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Пригоди на квадроциклах у горах Західного Мауї

Це півторагодинний тур на квадроциклах, який приведе вас на вершину долини, щоб побачити водоспади (сезонні) на відстані та з видом на острів. Потім ви спуститеся аж до океану і проїдете вздовж берегової лінії. Чудові види. Ви зустрінетеся на стоянці, а потім підете за своїм гідом на власному автомобілі до іншої частини ранчо вгору по гравійній дорозі до місця, де розташовані квадроцикли.
Місто: Мауї
Sun 29 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $187.50
Sun 29 Sep
Починаючи з $187.50
Що включено
Надаються шоломи та окуляри
Напої, зокрема вода, газована вода та сік, надаються безкоштовно
1,5-годинний тур на квадроциклах
Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлят і маленьких дітей можна перевозити в колясці
  • Дозволено з тваринами-поводинами
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендується для вагітних мандрівників
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Діти повинні бути в супроводі дорослого
  • Мінімальний вік для водіння - 16 років
  • Потрібно мати дійсне водійське посвідчення для керування
  • Обмеження ваги 400 фунтів
  • Надаються шоломи
  • Безкоштовні напої включають воду, газовану воду та сік
  • Потрібне закрите взуття. Рекомендовані довгі штани
  • 6-місний UTV, керований нашим гідом, доступний для водіїв віком до 16 років
  • Дотримується всіх правил і норм округу Мауї. Маски не потрібні.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (303)
Oct 2019
My wife and I had an absolute blast four-wheeling through the 400-acre family-owned Maui Mountain property! We booked a 2-hour ATV ride through our hotel concierge (Fairmont Kea Lani) and had an incredible time. After parking at the Maui Mountain property, we were driven by van up to the ranch area where the horses and ATVs are kept. We each had our own ATV and we followed a guide along a rugged dirt trail. The ATVs were powerful but not difficult to use. We stopped for pictures at several incredible lookout points, including the spot where an iconic scene from Jurassic Park was filmed. The scenery was unbeatable, and the guides were happy to take pictures for us. On the way down the mountain we also had an incredible view of the ocean and stopped for pictures on the cliffs above an ocean cave. Our guide pointed out local flora (for example, he showed us “sleeping grass” that wilts when you touch it, then “reawakens”) and gave us each a Lili koi fruit to try. The pace was generally calm, but at the end of the trip there were some opportunities to open up the throttle and really go fast. The family that runs Maui Mountain are clearly close and were very nice. Tips: Wear long pants and closed-toed shoes. Maui Mountain will provide helmets and goggles. (They have many different sizes of helmets; I needed a 3X and it was comfortable.) Expect to get very dusty! The tour proceeds in single-file, but they try to place more comfortable or experienced riders up front so they are free to go faster. There are a few points where the terrain is rugged and uneven, and you need to lean in the direction you are heading to keep your gravity centered. (If I had one criticism, it was that there are a few parts of the trail where they may need to add some dirt to level things out to minimize the risk of tipping over.) That said, our group had several senior citizens and they handled the ride. The ATVs have a small compartment to take along a drink, but bags and gear need to stay in the car or back at camp. The ranch area had portable restrooms with working sinks and had water and other refreshments for riders.
Oct 2019
Kristen was professional, polite, courteous, and kind. Selina was an excellent guide. The tour is fun and exciting. We had a blast.
Sep 2019
We just finished an ATV tour with Maui Mountain Activities and it was absolutely amazing!! If you are on the fence about booking, book it!! When we arrived we were greeted by Jimmy, who shared with us information regarding the luxurious 500 acre property. Once everyone arrived (horse and ATV tours) we were taken up to the main area of the property where we were greeted by Chris, 1 of the owners. To say Chris is a breath of fresh air would be an understatement. She exudes The Aloha Spirit and greeted us with cold drinks, making us feel part of her ranch family. She shared with us information about all her animals (horses, sheep, cats, dogs, rabbit, chickens, peacocks and more!) and you can feel the love she has for them through her passion! These animals are her world, regardless of the business aspect of the ranch. Derek was our guide for the morning and he made sure we had enough cold drinks to take on the trail, and gave us a safety briefing. I have never ridden an ATV before, but he made me feel comfortable and at ease with the machine (thy are VERY easy to use!). After a couple trial runs to get used to how the ATV works, we set out on our adventure. The property is stunningly beautiful, with many areas to stop and take beautiful pictures and soak in the scenery. Derek was knowledgeable about the island and shared many facts with us about the mountains, beaches, and native plants we were viewing. Towards the end of the ride there was an area we were able to go as fast as we felt comfortable, and my husband thoroughly enjoyed himself. If you are looking for a break from the beach and want to have a super fun time with some really wonderful people, call Maui Mountain Activities and book a tour, you will not be disappointed!

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