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Біолюмінесцентний нічний тур на байдарках до заповідника на острові Мерітт

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Місто: Какао Біч
Sat 08 Mar
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Починаючи з $80.00
Sat 08 Mar
Починаючи з $80.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (511)
Donnie S
Aug 2018
We did the 11:30 PM trip on Friday w/ a new moon out of Beacon 42. It was amazing. This was our second time doing this trip. We thought it was great last year, but this year blew it away. We had the bioluminescence lighting up the water below us and the shooting stars from the Perseid meteor shower above us. In reality, I saw about 8 shooting stars in less than 1 1/2 hours. Hundreds of jumping mullet helped to illuminate the water. The tour guides (male & female; forgot their names) were very informative and courteous.
Susan H
Aug 2018
This trip was one of the hi-lights of my Florida vacation/ work conference. I have always been interested in bioluminescent phenomenon so when I saw that there was a kayaking tour about 1 1/2 hours from where I was staying in Orlando, my friends and I decided to go. We were not certain what to expect but were wowed by the experience. The tour begins at sunset. Another reviewer commented on the bugs- yes it’s buggy. You’re on a river in Florida. The information mentions that bug spray is recommended as do the people on the phone if you call. We were not surprised at the necessity because we were well informed. Take it and use it! The area allows for lots of wildlife encounters if you’re lucky. We saw small alligators, manatee, osprey, crabs and of course bioluminescent flagellates and Cone Jellies. If you have ever kayaked before you will have no trouble. If you haven’t you will probably be ok too. The water is very calm with little current. You won’t get tossed around, but at times you will be paddling a lot. Our guides were great about having us slow down so the group stayed together. They were informative, and quite funny too.
Lissie S
Aug 2018
My dad and I saw this activity online and were super excited about it. But, the description leaves out some important details. We booked three spots one for me, my mother, and my father. I’m not a teenager, I’m actually 24 years old but there was no option under the type of visit. Online the website said to pack bug spray for protection from bugs. They also said to wear shorts and sandals (horrible advice). So each of us wore shorts and sandals. Finding the place was very difficult and we got lost a couple of times. I called the office and a nice woman answered and tried to help us figure out where to go but the service was so bad out in the wilderness we had to guess our way to the site. When we finally arrived my mother and I stepped out of the car and were immediately bitten, so we sprayed the bug spray on inside of the car. We literally sprayed ourselves 6x all over to make sure we weren’t bitten by the evil minions. However, the spray had little to no effect. We had to wait by the water for another group to shove off and as we were waiting, my family and I were being swarmed by bugs and stung repeatedly with no end. It was chaos. We would run around and jog in place to avoid the bugs, but there was no success. The tour guide told us that there would be less bugs once we were on the water, but this was not true. Because I was wearing shorts and sandals (like they recommended online) I ended up completely covered in mosquito and fly bites from head to toe. The bugs left no piece of skin untouched. I literally had bites ON bites. My mother’s toes and ankles were so swollen it hurt to walk the next day. They even bit us through our clothes and crawled into our clothes too. It was horrible. I had to paddle the canoe and try to focus on moving correctly while being bitten constantly. I wasn’t able to even pay attention to the tour guide because I was in so much pain. The canoe I was in also began to fill up with water and we were beginning to sink. The bioluminescence was barely visible, and there was no wildlife in site. The tour guides were nice but this trip is definitely not worth your time or money. They are not honest about the severity of the bugs on this trip and should have better recommendations regarding safety. What’s interesting is that one of the tour guides was wearing long sleeves on the top and bottom as well as closed toe shoes...they know it’s really bad but they don’t tell anyone so people can at least prepare for the trip. They also recommended wearing bathing suits...we would have died if we did. Also, I have 400+ bites (arms and legs) I have bites on my face, neck, chest, feet, stomach, and back. Pictures of legs and arms below.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2018
DEAR PUBLIC - There is nowhere on our website, or in our email correspondences that recommends wearing shorts or bathing suits. We recommend wearing "Quick-Dry Clothing" and "Water/River Shoes." This recommendation has been on our website for over 2 years. It says the same in our email confirmation letters. The Bioluminescence in August 2018 has been so bright that news channels have come to video it. So, we are not sure why this particular guest saw none. Perhaps because of the battle with the mosquitoes, her attention was distracted for the entire 1.5 hours on the water. There are mosquitoes around every body of water in Florida, and it should be expected. They can be especially prevalent around the Wildlife Refuge in summer where the bioluminescence is brightest. We do our best to tell everyone to cover-up and wear insect repellent. MOST people have a great time on this tour, which is reflected in the majority of reviews. If you are particularly sensitive to insect bites, and not the outdoorsy type, this is not the tour for you. We recommend something else. If you are ok with covering up, and using some insect spray - this is a fantastic time and place to see bioluminescence!

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