracks or casual hiking as there are ALWAYS risks in extreme outdoor sports. Because, as it should be known, that the guides are putting THEIR LIVES in danger to maintain the safety of their customers.
Відповідь від хоста
May 2022
Thank you for your kind review. We are happy to hear that you had a great rafting trip with us. We are looking forward to rafting with you again in the future,

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