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Пригоди на квадроциклах у горах Західного Мауї

Це півторагодинний тур на квадроциклах, який приведе вас на вершину долини, щоб побачити водоспади (сезонні) на відстані та з видом на острів. Потім ви спуститеся аж до океану і проїдете вздовж берегової лінії. Чудові види. Ви зустрінетеся на стоянці, а потім підете за своїм гідом на власному автомобілі до іншої частини ранчо вгору по гравійній дорозі до місця, де розташовані квадроцикли.
Місто: Мауї
Tue 24 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $187.50
Tue 24 Sep
Починаючи з $187.50
Що включено
Надаються шоломи та окуляри
Напої, зокрема вода, газована вода та сік, надаються безкоштовно
1,5-годинний тур на квадроциклах
Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлят і маленьких дітей можна перевозити в колясці
  • Дозволено з тваринами-поводинами
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендується для вагітних мандрівників
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Діти повинні бути в супроводі дорослого
  • Мінімальний вік для водіння - 16 років
  • Потрібно мати дійсне водійське посвідчення для керування
  • Обмеження ваги 400 фунтів
  • Надаються шоломи
  • Безкоштовні напої включають воду, газовану воду та сік
  • Потрібне закрите взуття. Рекомендовані довгі штани
  • 6-місний UTV, керований нашим гідом, доступний для водіїв віком до 16 років
  • Дотримується всіх правил і норм округу Мауї. Маски не потрібні.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (303)
Dec 2021
First, the operator didn’t have our reservation through Trip Advisor because “they never called us” to let them know it was booked - really? That’s how it works now? Fortunately, we called in advance and discovered the problem and after some drama they were able to “work us in” despite being sold out for weeks. Tour started an hour late. Parking is just off the road, but virtually unmarked and no indication that you’re at the right place. Shortly after the scheduled departure time someone drove by on an ATV and said they’d be back in 5 minutes to get us. 15 minutes later they showed up and had us drive up the road then turn onto a dirt road. Do not do this in a low riding car! Up the road to a remote shack next to an area with horses, presumably for horse tours. We loitered around for another half hour while they were preparing machines, sort of filling out paperwork, etc. Turns out, another couple’s reservation was messed up, too, and they didn’t have enough machines to accommodate them. They had to double up instead. All this while it was pouring out and we were standing in slippery mud. To their credit, they gave us thin plastic ponchos to wear. Eventually, we got going, parent, 22 yo daughter, and 16 yo son (with license - so he could operate one alone). The tour is basically the mechanized version of a horse tour. In other words, you go slowly along a trail, evenly spaced out, single file the whole way. Mostly between 5-10 MPH. Ironically, the rain made it a little more adventurous since you slipped around a bit. The trail basically goes from about 1,000’ up to about 2,500’ where you stop and look across at a beautiful view of a mountain and waterfall, and down into a valley. Then you go back down, pass through the departure point, and down to sea level where you stop and look over the ocean. Then retrace the trail back to the start, with a short section (about 20 seconds) where they let you open it up if you want. Overall it was enjoyable, just temper your expectations about the experience and the operation. You aren’t flying around, which seemed fine for a lot of less adventurous participants. Also, be sure to check your reservations in advance!
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2022
Yes this is a scenic guided tour and not a race track. We offer beautiful scenery, history and some adventure. You are on a mountainside with some drop offs and we pace our speed according to the terrain. For those more advanced riders that follow the safety rules we do have several areas where you are allowed to pick up speed and go as fast as you are comfortable. When a reservation is made thru a third party agency we have no control whether they overlooked confirming the reservation with Maui Mountain Activities or not especially during such a busy time. Once we realized Viator's error we contacted the customer immediately and gave them several options of extra ride times I could offer them or they could keep the same time but do a mixture of single ATVs and 2-seater side-by-sides which they chose. We tried to accommodate them every way possible. There is a half hour in which we allot for signing waivers, using restrooms, getting everyone fitted for helmets and googles and individual briefings on your ATVs. As far as the other party, they showed up a day early and rather then have then return again the next day we offered them vehicles that were available so they do the activity a day early. Safety may not be most important for some, but for Maui Mountain Activities safety is Number 1. We want our customers to take home some amazing memories without any injuries.
Dec 2021
The guides are great. Follow directions- they know what they are doing. We appreciate the love and support they showed our sister. It was not what we expected. The route is not for the meek. Looks easy, but its not. Much Aloha from the Lilo's, Lee's, and Hubbard.
Dec 2021
It was truly amazing! Our instructors were perfect! We have rain, shine, and wind. Definitely, a great experience. Everyone should book this tour!

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