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Похід із гідом каньйоном Peek-a-Boo Slot (невелика група)

Peek-A-Boo Slot Canyon — це тихе, особливе місце поза второваною стежкою, недалеко від прекрасного Канаб. Тихий спокій красивих кольорових скель із пісковика Навахо, на формування яких потрібні мільйони років, захопить подих і змусить вас захотіти більшого.

Це груповий тур, але жодна комбінація груп не перевищуватиме 10 мандрівників, щоб ми могли зберегти досвід доступним і інтимним.
Місто: Національний парк Сіон
Sun 27 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $69.50
Sun 27 Oct
Починаючи з $69.50
Що включено
Наші водії знають місцевість і чудово керують бездоріжжям. Ми надаємо воду та закуски під час усіх турів.
Додаткова інформація
  • Допускаються тварини-поводирі
  • Доступні спеціальні крісла для немовлят
  • Підходять для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
Чого очікувати
Peek-A-Boo Slot Canyon
Під час цього групового туру (не більше 10 осіб, щоб він був доступним і інтимним) ви дослідите красу та чудеса каньйону Peek a Boo Slot у Канаб, штат Юта. Це легкий похід довжиною 1,5 милі (2,4 тисячі кілометрів) через вражаючий слот-каньйон, розташований приблизно за 10 миль на північ від Канаб. Це обов'язково потрібно побачити, перебуваючи в районі Канаб.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (327)
Kathy Z
Oct 2019
Lara was our guide and she was excellent! Very informative, knew the geology, and very pleasant to talk with. We had varied fitness levels and she just let us take our time but still was able to squeeze in some side visits.
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2019
Thank you so much for this great review! Lara is an excellent guide and person! People can’t help but feel better around her positive, happy approach to life and this amazing area. We are so glad that everyone enjoyed the hike through the canyon. You are always welcome back! Thank you for taking our tour!
Tina W
Oct 2019
Julie was over the top amazing. She spent has much time as we wanted and never rushed us. She sent us on our way with the best advice ever.. she told us with your short trip go to Bryce Canyon, we did and WOW we were blown away..the whole day was my favorite. Thank you so much Julie
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2019
Thank you Tina! Julie really enjoyed spending a few hours with you! She loves sharing this area however she can. We are always happy to give suggestions of places to visit without a guide to our guests, and we love to take them to places they can’t get to on their own! We are so glad you chose our tour, and that you had such a great day at both places! We hope to see you again someday!
Oct 2019
Jeff and Julie were excellent with communicating with us prior to the tour. There were 4 of us travelling together but they can handle small or large groups. I have an F 150 4x4 truck but I am Soooo glad that I didn't do this on my own. Julie took us in a Suburan with a lift kit on it and extra wide, off road, treaded tires. The road getting there is like driving through 2 miles of sand dune with several unmarked branching roads off of it. It would be very easy to take a wrong turn or get bogged down in the sand, and apparently that happens regularly. The Canyon is fantastic and we are so glad we did this. We went up and back without seeing another person in the canyon making it easy to stop and take photos and talk as much as we wanted about the canyon. Julie pointed out so many things that I would have missed otherwise with respect to photography, camera settings, the best spot to get photos, as well as the history and geology of the canyon. She also took us to an Indian ruin and a cave with cold spring water in it that were really interesting. Great people! Great Tour!
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2019
Awesome! Thank you so much for this review. We are so glad you enjoyed the day with Julie. She loves this area. Since she ran a 170 mile race through it, she has loved sharing as much as she can about it. It is so great when we catch a day with no one in the canyon. It is often very quiet up there. Julie enjoyed visiting with you all during the tour. Again, we thank you for taking our tour, and for this wonderful review! It was a pleasure for Julie to meet you!

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