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На вибір клієнта: середньовічний музей тортур + аудіогід + полювання на привидів

Це поєднання нашого середньовічного музею тортур і Ghost Haunting Experience, а також аудіогід для музею.
Місто: Святий Августин
Sat 19 Oct
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Починаючи з $19.99
Sat 19 Oct
Починаючи з $19.99
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Св. Августина
Св. Георгія, 100, 2-й поверх
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  • Дозволено перевезення тварин-поводир
  • Поруч є громадський транспорт
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Чого очікувати
Середньовічний музей тортур
Середньовічний музей тортур + полювання на привидів
Політика скасування
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (343)
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Oct 2019
This place was awesome and defiantly worth the time! Carla helped us and it was fast and easy and we completely love it! Thank you!
Sep 2019
First, the displays are not for the eyes of children or anyone easily frightened or disturbed. Having said that, my experience of this museum with three of my friends proved less than enlightening. First, the tortures depicted--with life-size dummies--are not all Medieval. Some date back 3500 years or more (sawing in half and the bronze bull), some are only found in Horror literature by various writers such as Poe (the pendulum), some were used by secular judicial systems despite Catholic mandates and bulls against torture, quite a few are heinous fabrications of the Lutheran "Black Legend" against the Catholic Church, some were used by the far more violent Protestants of the Pre-Modern period of history (the wheel for example), some are not torture at all but executions (hanging as well as beheading with the ax, sword, and guillotine) and at least one--the flaying of the man--was primarily a torture used by a number of American Indian tribes against other Indians and colonials. Burning at the stake was a common execution for alleged witches, but do note that dark-minded Protestants employed this method much more than did Catholics (those burning Joan of Arc at the stake [a common Roman execution along with crucifixion] were secular authorities acting against the will of the Church). Too, the 'pear of anguish' and the 'iron maiden', among other depicted devices, were never used at all; and the chastity belt and various anti-masturbation devices were likely only employed by lunatics, and rarely. So, what we have here is indeed a torture museum, but it is 1/3 literary fantasy, 1/3 Medieval (mostly secular institutions against Catholic Christian belief and sentiment), and 1/3 libelous fabrications of Lutherans against a so-called "Spanish Inquisition" which, in its 350 years of operation only killed, and always accidentally, 350 people. So, if you like blood and gore and horror for the sake of them, and you really don't want to know the truth, then I do, after all, recommend this museum. But, if you love truth and light and goodness and expect to get clear answers at this overpriced establishment, you are warned that you will be wasting your time and money. All that said, the man who sold us our tickets was soft-spoken even while he up-sold us extra tickets to the micro-art section of the museum, which would really only be of interest to visual artists and those who love visual art. None of us spent much time with the microscopes. My three buddies and myself, by the way, all instruct at the collegiate level Medieval theology, literature, Colonialism, and other aspects of Pre-Modern culture.
Sep 2019
This was a very informative and well laid out museum. I will say that for those interested in the subject, they will probably enjoy. I do not recommend this for kids or for the faint of heart as it can get gruesome. The micro masterpieces exhibit is something you can skip.

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