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Південний край Гранд-Каньйону з Лас-Вегаса

Подорож до одного із семи чудес світу під час цього денного туру з Лас-Вегаса. Зібравши з більшості готелів на бульварі Стрип, ви вирушите на 3 години до прекрасного Саут-Ріму. Ваш гід надасть вам запропоновані маршрути, щоб максимально використати час тут. Екскурсія здійснюється тільки по понеділках та середах.
Місто: Лас-Вегас
Fri 20 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $102.00
Fri 20 Sep
Починаючи з $102.00
Що включено
Плата за національні парки
Денний тур
Обід у стилі гастроном
Зустріч і висадка з готелю
Перекус на сніданок
Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для людей на інвалідних візках
  • Дозволено тварин-поводирів
  • Поруч є громадський транспорт
  • Немовлята мають сидіти на колінах у дорослих
  • Вибір транспорту доступний для інвалідних візків
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Ціни для дорослих застосовуються до всіх мандрівників
  • Діє в усіх погодні умови, будь ласка, одягніться належним чином
  • Великий багаж не дозволяється перетинати дамбу Гувера через вимоги безпеки. За перевезення багажу стягується додаткова плата
  • Легкий ранковий континентальний сніданок включає кекси, батончики, банани та сік
  • Обід у стилі гастроном включає вибір із індички, шинки, вегетаріанської кухні або глютену Безкоштовний салат з м'ясом або без
  • Тур діє лише по понеділках та середах
Чого очікувати
Південний край Гранд-Каньйону
Після прибуття на автобусі до південного краю національного парку Гранд-Каньйон ваш гід розповість вам про найцікавіші моменти Гранд-Каньйону, щоб ви могли максимально використати свій час тут. У вас буде три (3) години вільного часу, щоб дослідити це диво світу у своєму власному темпі. Свій гастрономічний обід можна взяти з собою, щоб насолодитися ним на одному з оглядових майданчиків.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (438)
ciao c
Oct 2017
I don't take too many bus tours so I'll be generous and consider this average. We were told to be 15 minutes early at our hotel for our 6:15 pickup, we go picked up at 6:30 and spent next 45 minutes picking up others. Guess this accounts for why the bus was late. The bus was supposed to drop us off at the Visitor Center but for some unknown reason it dropped us off at the Bright Angel Lodge. We had planned to take the short trail hike from the South Kaibab Trail to Ooh Ah Point (1.8 miles round trip) as we had 3 hrs there. The driver suggested we not go there due to limited time and possibility of getting lost, so we took the suggestion to go to Mather Point which was close to the Visitor Center, waiting for the shuttle to take us to where we should have been dropped off and time to travel back there took 45 minutes. 45 minutes wasted on a 3 hour stay is quite of bit of time to lose.
Kim H
Jun 2017

Seeing the grand canyon in person for the first time is just breathtaking, awesome experience, however the trip there and back is long and made even more unenjoyable by tour driver Stan who treats adults like children and is condescending.

Clare D
Apr 2017

First of all the grand canyon is the most amazing sight I have ever seen and the 3 hours we spent there were fantastic and would recommend anyone who is in Vegas to go and see the South rim. However, the tour company were not so great. It is a long day and is billed as much but it took us over 9 hours to get there. It started with a long trip to get around the hotels and convene in a car park to drop off some passengers and pick up others. This was fine, except it must have taken over 45 minutes of waiting as there was an issue with the coach luggage compartment not closing properly. Again, this can't be helped but communication was really poor and it delayed our set off.
On route we were given the generic spiel about Vegas and a few land marks on the way and we then stopped briefly at the Hoover Dam. It is an impressive sight but in my opinion where we stopped was not worth it and we should have gone over the flyover bridge instead, as from there you can get a much better view of the dam.
We were on our way to the canyon and were told it was a 5 hour journey at that point with stops on the way. Bear in mind at this point we'd already been in the coach for nearly 2 hours. We were then half way on our journey when the tour guide came over the tannoy to say that we needed to make a stop to get another coach, as this one was losing power and she wasn't sure why. Admittedly, losing my patience at this point, we stayed calm and went with it. We stopped at a gas station and there was no mention on how long it would take, so I when I went to ask- with no apology the tour guide told me over an hour. We waited and waited and as it happened we were lucky that the gas station had a repair garage there, so she got a mechanic to have a look. There was little communication and finally the man had repaired it and we were good to go. We were at the gas station a good 1 hour 20 minutes and even after this we still made another stop. Although this was on route 66, it felt as though we could have bypassed it to get to our destination quicker. We finally arrived at the south rim at 3pm and spent 3 hours at the canyon which was spectacular and the memory of the long journey soon passed. We left at 6pm and were back at the hotel by 11pm. EXHAUSTING!

I would highly recommend seeing the canyon but I think it's worth paying extra to either go privately or by helicopter, as travelling in comfort and by means of quicker mode of transportation would make the whole experience so much more enjoyable. Do not use this company though, poor communication during the tour itself, at times a little rude and what appeared pretty disorganised!

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