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Особиста екскурсія до досвіду амішів

Багато відвідувачів Ланкастера шукають значущого особистого контакту з громадою амішів. Уявіть собі, що ви відвідуєте три помешкання амішів, де наші давні відносини дозволяють вам стати їхніми гостями під час вашого перебування. Цей ексклюзивний тур розрахований на 14 гостей і надає рідкісну можливість зустрітися та поговорити з різними амішами, де вони живуть і працюють. Три зупинки: відвідайте ферму амішів під час доїння, погляньте за лаштунки з майстром-амішами, а потім посидьте та поспілкуйтеся з родиною амішів прямо в їхньому домі.
Місто: Ланкастер
Mon 23 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $65.33
Mon 23 Sep
Починаючи з $65.33
Що включено
Місцевий гід
Перевезення між локаціями
Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в колясці або колясці
  • Дозволяються тварини-поводирі
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Транспорт до 14 -пасажирський автобус надається між місцями туру
  • Дітям віком до 6 років заборонено брати участь у цьому турі
  • Будь ласка, одягайтеся шанобливо
  • Ми просимо не фотографувати бути прийнятими нашими господарями-амішами
  • Будь ласка, зареєструйтеся в касі театру, на східній автостоянці, принаймні за 15 хвилин до вашої екскурсії
  • З домашніми тваринами заборонено.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (400)
Jun 2017
I went on the VIP (visit in person) tour with my teenage daughter, two friends from Germany and a friend from England. It was a great experience. We met with a young couple who demonstrated how they milk cows and talked about how they farm, a man who runs a carpentry shop, and then sat in a circle with an older couple chatting informally for an hour. We learned about how they do and don't use electricity (not what I thought!), how their education works, the "rumspringe", their language, and many other details of their life. Also, the countryside is beautiful, so it was a visual treat. Our only regret was that we were so fascinated by everything that we didn't take as many pictures as we would have liked! Our tour guide was Beth, and she was friendly and knowledgeable. We were driven in a small bus from location to location, so this was not a strenuous trip. I encouraged my European visitors to do this trip rather than spending all their time in New York City, and everyone agreed afterwards that it was a great choice.
Відповідь від хоста
Jun 2017
Thanks so much for visiting and bringing your guests with you! Glad to hear that everyone enjoyed the tour and got a lot out of it. We'll hope to see you again soon.
Jun 2017
Have you ever wondered how the Amish live their simpler lives? Come and see the Amish Experience in Bird in Hand PA. You can take the tour of the Amish Farmlands which includes shopping at a farm stand and an Amish country store. You can enjoy the Interactive Theater one of only four in North America. Visit the Amish Schoolhouse and Residence then take a horse and buggy ride. Do all of this or just choose the ones you like. It makes a very enjoyable yet informative day!
Відповідь від хоста
Jun 2017
Thanks for visiting and for your great review! Glad to hear the tours were informative and enjoyable. We'll look forward to seeing you again.
Jun 2017
While my husband and I were staying at the Amish View Inn and Suites, we went next door to the Amish Experience tours. We signed up for their VIP (Visit In Person) tour and it was well worth the extra cost...it was the highlight of our three day stay in the Bird And Hand area. The three hour tour is limited to 14 persons to go aboard a small tour bus where your driver/tour guide takes the group first to an Amish farm. On our tour we arrived in time to watch an Amish farmer milk his cows while his adorable, smart, twelve year old son answered our questions...he was very knowledgeable ... our group applauded and thanked him for doing such a great job. Next, our driver/guide, Harriet, took us to an Amish business. The Amish craftsman gave us insight into his decorative lawn lighthouse skill and business. As we drove to the final destination on the tour, that of visiting with an Amish family at their home, Harriet delighted in answering more of our questions and prepared us for our next experience. What a delight it was...we met the husband and wife outside their house where Sarah proceeded to take us on a tour of her beautiful vegetable garden. By the way, not a weed amongst the lush plants. When we finished, we were invited inside their home ... all of us sat in Sarah and John's large kitchen and just had a friendly discussion. They were so open and patient with our many inquisitive questions...Our group learned so much from them; we hated to see our time draw to a close. Before we left, we were given the opportunity to purchase some of Sarah's homemade jelly and crafts. We waved goodbye as Harriet again filled us in on other topics involving the Amish experience. This three hour tour is not to be missed.
Відповідь від хоста
Jun 2017
Thank you for your wonderful and detailed review! What a pleasure to hear that the VIP Tour was the highlight of your three-day stay. So glad you enjoyed visiting with our Amish neighbors and having Harriet as your guide. We hope to see you again the next time you're in Lancaster.

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