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Вертолітна екскурсія по Алясці та тур на собачих упряжках по льодовику – РАЙОН АНКОРИДЖ

Найпопулярніший тур! Керуйте своєю власною упряжкою на упряжках із командою 4-разового переможця Iditarod Далласа Сіві, яка складається з каїв, провідників і собак-чемпіонів, по справжньому снігу серед літа в оточенні дивовижних краєвидів. Почніть цю пригоду з польоту на вертольоті над льодовиками й айсбергами. Ми часто бачимо лосів, чорних ведмедів, овець і кіз. Приземліться на величезному сніжному полі високо на льодовику та насолоджуйтеся цілою годиною з чемпіонами-їздовими собаками та їхніми ловцями, які живуть тут усе літо. Відправте собачу упряжку на захоплюючу прогулянку справжнім снігом. Ви можете стояти на бігунках і м’яти власну собачу упряжку або просто сісти на санки й дозволяти каюшам керувати упряжкою. Після туру на собачих упряжках познайомтеся з кінологами, які тягнули вашу упряжку, послухайте розповіді про перегони на собачих упряжках довжиною понад 1000 миль і, звичайно, сфотографуйтеся з улюбленими собаками. Після екскурсії гелікоптер доставить вас назад до будиночка, і ви пролетите над нижчими льодовиками, де можна побачити блакитні басейни танення та тріщини.
Місто: Аляска
Tue 17 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $596.37
Tue 17 Sep
Починаючи з $596.37
Що включено
Екскурсія на снігу з їздою на собаках
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Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлята повинні сидіти на колінах у дорослого
  • Доступ для інвалідних візків
  • Доступ для транспортних засобів доступний для інвалідів
  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в коляска чи коляска
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • ТРАНСФЕР МОЖНА ПРИДБАТИ З АНКОРІЖА НА 10:15, 12 :30 вечора, 4:30 вечора та 18:30 вечора РАЗКЛАДЕННЯ ЕКСКУРСІЇ
  • Працює за будь-яких безпечних погодних умов, будь ласка, одягайтеся належним чином
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  • Дитячий тариф застосовується лише в разі проживання з 2 дорослими, які оплачують оплату.
  • РЕЄСТРАЦІЯ становить 30 хвилин до запланованого часу відправлення. Якщо ви прибудете пізно, ваш тур
  • ПОСЛУГОВІ ТВАРИНИ дозволені, якщо вони закріплені лише в ящику. Зателефонуйте для уточнення специфікацій
  • Послуги ресторану доступні на сайті з 17 травня по 20 вересня. Закуски доступні цілий рік для покупки.
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (216)
Sep 2022
First let me say there were 6 people in our party and we were all very excited about going. The transfer company picked us up at our hotel (this Gentleman was top notch) at 4 got there around 5 and trip was supposed to take off at 6:30 so we had to sit and weight over an hour with helicopters coming and going. Now our party were large adults that had to give weight sizes at least a month prior when excursion was booked. One even had to pay the extra $150.00 they charge for over weight. They weighed us all gain when we got there because they have a computer model that tells them the weight limit in the helicopter. After an hour of waiting you can imagine we were getting a little upset, A person came and told us they would have to split the group up because of the weight. Another half hour passes which is now our time slot and two group of also large adults goes out in our spot! Now we are upset! Now a lady(supposedly the owner comes and puts a paper in front of us that shows 2 of our people over the weight limit that we re just now hearing about (and one of them has already paid the extra money! Now it is passed the last trip time of the day and they give us a story about how the last group (in our time slot and copters) was unable to land do to wind so they didn't want to risk it. But guess what! The ones that couldn't land didn't come back for over an hour....the time of the trip. Guess they thought we were stupid. Well needless to say we got to drive back an hour to the hotel! The transfer driver heard and saw the whole thing and even he said he was going to report it to his boss because it was handled so unprofessionally. Well they did give us a full refund but that doesn't wash away the wasted day of our vacation or the rude experience
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2022
Marsha, thank you so much for your honest review. We apologize for the inconvenience but we would like to use your situation to help educate future guests reading this as to how to avoid some of the issues you were proposed with. The first is the way your group booked - you were not a group of 6, you booked 3 individual 2 person bookings. There was no communication with us directly letting us know you were traveling together so you were actually set to fly in 3 separate smaller 3 seater helicopters. The transfer van picked you up at 4:30pm and your exact arrival was 5:45pm..not 5pm as stated, at which time the half hour check in process was started. (so hopefully you didn't have a "wasted day", but just a disappointing evening) The other group did not go "in your spot", they had reported their weights accurately when booking and due to being larger were required and pre-assigned to fly in the larger helicopter which is rated to handle oversize guests, which left at their assigned time. Because of the size of your group and the wind gusts being greater than what our smaller helicopters could fly, we sent the larger helicopter to drop the other guests in hopes to return to pick your party up and ferry you to the location of our dogsled camp. The pilot did not do this due to the winds increasing after take off (this would not be known until the helicopter is flying). They did not land at the dogsled camp where they were scheduled to go, but they went to a low glacier for a standard glacier landing. Safety was his #1 priority. Second, the weights you reported when booking were 50lbs less then what you actually weighed in as. This GREATLY effects the configuration of how we can fly people. We state the importance of reporting accurate weights at the time of booking as the helicopters we fly are extremely weight dependent and the weight and balance will be effected preventing flight due to safety issues. The wind was beyond the limit to fly the smaller R44 helicopters that you were assigned to fly in safely, therefor we did refund you in this unfortunate circumstance. For all reading this, please be honest about your weights. When putting your weight down, please add 5lbs to account for the clothing. Be understanding that we never want to cancel a flight, however safety is our only priority when weather isn't playing nice. We would rather have guests who write unhappy reviews such as this, then put anyone in a situation that they may result in a crash just to appease them. We are the only operator in the state of Alaska with a 100% perfect safety record and plan on keeping that. Marsha, we hope the rest of your Alaskan vacation was amazing and again apologize for the inconvenience of that evening.
Sep 2022
I loved everything about our trip to Alaska, but this tour was a very special day. The crew and pilot are top-notch and very professional. You can also tell they love what they do. The views from the helicopter are breathtaking and dog sledding on a glacier, hard to top that! I know it’s expensive, but worth every penny. You won’t be disappointed.
Sep 2022
This experience was excellent from start to finish. Well managed tour compnay with friendly and knowledgeable staff and every stage. The scenery was stunning with views of blue ice glaciers, rivers wildlife and snow capped mountains. The pilots are handsome, charming, competent, and knowledgeable. And they're talents include photography. Props to the support staff keeping everyone safe. The dogs and mushers could not be more impressive. What a lifestyle! The most impressive, memorable tour I've ever experienced.

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