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Ми є справжньою компанією Eco Tour у штаті Каліфорнія, яка використовує фургони та мулів для подорожей стародавньою пустелею. Вам доведеться їхати в Колорадо чи Монтану влітку, щоб зробити щось подібне. Справді унікальний західний досвід. Де у світі можна взяти екскурсію на фургоні, запряженому мулами, у пустелю? Не де, як тут!

Ми представляємо собою справжній і унікальний тур по пустелі, який демонструє природну флору і фауну екосистеми пустелі Палм-Спрінгс. Наші живі розваги професійні та дуже приємні. Ми пропонуємо додаткові уроки танців, ігри та смачну їжу. Найбільш інклюзивний і захоплюючий досвід пустелі в долині Коачелла. Пригодницький, повчальний, красивий, унікальний, веселий, смачний, щасливий, Hallmark Movie – це те, що ми описали в наших оглядах! Старі добрі часи все ще тут, у Covered Wagons!
Місто: Палм-Спрінгс
Sat 19 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $129.00
Sat 19 Oct
Починаючи з $129.00
Що включено
Грудинка, копчена курка, свіжий салат з капусти, запечена квасоля, десерт зі свіжого хліба, лимонад, холодний чай і ви можете приносити власні напої для дорослих!
Усі збори та податки
Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлят і маленьких дітей можна катати в колясці чи колясці
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (35)
Apr 2021
This is a real gem of an experience. I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into when I booked but I was really glad I did! Sometimes it's hard to find a kid-friendly experience in Palm Springs and I was glad to come across a small blurb describing this experience. I decided to take a chance and book for my kiddo and I towards the tail end of a week long trip. We arrived at 6pm and were treated to a rope and gun slinging show by a cowgirl. We grabbed lemonade and ice tea at their "saloon" and enjoyed our drinks on festive tables set up outside of a main dining tent. The cowgirl was entertaining for both kids and adults. We boarded our covered wagon and set off for an drive in the desert. The views of the desert and the sky were amazing as the sun began to set! Our guide was super knowledgeable telling us history and facts. We stopped in a desert oasis and had about 15-20 minutes to take pictures and roam in this area. The guide mingled with groups telling them more facts. We even got to meet the two mules who pulled our wagon and took pictures. The ride back was just gorgeous! It was so peaceful, just the kind of relaxation us city slickers need! We got back to our starting point and they had the group participate in a barn dance dance! So much fun! Then we grubbed on some amazing BBQ. My daughter usually only grazes her food but she ate the whole plate! You could eat under the tent or on tables outside the tent depending your Covid comfort level. There was some awesome music while we ate. Afterward, we went out by the big fire pit and roasted marshmallows and enjoyed the night sky. Since it was close to Easter they even had some surprises for the kids. This is an awesome experience for all. Everyone was having a good time and my kid even said that this was the favorite thing we did all week! Doesn't get a higher review than that! We would totally do this experience again! Right now they are booking in Thursday's and Saturday's. Do it soon because they close down when the heat gets too hot. Also, as for their location do not use the directions it will go to the wrong place. They are out in the desert so there is no exact pin. They will call you a day or two before to give directions. Make sure to write them down!
Mar 2021
What a fun trip. We started with the covered wagon portion and the driver gave us a full rundown of the desert vegetation, the San Andreas fault and wildlife. Then on to music with a great singer, roper and gun slinger. The bar-b-que was EXCELLENT! Lots of dancing and singing. Staff went above and beyond. We're definitely coming back. Can't say enough about these guys.
Feb 2021
Fantastic family activity for the whole family. From the horse shoe toss, lasso rope, wagon ride, live Western musician, line dancing, dinner and marshmallows at the bon fire, this has been one of the BEST activities during covid. A pleasant surprise during a Palm Springs visit.

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