The tour started with the bus arriving almost an hour late. There was a lot of people waiting for different tours and nobody really knew what bus was theirs. Once our bus stopped, the tour guide name Jerry walked outside the bus with the list of names and when one of the passengers walked behind him to look at the list Jerry told him that if somebody walks from behind him he can do something really bad to that person, use your imagination... After we got on the bus he blamed office a few times for being late, for us having short bathroom stops, short stop at Hoover Dam for a quick picture. As I tried to translate to my aunt, who didn't speak English, some of the things he was telling, Jerry offered me a microphone to speak if "I wanted to be talking". He was very rude to multiple people, making fun of some couples, and saying condescending things about women. We were supposed to stop at 3 points at the Grand Canyon and we didn't stop at the 1st one without explanation. When I asked Jerry why we didn't stop at the 1st location he replied that there is nothing there to see, and that we didn't have time, which was a rude and unprofessional answer in my opinion. On the way back to the hotels he talked a lot about the tips we were supposed to give him. After 3 hotel drop-offs he announced over the microphone that none of them left the tips for him. We spent 2 hours on the bus dropping of people at multiple hotels and it was the worst experience. At first Jerry said it was up to the bus driver in what order he will be making the stops, but after we asked him why not make the first stop where most of the bus will get off, he said it wasn't up to them and that office told them how to make those drops. I don't recommend using his tour, especially if your tour guide will be Jerry.