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Особиста екскурсія до досвіду амішів

Багато відвідувачів Ланкастера шукають значущого особистого контакту з громадою амішів. Уявіть собі, що ви відвідуєте три помешкання амішів, де наші давні відносини дозволяють вам стати їхніми гостями під час вашого перебування. Цей ексклюзивний тур розрахований на 14 гостей і надає рідкісну можливість зустрітися та поговорити з різними амішами, де вони живуть і працюють. Три зупинки: відвідайте ферму амішів під час доїння, погляньте за лаштунки з майстром-амішами, а потім посидьте та поспілкуйтеся з родиною амішів прямо в їхньому домі.
Місто: Ланкастер
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $65.33
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $65.33
Що включено
Місцевий гід
Перевезення між локаціями
Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в колясці або колясці
  • Дозволяються тварини-поводирі
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Транспорт до 14 -пасажирський автобус надається між місцями туру
  • Дітям віком до 6 років заборонено брати участь у цьому турі
  • Будь ласка, одягайтеся шанобливо
  • Ми просимо не фотографувати бути прийнятими нашими господарями-амішами
  • Будь ласка, зареєструйтеся в касі театру, на східній автостоянці, принаймні за 15 хвилин до вашої екскурсії
  • З домашніми тваринами заборонено.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (400)
Laura S
Sep 2015
We loved the tours at this place! In the past, we enjoyed the buggy ride tours. This time, stayed on-site and enjoyed the Amish home and school house tour. We then watched the current movie in the most awesome theatre! I won't say more than that it's a great experience watching anything in the theatre. Bill E. was our tour guide and, as it happened, our theatre guide. We love him! He is extremely knowledgeable and has a great dry sense of humor. Hello Bill E.! If you read this, Ms. NY from last week here. Hope we get to see you again, next time we're there. Visit the restaurant here, too. The food is excellent! Service wasn't good...there should be two servers per section...but meeting new people, when you opt for sharing a table with strangers, as we did, is fun!
Sep 2015
We bought tickets for all three experiences--the film, the house and the farmlands, with a horse and buggy ride thrown in for free. We thought we'd only be spending a few hours...we ended up staying here the whole day. The film was about a young boy's internal struggle to join the Amish church. It was a unique way to film and tell a story, utilizing several screens at a time to show different angles of a scene. The schoolhouse and home tour turned out to be an insightful visit. Kent, our guide, peppered the narration with his own anecdotes of his personal friendships with the Amish which added another layer to our experience. The farmlands tour was 90 minutes long and took you through the back country roads, through real Amish working farms. I'm surprised they didn't get self-conscious with the way we were gawking at them. We can't take pictures of their faces because of their beliefs but it was cool to see them. I recommend this experience for people who have a limited time and would want to get a good overview of Amish life. They also offer in-person tours wherein you actually visit with a family. We didn't do this so I couldn't say more about this. But...just do it! :)
Eriaan O
Sep 2015
I was in Philadelphia and wanted to do this tour. The inclusive tour (excluding lunch) is advertised as $42. A return train ticket from Philadelphia 30th street station to Lancaster is $32. I phoned the company and asked if I can take a taxi from Lancaster to their premises, but was advised to rather book through the Big Bus Company in Philly, which I did. The cost of this was $169. Obviously these 2 companies are in bed together, because they sent us by train, used a dirty taxi to take us to the Amish experience, and then we were taken back to the station almost 2 hours before the train arrived to take us back to Philly. I could have done this as well at almost half the cost! The experience itself was good, although very clinical. Everything is done on the premises with a reconstructed house, school room etcetera. Jim took us on a tour through the farmlands and he provided interesting information about the Amish. We just drove past all the interesting towns and markets (being told to come there when we are back in the area - very difficult when you are visiting from South Africa) and a stop at one small quilt shop on the way. Having done this tour, I should have rather rented a car and drove through the area myself. The experience was definitely not worth $169. I missed out on the opportunity to visit some of the beautiful and quant shops along the way.
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2015
Thank you for your review. We work together with the tour company in Philadelphia in order to provide an easy way for people without transportation to visit Lancaster. This was especially requested by many visitors from other countries. Pick-ups are provided at Philly hotels with transportation to the train station, if needed, and then transportation back and forth to the Amish Experience (which would be 4 taxi rides right there). Clearly, you can rent a car or make all the multiple arrangements on your own (train tickets, multiple taxi rides, tour reservations, etc.), which is an option, and do it for less if you have the time. When I’ve traveled, I have sometimes paid more for the convenience of getting a package with all the logistics done for me (and paid more for it), but I have also traveled on my own because I wanted the freedom to explore. We try to get you back to the train station around 4pm as this is rush hour (we have that even in Lancaster!). I believe the train leaves about 5:10pm. There are some shops right in front of the train station if you have time to kill. However, if you were here Saturday, the train leaves about an hour later, which may be why you had the longer wait. I am sorry, but we need to have the shuttle back to our office for other evening tours at 5pm. We want this tour to be a good overview of Amish culture (a 90-minute tour through the countryside with one stop). For those wishing a more in-depth, personal experience, then our 3-hour Visit-in-Person Tour is in order, and that would require renting a car or staying overnight (there is a hotel on property). While renting a car is not for everyone, it certainly does give you much more freedom. I hope by reading these comments folks visiting us will choose the option that works best for them.

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