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Приєднуйтесь до нас, щоб дослідити острів Сан-Хуан на борту одного з наших нових швидкісних човнів. Побачте велику кількість китів і диких тварин, включаючи косаток, горбатих, морських левів, тюленів, дельфінів тощо. Екскурсії тривають від 3 до 4 годин і проводяться підготовленими натуралістами. День на воді в одному з найславетніших місць для човнів у світі. Чудово підходить для будь-якого віку.
Місто: Острови Сан-Хуан
Tue 22 Oct
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Починаючи з $119.00
Tue 22 Oct
Починаючи з $119.00
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  • Маски для обличчя необхідні для гідів у громадських місцях
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  • Соціальне дистанціювання дотримується протягом усього досвіду
  • Регулярна дезінфекція зон з інтенсивним рухом людей
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  • Ми обмежили кількість пасажирів до 50% місця потужності та посилили наші санітарні заходи.
Політика скасування
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (211)
Aug 2013
Love, Love, Loved this tour! We saw and heard so many orcas. The guides did a great job and were very accommodating. Best thing was how knowledgable the guides were. They shared so much information and educated us throughout the tour. Highly recommend - they will take care of you!
Peter G
Aug 2013
So, we were in the San Juan Islands from July 23rd to the 26th...too short a time, I'd add...and the first whale watching trip, no Orcas--not anyone's fault, the salmon are not doing their usual thing this summer, so neither are the Orcas, and I'll be giving that outfit a great review, too--but we figured we'd go one more time, and Captain Dan was able to accommodate us. He was honest about the reduced Orca sightings this year, and indeed, we didn't see Orcas again, but we did have a great time watching a bunch of Minke whales chow down. Dan and his crew were great, the boat was very nice, and there is just so much beauty in those islands, it's hard to have a bad trip no matter what you see. Both trips featured eagles and seals. Wonderful experience, great for our kids (7 and 9)! Highly recommend Captain Dan and Orcas Island Eclipse Charters!!
Jul 2013
We went on the afternoon whale watching trip on July 19,2013. Overall, we were very happy. We did see Orcas, although not that close. (The smaller vessels were able to get a bit closer.) That's not the captain's fault; the whales just surface where they want to and law requires you keep a minimum of several hundred yards away from the whales. Anyway, we saw them surface many times and even saw one breaching three times! It was such a cool experience. The vessel was clean and nice and very comfortable; the most comfortable boat I've ever sat on. They even provided binoculars to all the passengers. Two naturalists on board were very helpful in explaining about not only what individual whales we were observing but also about all the other wildlife on the island. They had all been doing this for many years so they really knew their stuff. They had photos of all the whales in the various pods and could easily identify them by their fins and saddle patches. The captain was quite informative and gave an interesting talk before we boarded. Only one thing keeps us from giving this trip five stars: after we'd been moving along with a group for a while, everyone on the boat still "oooooing" and "aaaahing" about the orcas, the captain decided to drive us off to look at other stuff like sheep, birds, and seals. These were somewhat interesting, but the whales were the main draw and we LEFT an active group! We did see some bald eagles and seals, but we would have preferred to stay with the whales until they were no longer active. The captain seemed far more concerned with staying out of choppy waters than with us getting to see whales. Much smaller boats stayed with the pod, YES, into the dreaded CHOPPY WATER! Wish we would have. Still, a great experience.

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