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Фірмова екскурсія на Хаммері Гранд-Каньйоном із краєвидами на захід сонця

Відвідайте Гранд-Каньйон на 2-годинному турі на Хаммері. Пригода починається, коли ви сідаєте на Hummer, спеціально розроблений для огляду визначних пам’яток. Кожен Hummer може вмістити 13 пасажирів, а сидіння в стадіонному стилі забезпечують чудовий вид з усіх місць. Подорожуйте до деяких із найпопулярніших оглядових точок, які може запропонувати парк, і дізнайтеся цікаві факти про його історію, оскільки водій/гід коментує від точки до точки. Не забудьте зафіксувати дивовижні краєвиди цього унікального Гранд-Каньйону!
Місто: Національний парк Гранд-Каньйон
Thu 26 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $114.99
Thu 26 Sep
Починаючи з $114.99
Що включено
Індивідуальний огляд визначних пам'яток Hummer (на відкритому повітрі в теплі місяці; закритий в холодні місяці)
Кожен Hummer вміщує 13 пасажирів
Чудові фото можливості
Кілька зупинок у Національному парку Гранд-Каньйон
Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в колясці або колясці
  • Доступні спеціальні дитячі крісла
  • Підходять для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Діти має бути в супроводі дорослого
  • Дитячі/дитячі крісла надаються за запитом
  • Дрес-код: стильний повсякденний одяг
  • Можна розмістити інвалідні візки, які можна скласти та зберігати у цьому турі.
  • Цей тур відбувається в Національному парку Гранд-Каньйон і не включає трансфер із Лас-Вегаса (приблизно 5 годин їзди).
  • Якщо ви зареєструєтесь у У нашому офісі ми розташовані за адресою 469 State Route 64 Tusayan AZ 86023, ДО того, як ви дійдете до входу в національний парк. Ми НЕ знаходимось у Гранд-Каньйон-Віллідж.
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати зони з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікувати між використаннями
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати транспортні засоби
  • Порадники повинні регулярно мити руки
  • Маски: NPS визначає, коли маски потрібні в Hummers. Вимоги можуть змінюватися щотижня.
Чого очікувати
Національний парк Гранд-Каньйон
Ми відвідаємо 3-4 оглядові точки в Національному парку Гранд-Каньйон Саут-Рим. На кожній оглядовій точці гості досліджуватимуть місцевість із достатньою кількістю часу для фотографій.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (912)
May 2022
This tour was one of the highlights of our vacation to the Grand Canyon. Our torur guide "Alice" was fantastic showing us all the sights within the GC Village as well as several outlook spots. Our final destination was the most breathtaking spots one can only imagine. This tour which I took on May 16th 2022 with my adult son was on my bucket list for some time. I only have postitive things to say about Buck Wild Grand Canyon Hummer Tours and if I could give them a rating of 10 stars I would!
Відповідь від хоста
May 2022
What a great review, we are so happy that you enjoyed your tour with Alice, and that this was a highlight of your vacation AND that you got to cross it off your bucket list! Alice is great at providing history and information, and she really loves to share the breathtaking views of the Grand Canyon with her guests. We'll just count this as a '10 star review', even though you can't choose 10, it's the thought that counts. Thanks for the review, and thanks for choosing Buck Wild Hummer Tours.
May 2022
We booked this as a package with Papillion (which got cancelled) but we got to keep our sunset hummer tour, and it was amazing. They offered to pick us up from The Village at Yavapai Lodge, which we took them up on and they were on time. We were taken to several look out points (Duck on a rock being my personal favourite) before getting to watch the sunset. The driver was also an excellent photographer and we have some beautiful photos of my husband and I at the Canyon which give us extra memories. The driver was knowledgeable, and overall the hummer itself was quite fun to be in. It was too cold for the top/sides to be down (windy) but we had a blast!
Відповідь від хоста
May 2022
What a great review, thanks for sharing it, we really appreciate the feedback. I'm sorry your helicopter was cancelled, we had some really strong winds for over a week, but glad you got to do the Hummer Tours. We agree that Duck on a Rock is a cool viewpoint, and we're happy that you enjoyed the tour and your guide. The photos you captured with the help of your guide will help create lasting memories, and we thank you for choosing Buck Wild Hummer Tours for your Grand Canyon Experience.
May 2022
Overall the tour was not bad. The pickup service from the hotel was a nice bonus. However I think the pickups may have effected our tour. There was a pickup that was out in the actual old village in the Grand Canyon National Park, it was for one person. I am not sure this is ordinarily part of the tour. As we were promised through stops at the over looks. Unfortunately one of them we weren't even allowed out of the Hummer to look because we were running behind schedule. The tour guide was very nice and pleasant. I would not want her job! She really did try to keep a very mixed bunch of passengers entertained. In doing so I think this may have however put us off schedule. For example our purpose of the tour was going through to the canyons and seeing the beauty of the overlooks. Others with younger passengers seemed more geared toward looking at the wildlife resulting in multiple turn arounds to view the animals. Again a difficult job to balance all. I was traveling with my Mother and my Aunts who are all older, the ride is quite windy, depending where seated. One of the panels was not up on the hummer creating a lot of cold wind wind on them. I ended up switching seats with them to make the ride more enjoyable as they ended up with a major earache. Even with a hooded jacket. Again the driver did offer blankets and really tried to make it enjoyable. Our tour with another company was much more enjoyable. It was not a private tour but the vehicle was smaller. I would recommend if you cannot afford a private tour but have a party less than 6 to book with another company just based on the vehicle size and other passengers. Not fault of Buck Wild. For large groups or private tours this would likely be a great option!
Відповідь від хоста
May 2022
Thanks for the review, we really do appreciate the feedback. We are sorry that you weren't completely satisfied with your experience, but happy that you found your guide to be nice and pleasant, and that she did her best to entertain her guests. Without knowing the details of your tour (date, tour guide, etc..), it's hard to address the issue you raised about the pickup in the Village affecting your tour. If you would like to provide more details, you can email us at [email protected]. We do offer hotel pickup in Tusayan and inside the Grand Canyon National Park, but it shouldn't affect the tour duration or overall experience. We try to plan our 'in park pickups' so that we depart Buck Wild earlier than the tour start time, after everyone has checked in, so that we can pick up in park passengers and begin the tour at the schedule time, or before. Sometimes, if people check in late, or if we get last minute in park pickup requests, this will affect the departure of the vehicle from Buck Wild, and cause the start time to be delayed. This may have been the issue on your tour, and I apologize for that. The Hummers are generally 'open air' during the warm weather, sometimes for sunset the sides are down and doors are on, if it's cooler or windy. We are sorry that the open air on one side caused an earache, and we will remind the guides to check with all the passengers to make sure they are comfortable, and to enclose the vehicle if it is windy or cold. Thank you again for the review, we are sorry you didn't fully enjoy the tour, and again, if you would like to provide more details, please email us.

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