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Екскурсія Foothills Explorer з Денвера

Aspire Tours спеціалізується на динамічних та власноруч створених екскурсіях для невеликих груп у Скелястих горах Колорадо. Наші місцеві п’ятизіркові гіди створюють захоплюючі враження, щоб допомогти вам створити значущі моменти спілкування з людьми та місцями.

Познайомтеся з Колорадо в його найбільшій красі під час південного туру до амфітеатру Red Rocks і передгір’я Скелястих гір. Відключіться на кілька годин і насолоджуйтесь поїздкою мальовничою петлею Ларіат на висококласному транспортному засобі, з якого відкриваються панорамні краєвиди на милі. Стійте високо на вершині гори Лукаут, вдихаючи свіже гірське повітря та насолоджуючись 300 сонячними днями Колорадо.

Основні моменти

- Мальовничі краєвиди
- Невелика група гарантує інтимні враження
- Захоплення путівники
- Комфортні та безпечні фургони

Місто: Денвер
Sun 20 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $69.00
Sun 20 Oct
Починаючи з $69.00
Що включено
Доповнення водою - візьміть з собою багаторазові пляшки
Додаткова інформація
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Мінімальний вік становить 8 років. Дітям до 8 років заборонено, якщо це не дозволено екскурсоводом оператор.
  • Залежить від погодних умов. У разі скасування через несприятливі погодні умови буде запропонована альтернативна дата або повне повернення коштів
  • Зверніть увагу, що взимку видимість може бути обмежена через сніг. Ми гнучко ставимося до нашої політики скасування, якщо очікується сніг, і раді перенести час, якщо погода буде кращою на інший день.
  • Тварини-поводирі заборонені
  • Транспортні засоби регулярно дезінфікуються
  • li>
  • Потрібні маски
Чого очікувати
Станція Denver Union
Підібрати локацію
Парк і амфітеатр Червоні скелі
Насолоджуйтесь знайомством з одним із найвідоміших музичних закладів у світі.
Мальовнича поїздка по каньйону
Національна мальовнича дорога Ларіат Луп
Національний мальовничий шлях.
Перерва на каву та туалет
Оглядова гора
Лукаут-Маунтін — це передгір’я на східному схилі Переднього хребта Скелястих гір.
Музей і могила Буффало Білла
Зупинка для огляду та відвідування могили за бажанням
Пройдіть через історичне західне місто
Гірські парки Денвера
Заповідна зона
Show 6 більше зупинок
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (1000)
May 2018
I booked this tour for a corporate group of 30 people as a Friday afternoon activity. It rained on our tour day and the company was being good about adjusting the route/tour due to the inclement weather. However, the execution of the tour did not meet our expectations. We thought that Roger did a great job of providing information and fun facts about Denver, CO he was very knowledgeable and friendly with our guests. However the bus did not have a microphone so guests in the back of the bus could not hear very well, there needs to be a microphone for the tour guide to ensure everyone can hear clearly. The lunch setup was not what we expected and we were disappointed with the lack of organization by the support staff person onsite. He did not have the lunch setup correctly, he only put out the sandwiches and none of the other items we ordered such as the chips, cookies, fruit, plates, and granola bars etc. until I asked where these items were. He forgot a box on the bus that had these items. It would have been beneficial to have him arrive 15-20mins ahead of the group so that he wasn’t scrambling to setup while the group was there. Furthermore, the sandwiches were not labeled which made it even more disorganized and chaotic as people had to open the sandwiches to see what kind of sandwich it was and then trying to trade sandwiches if they didn't like what they got, as opposed to being able to just grab the selection they wanted if they were labeled. This is not what we expected. They had big party-size bags of chips that everyone had to share instead of mini bags of chips that people could easily grab which was also not what we expected and did not go over well with the group, it was messy and again felt chaotic because each person had to wait to take out the chips they wanted from the same bag. There were no napkins provided for lunch which I think is a necessity when eating a sandwich with your hands, I had to ask for these and we ended up having to use paper towel which again was not what we expected. Aside from the lunch setup issues, the biggest issue we had was that we were not informed about the graduation ceremonies at Red Rocks which we feel the tour company should have known about well in advance and we should have been informed of this prior to us booking as oppose to letting us know one day prior to our tour. Our guests were disappointed that they did not get the see the amphitheater which was supposed to be one of the highlights of this tour that we advertised. We would have completely understood if it was due to the rain that Red Rocks was closed, but the fact that it was due to a scheduled event (graduation) and even if we had beautiful weather our group still would not have had the opportunity to see the amphitheater was very disappointing and that was not the experience we paid for. Also I communicated to tour company and the guides multiple times that our group needs to be back at the hotel for 3:30 p.m. due to flight times and the tour did not arrive back at the hotel until about 4:00 p.m. Thankfully our guests flights were delayed, however had that not been the case, they would have missed their flights. I sent this feedback to the tour company contact I had been planning with via email and it has been almost a week and no one has reached out or replied back to me with any sort of response. Disappointing.
Joe S
May 2018
I highly recommend this tour as a starting point!! As said in previous reviews, we made our way through Red Rocks, Evergreen, Lookout, and Golden. I would highly recommend it as a starting point to anyone who hasn't been to Denver before (like me). You don't spend a great deal of time at any one place (20 – 25 minutes), but that was the beauty of it for me. We took this tour on 5/22/18 with our hearty international group of eight people. Four Americans, two Australians, and two Brazilians made up our van. Things started out well and ended well! Two tours were running concurrently (Rocky Mountains/Foothills) that met at Union Station. The first guide began to collect the various group members and separate them into their respective groups at 8:45 am for 9 am departures. A few moments later, we were introduced to Cory who would be our tour guide. Cory was a great tour guide and brought a lot to the tour with his good nature and enthusiasm for what he was doing. He seemed quite knowledgeable! If you are in the Denver area for a short time, it gives you an overview. If you have a more time, then you have a great idea of the places you would like to revisit and spend more quality time or see again on another trip. Gets your mind thinking outside the immediate downtown Denver trappings and seeing other places. The tour vehicle was a large Mercedes van. It provided a very good ride for the tour. I am 6'5 and had no problems.
May 2018
We only had time for a half day morning trip and we were delighted to find this tour that had late availability. We thoroughly enjoyed our brief exploration of the foothills, including Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Evergreen and Look Out Mountain. Our tour guide, Ashley, was excellent - she had a lovely, friendly manner but was extremely efficient and provided lots of intelligent and perceptive information. You knew she fully understood and loved the area and wasn't just reciting facts she'd read somewhere. Thoroughly recommend this tour if you only have a half day. I would love to go back and do a whole day tour with the same tour guide.

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