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Круїз на озері Мічиган з фірмовою вечерею в Чикаго

Відсвяткуйте вечір у Чикаго з вечерею та оглядом визначних пам'яток на борту тригодинного розкішного круїзу по озеру Мічіган. Подивіться на найпопулярніші пам’ятки Чикаго, як-от Неві-Пір, Солдат-Філд тощо, під час обіду за розкішним шведським столом, який можна з’їсти! Подивіться захоплюючі краєвиди Чикаго та послухайте веселу музику!
Місто: Чикаго
Wed 23 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $122.80
Wed 23 Oct
Починаючи з $122.80
Що включено
Фонова музика, куратор ді-джея
Смачна вечеря "шведський стіл" зі свіжоприготованими основними стравами, салатами та десертами.
Гарний вид на набережну
2,5 години круїзу по озеру Мічіган
Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлят і маленьких дітей можна катати в колясці або колясці
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Дрес-код: smart casual. Під час круїзу заборонено носити джинси, шорти, майки, безрукавки, кеди чи шльопанці.
  • У всіх внутрішніх приміщеннях судна заборонено палити. Гості, які палять, можуть робити це лише на відкритих оглядових майданчиках.
  • Місця гарантуються лише разом, якщо кількість квитків підтверджена в цьому ваучері. Бронювання не можна об’єднувати.
Чого очікувати
Солдатське поле
Солдатське поле
ВМС Пірс
ВМС Пірс
Букінгемський фонтан
Букінгемський фонтан
Політика скасування
Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (194)
Sep 2021
I booked this dinner cruise to help my husband and I get out of the pandemic doldrums... we needed something different and uplifting. We rushed to get to the Pier for the 5pm departure but due to traffic we arrived at about 5:03pm. My husband ran to the ship and I was close behind him. There were 2 staffers and they didn't speak to us, and no people were on the bridge, so we were perplexed. We asked if we could come aboard. One said nothing the other said no and began removing ropes and preparing for disembarkment. As we were talking to the guy, about 15 people arrived who also were supposed to be in the ship. They were also told they could not come aboard. Apparently 5pm was not the boarding time but the time the bridge would be drawn and doors closed! That wasn't communicated well. I admit that we were 3 minutes late but they literally looked at and talked to us for at least 10 minutes! In the end about 20 people had missed the boat and were left trying to figure out what to do. The representative at the booth said we had to go back to whomever we booked with to see if we could get the next ship or a refund. I called Viator and was told there was no way to transfer the reservation to the next ship and it would take 7-10 business days for someone to get back to me regarding a refund. It has been 10 days. I haven't heard from anyone.
Aug 2021
The food was deliscoius and the scenic views of the city were amazing. The crew was very friendly and the boat was very clean.
Aug 2021
I arrived on time to the ticket window and walked down to where the boat was docked. Upon arrival a crew member was standing there and refused to let us on. There approximately 15 other people there as well , with tickets , that he would not let on! He stated we were to late. (I looked at my clock and it was 5:01. ) All the passengers who were not allowed on board stood on the dock for another 15 min while the boat was docked, and the crew members just looked at us from above. Such horrible customer service and left such a bad taste in my mouth for Chicago. I planned this trip months ago and this dinner cruise was a surprise. So disgusted and disappointed with hw we were treated ! Do the crew remembers get to take home the left over food if people don't show ? ! Im pretty clueless as to why this happened. There is a non-refundable policy , but I will be fighting for my $300 since we were victims of this unfair treatment !

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