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Екскурсія Єллоустонським національним парком на цілий день

Якщо у вас є лише один день, щоб відвідати Єллоустоун, цей одноденний приватний тур протяжністю понад 200 миль Нижньою петлею Єллоустоуну — це те, що вам варто здійснити. Після вильоту з Джексона ми проїдемо на північ через національний парк Гранд-Тітон, проїдучи транзитом до Йеллоустоуну, роблячи кілька зупинок, щоб зробити фотографії, помилуватися дикою природою та скористатися туалетами ранчо Флегг. Користуватися ванною кімнатою з проточною водою - це просто те, як ми ходимо. Потім ми в’їдемо в Йеллоустоун через південний вхід трохи раніше 9 ранку. Звідти ми продовжимо рух на північ до басейну гейзерів West Thumb, а потім до знаменитого готелю Lake Yellowstone для короткої перерви на каву. Ми продовжимо мандрувати на північ від готелю, щоб помилуватися грязьовим вулканом, долиною Хайден і Великим каньйоном Єллоустоун, перш ніж зробити перерву на обід у селі Каньйон. Продовжуючи на захід від каньйону, ми досліджуємо горщики з фарбою фонтанів і термальне джерело Гранд Призматик. Ми завершимо день відвідуванням Old Faithful Inn і побачимо, як Old Faithful блисне у всій своїй красі.
Місто: Джексон
Fri 20 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $325.00
Fri 20 Sep
Починаючи з $325.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (16)
Sep 2020
Our tour of Yellowstone with Ted was fantastic! His knowledge of the geothermals and the wild life was quiet impressive! I would highly recommend a tour with Ted. I think you get more out of the sights when you have your own personal tour guide telling you all of the interesting facts of the area. And you don't have the hassle of trying to navigate Yellowstone on your own. Take a tour with obsidian you won't regret it!
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2020
Hi Julie, thanks for the fantastic write-up. We agree with you that guests to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem will invariably learn more, see more, and do more when they explore the Parks with a knowledgable and experienced guide. Thanks again for the opportunity to help you and your family create lifelong memories of Yellowstone. Warm regards, Stacy
Jul 2020
Absolutely breathtaking tour! We spend the entire day exploring the many features of the park. The tour guide knew exactly where to go so that we could see the wildlife up close. We saw many elk, a bear swim across the river and many bison! A beautiful day in to remember forever!
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2020
Hi Lori, we are stoked that you had such a great time on your tour? Did you take any pictures of the bear swimming about the river? What a cool sight to see. Come back and see us again soon. Regards, Stacy
Jun 2020
Stacy the tour director was fabulous. We weren't able to contact him before the tour (because you can't use the internet once you are inside the park) but it turned out fine. He picked us up at the Lake Yellowstone Hotel where we were staying which not many tours do. He showed us where we could see wild animals and tips to search them. We were lucky enough to see a wolf howling. My husband and I were the only ones that attended the tour that day so it was a private tour. We were originally from Japan so we weren't familiar with the Yellowstone's history but Stacy answered all the questions we had and he had all the numbers, years and dates in his head. His car is very very clean and he prepared us lunch and snacks which were delicious and don't have a strong smell. He knew the best spots to take photos. The next day, we were planning to go on our own with our car but he gave us suggestions how and where to go and what time to leave in order to arrive at the airport on time. Thank you Stacy for the wonderful experience!!
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2020
Thank you so much for the warm and kind review. I really enjoyed spending time with you and your husband. Please come back and see us again sometime, like when you have a couple of kids in tow. Wink Wink.
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