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Рафтинг на річці Йеллоустоун на цілий день

Ця рафтингова подорож на цілий день приведе вас у 5-годинну 18-мильну пригоду річкою Єллоустоун і каньйоном Янкі-Джима, зупиняючись по дорозі на пікнік.
Місто: Гардінер
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $160.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $160.00
Що включено
Гідрокостюми, водяні черевики, куртки для бризок
Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із травмами хребта
  • Мандрівники повинні мати щонайменше середнього рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Діти повинні бути в супроводі дорослих
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (117)
Aug 2019
We enjoyed rafting with our guide Hayden whose terrible jokes entertained us during the smooth water parts. We had good company among other rafters as well. I believe the Rapids are Class 2 and 3 so you might want a different tour for something wilder. We got plenty wet and had fun. An unexpected accident during a lunch stop left me with a dislocated ankle and broken foot. Between guides Hayden and Cole, and the family of 4 with us, the provided first aid, carried me to the raft and got me to the next pullout. A staff member (Brooke?) met us there with ice packs and bottled water while waited for the ambulance. Even more impressive was when Thomas, the owner, drove my car all the way to the hospital in Livingston, waited for my release, then drove us to our hotel in West Yellowstone where Cole met him for the ride back to Gardiner. Things like this are extremely rare but they handled it like the pros they are. I've never been more impressed! I highly recommend Wild West Rafting for any adventure they offer.
Aug 2019
Our family booked the full-day rafting trip with Wild West Rafting in August 2019. We were a diverse group in age--6 people from 5 to 70--and we all came away delighted with the experience. We consider it very good value for the cost. Our guide, one of two Pats, was knowledgeable, relaxed, and thankfully patient with our two rowdy boys (ages 5 and 8), even letting them try the large oars in a calm stretch and sit up front. We saw a herd of pronghorns, many osprey and smaller birds, a marmot, and lots of interesting geology. We were late in the season, with the river at c. 3,000 cubic feet/second (against a typical max of 18,000 cfs), so the fastest areas weren't super fast, but they got us plenty wet and laughing and everyone had a good time. A few other points that may interest readers: --The lunch stop was an appropriate duration to dry us off in preparation for the afternoon journey, but not too long. The food was good and they can cater for dietary requirements. --There was busing to and from the river, so minimal walking (about 100 feet max elevation loss and less than that of gain). --Boat shoes and life vests were provided. --There was an opportunity to swim off the side of the raft for folks who were interested. --I recommend taking the loaner windbreaker even if it looks like a warm day and you don't wear it at first. You never know when clouds/wind may come up, and you'll be wet.
Arlene S
Aug 2019
Boone was our guide and he really knew what he was doing! He was fun ,sarcastic and super knowledgeable. Our family of 9 had a great time and we highly recommend Boone and Wild West for a rafting adventure! Thanks again Boone!!

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