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Рафтинг на цілий день

Втечіть у насичений веселощами день на рафтингу. Поряд із захоплюючою білою водою ви відчуєте теплу річку Салмон з її прекрасними басейнами для купання та відпочинку. Слухайте відомості про річку та історію від наших професійних гідів-любителів під час подорожі 20 милями «Ріки неповернення». Дозвольте безтурботності каньйону та гострим хвилюванням білої води відвести вас і вашу родину від буденності. Насолоджуйтеся веселими іграми на пляжі, купанням або прийняттям сонячних ванн, поки ваші гіди готують вишуканий обід на одному з пляжів з білим піском.
Місто: МакКолл
Mon 09 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $120.90
Mon 09 Sep
Починаючи з $120.90
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Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
  • Підходить для всіх Рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Діти повинні бути в супроводі дорослого
  • Будь ласка, повідомте будь-які конкретні дієтичні вимоги під час бронювання
  • Доступний вегетаріанський варіант, будь ласка, повідомте вчасно бронювання, якщо потрібно
Політика скасування
Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (144)
Jul 2011
Our family of seven, including five boys ages 6-16, thoroughly enjoyed our rafting experience with Mountain River Outfitters. We ended up in Riggins by chance and didn't have any set plans. On the spur of the moment, I was able to book a half-day outing with MRO. Everything in the office was handled efficiently, and our guide, Liam, was terrific. We would've loved to extend the trip by several hours, and next time around we'll book a full day or more. The Salmon River rapids were great, too. Just enough to get my teens pumped, while not overwhelming my youngest son. The half-day excursion lasts a few hours and includes a brief stop to get out and stretch the legs, appreciate the surroundings, and learn a bit about the mining history of the area. Snacks and drinks were offered, including cookies baked fresh that morning. Nice touch! There are a myriad of rafting outfits in Riggins. We're impressed with MRO and will recommend it to others and use it again ourselves.
Aug 2010
Traveled with husband and Best Friends for a Snake river rafting trip through Hells Canyon Aug 14-21st. Liam was our guide and he was wonderful as well as the other guides Jeff, Jesse, john, Peter , Mike and Heather. Fantastic food, Great White Water if you go BIG as Liam said and great fishing!!! all provided by the best river guides in Idaho! Thanks for the memories!!! We will definetly go back!!
Aug 2010
I will start with the only negative about this trip and that was that we had booked this rafting trip with Northwest Voyageurs only to find out that we were subcontracted to travel the river with MRO (Mountain River Outfitters) and that we paid $30.00 more than all those around us because they went directly though MRO. Just go with the BEST the first time! We had 10 people in our party and were very please with the 2 river guides that we got (John and Jessie) John was the guide for our boat of 5 so I can talk more about all the wonderful things he did for us. We started out the trip on a gentle float while he started explaining the local stories and legends of the river, which he continued throughout the entire trip. We then experienced a few smaller rapids before a wonderful lunch on a small beach on the river. (no chairs so have to sit on the sand) Lunch was a wonderful chicken curry wrap and potato salad/pasta salad. It was very nice and much better than deli sandwiches that we expected. After lunch was the FUN part. We had larger rapids (class III and maybe a IV) and many more of them from that point on. We did go when the river was at a fairly low level so the rapids were not as big (nor as dangerous) as they would normally be in June or July. We had expected a bit larger rapids but didn't know until we got there that we were on the tail end of the season. It's good to know that if you want a fun but more safe trip you should go in August. We plan on going back next July and will specifically request JOHN to be our guide. We completely trusted him and feel he was extremely knowledgeable and knew his job very well.

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