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Каліфорнійська пустеля, знак Червоної скелі та сім чарівних гір

Каліфорнійська пустеля Мохаве - найвідоміша пустеля в США. Насолоджуйтеся чудовими краєвидами.

Ви проїдете повз національний заповідник Red Rock Canyon на дорозі Blue Diamond і зупинитеся, щоб отримати чудові можливості для фотографій. Чудові види.
Місто: Лас-Вегас
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $109.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $109.00
Що включено
Вода в пляшках
Додаткова інформація
  • Доступні спеціальні дитячі крісла
  • Підходять для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
Чого очікувати
Сім чарівних гір
Оглядова екскурсія. Унікальне місце. Чудові пам'ятники.
Каліфорнійська пустеля
Дослідіть Каліфорнійську пустелю.
Блакитний діамант
Огляд визначних пам'яток і короткий похід у Blue Diamond з чудовими видами на каньйон Red Rock.
Політика скасування
Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (103)
Mar 2022
We booked a day before our tour, and received clear instructions (by text) on location, time of pick up, who our tour guide would be, and what vehicle to look for. We lucked out and got Mark, who is probably the BEST tour guide we’ve ever had! He made an already great experience even better. Thank you Mark!!
Mar 2022
We were in two 15 passenger vans and it was very crowded with large adults. Robert our driver was very nice but Mark the other driver with the two girls and the phone's was very rude to my staff and to my Travelers he made it sound like it was all their fault that he had to go back. He kept saying it wasn't his fault it wasn't his fault he was willing to accommodate two young girls but not my eight adults with developmental disabilities they stood outside for a good 20 minutes and the cold wind waiting for him to return
Відповідь від хоста
Mar 2022
Mark should not accept your group when you arrived with wheelchair. We don't accept wheelchair. He made you a favor. You should be glad.
Mar 2022
Our bus driver with a group of eight adults with developmental disabilities and two young girls was left standing in the cold freezing to death while he took the girls back to the visitor center to look for their telephone. He didn't bother to tell us he was leaving he just took off it was several minutes before he came back and he was very rude to the staff tell them that they did not accommodate people with disabilities and that he didn't have a choice but to go get their phones because they had paid for the trip. He also said that because of our folks they missed some hiking opportunities and they were going to have to take them on an extended tour. This was not a hiking tour it was sightseeing
Відповідь від хоста
Mar 2022
Mark should not accept your group when you arrived with wheelchair. We don't accept wheelchair. He made you a favor. You should be glad.

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