My husband is at a conference and I decided I wanted to explore the area a when I saw the positive reviews for WPBFT I opted to give it a try. I'm so glad I did! Usually, tours are 12-14 people, but it was a small group today of just three of us and we had a blast. The restaurants we went to were out of the way spots, so even though the other two women on the tour were locals, they had not tried any of the restaurants on the tour. Every stop offered friendly hosts, visits with the chefs, and tasty morsels. Along the way, our tour guide, Kelly, was very friendly, authentic, and outgoing. She stopped us occasionally and shared bits and pieces of West Palm Beach history. Overall, she made our time together very informative and enjoyable. It was great to have the little walking breaks between courses, but even then I got so full! I would highly recommend this is a wonderful way to get to see West Palm and experience just a hint of the area's culinary offerings.