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Привиди та екскурсія по кладовищу Пенсаколи

Будинки з привидами, привиди, моторошні цвинтарі – відчуйте неперевершений, дорослий Хелловін у Пенсаколі з Go Retro. Цей тур охоплює широку територію із зупинками в комерційному діловому районі, Севільї, Сандерс-Біч, Північному та Вест-Хілл. Ви навіть відвідуєте цвинтар! Він розрахований на дорослу аудиторію; тому рекомендується нагляд батьків.
Місто: Пенсакола
Tue 24 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $25.00
Tue 24 Sep
Починаючи з $25.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (144)
Apr 2019
It really isn’t a ghost tour. It’s more like a history of Pensacola houses and 1 graveyard tour. The driver, Mr. Leeroy, was fantastic; The hokey video that you watch the entire ride, not-so-much. The tour would have been much better if Mr. Leeroy was allowed to do all the talking because he is fantastic. He said the video is for safety reasons, which we understand, but that video was awful. You stop outside of supposedly “haunted” homes, you do not get to go in and there is a brief stop at a cemetery where you get to finally get off the bus but you’re there less than 10 minutes. Our advice to the company would be to let Mr. Leeroy talk and ditch the video. He is way more entertaining and knowledgeable.
Mar 2019
Leeroy took us all around Pensacola on a bus tour entitled "Ghosts and Graveyards". Leeroy was an amazing host with great insight into the area and was very kind, friendly, and accommodating. We were driven by many homes and places that were reportedly haunted and it was a great way to see a lot of the city in a short amount of time. The homes and places were beautiful. We simply were not prepared for the tour to be given via a video playing and narrating throughout the trip. Additionally, the video itself was kind of "punny" and full of "dad jokes." It was kind of too lighthearted and silly to be taken seriously as a ghost tour. We understood that the video was largely to make the trip safer so that Leeroy could focus on driving--but really hearing his commentary would have been so much more interesting!
Mar 2019
Lee Roy was our guide for this tour and was a great host. We’d highly recommend him! This was one of the longer such tours we’ve been on, so a good value for the price. My kids thought the video presentation was a little corny (which it was), but the substance of it was very interesting as far as the history of Pensacola as well as the supernatural lore of the city. Overall, a fun way to spend a couple of hours in Pensacola and well worth the time and money.

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