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Тури CraigCat від Backwater Adventure по 10 000 островів

Керуйте своїм власним катамараном на 2 особи по звивистих і захоплюючих водних шляхах 10 000 островів. Захоплення, спокій, гострі відчуття та інтимність в одній пригоді. Хоча це ніколи не гарантовано, цілком ймовірно, що ви побачите велику кількість дикої природи та морського життя, які населяють територію, на такій близькості, якої ви ніколи раніше не бачили! Оскільки ми працюємо понад 12 років, ми обіцяємо подарувати вам тур, який ви ніколи не забудете!
Місто: Неаполь
Sat 19 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $130.00
Sat 19 Oct
Починаючи з $130.00
Що включено
Усе необхідне обладнання USCG
Обізнаний гід
Безкоштовний кулер із бутильованою водою та льодом
Додаткова інформація
  • Неподалік є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Не рекомендовано вагітним мандрівникам
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Має бути віком від 5 років або старше, щоб бути пасажиром. Повинно бути віком від 18 років і мати дійсне водійське посвідчення для керування.
  • Потрібно, щоб на кожному судні було 2 особи (за винятком човна-гіда). Для груп з непарною кількістю учасників одна особа повинна їхати з гідом
  • Обмеження ваги становить 250 фунтів на особу (2 особи на човен) без винятків. Це не наша політика, а вага судна. Відшкодування не буде надано тим, хто з’явився на свій тур, не відповідаючи вимогам щодо ваги судна.
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати зони з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікувати між використаннями
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати транспортні засоби
  • Порадники повинні регулярно мити руки
  • Оплачувана політика перебування вдома для персоналу з симптомами
  • Безконтактні платежі за чайові та додатки
  • Гості не зобов’язані носити покривала для обличчя під час своєї діяльності, оскільки екскурсія забезпечує напівособистий і напівприватний досвід використання окремих суден, які належним чином розташовані одна від одної.
Чого очікувати
Острів Марко
Національний заповідник дикої природи «Десять тисяч островів».
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (395)
Rosario C
Apr 2016
If you are looking for something fun to do when you are in Naples or Marco Island, then try out a Craig Cat with Backwater Adventures. We took a 3 hour tour of 10,000 Islands and had a blast cursing around in our Craig Cat Catamaran.
Apr 2016
We went looking for an adventure to take on Marco Island, and we found it for sure. . . Jeff was AWESOME! My sister and her college friends went a few weeks before us and had an absolute blast, saying they learned a ton from their tour guide (Jeff). The little boats they give us our awesome, too. They are easy to handle and go a LOT faster than I expected. They can hit up to 30 mph. We did a Jetski tour on the island last year and this tour put it to shame! It's a much smaller group and the boats are much more comfortable than any Jetski could be. With 3 hours on our own personal boats, I have never seen the 10,000 islands like this before. I for sure recommend this to you no matter the age! The tour guides are excellent and it's the best way to tour the backwaters.
Carla R
Mar 2016
We took the trip last Saturday, we had 8 cats for 2 guides. Our trip started late, guide was rushed from last tour and then had to leave to get cameras. He promised us that we would get the full 3 hours on the water though, and we did, see below. After getting boats loaded we puttered around another half hour "learning" how to run the boats, while Jeff finished up on shore. Once we started out one boat struggled with following advice from Jeff and was sent back with other guide to give them a tour of the river. Jeff said they were just "old women" and couldn't handle the boat. I agree with Jeff that they struggled with the boat but derogatory comments shouldn't have been used, there were plenty of older people on the tour who handled the boats just fine. Jeff then took the other 7 boats out on his own. We essentially drove to an island looked at shells for half an hour and drove back. No time to see any wildlife. The best wildlife we saw was watching the dolphins play while sitting in the marina waiting for boats to be loaded and unloaded, so if you were last in and first out you didn't see much. If you just want to drive a cat this was a good trip for that. If you actually wanted to see wildlife the trip was too much driving to stop and see anything. One of the boats ran out of gas twice and Jeff told all the other boats to leave and sit several hundred yards away, as if our staying within shouting distance was a problem for him. One boat went back to see if they could help and Jeff chewed them out. Jeff's "I got this" wasn't apparent. The young girls in the boat said Jeff thought the gas tank had a leak or he said his coworker forgot to gas it up. When we got to the island Jeff told us to stay away from some campers there "have a little respect", was the phrase he used, then he went and sat with them and complained about how stupid some of his tourists were. Highly unprofessional. I know he was frustrated because of the number of boats and was rushed to begin with, but why not get some help? The owner came down to schmooze with us before trip, and to take pictures with the local lottery ticket winner who won the trip, who also was the boat who had to stay behind. Why couldn't the owner have helped Jeff problem solve? All the reviewers talk about him showing them wildlife and initially that seemed like the plan until 2 groups of 4 became one group of 7. None of us in our group of 4 thought the trip was good. We all agreed, if you like driving a little boat in a line up for 3 hours like a ride in Disney's It's a small world then you may like this, but for wildlife it's no good. We also felt their should have been another solution than the unpleasant trip we had. 12/14 passengers couldn't leave fast enough, though we were 70 minutes later back than expected so maybe that's why everyone walked off to their respective cars in silence. Also for 4 tickets it was $135/person plus tax plus a $28 service fee "for booking on the internet" though I called and booked our tickets by phone. All in all not a good experience. Hopefully an anomaly for this company but we clearly didn't have the trip the others describe.
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2019
Hello! I realize this is a few years late BUT...I wanted to inform you, and anyone else that may see this review, that Backwater Adventure is under new management and supervision and has new, more professional oriented but also fun and exciting guides. I am very sorry that you did not have the experience you should have and hope to extend a hand in to welcoming you to a completely different experience we have now offered and accommodated for thousands of people in just the last 2 years of me being here. We have made adjustments to our route to give the greatest views while cruising along and although we can never promise seeing any type of wild or marine life, it is extremely common that we get up close and personal with some of the local inhabitants of the area. I absolutely agree that the circumstances of your tour should have been handled much differently, which is why I have restructured our tours and trained our guides to be able to avoid difficult situations or to be able to handle difficult situations quickly and professionally at all times. Give us a call or shoot us an email, I would love to speak with you and perhaps get you on a tour to show you how much we have changed and improved!

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