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Haleakala Sunrise Найкращий самостійний велосипедний тур з Bike Maui

Відчуйте найдивовижніші краєвиди на всіх Гаваях: схід сонця на вершині Халеакала! Після сходу сонця ви неспішно проїдете на виготовлених на замовлення велосипедах Kona з висоти 6500 футів вниз по горі, щоб отримати 23 милі чистої радості! Робіть зупинки по дорозі, щоб помилуватися приголомшливими пейзажами, насолодитися невимушеним сніданком і дослідити історичне місто Макавао.

• Сертифіковані гіди NAI
• Вхід до національного парку Халеакала
• Гірські велосипеди KONA
• Рюкзаки DAKINE
• Дощовик Helly Hansen
• Дзвінок Шоломи

• Закрите взуття
• Багатошаровий одяг
• Світшот або куртка
• В’язана кепка або капелюх
• Сонцезахисні окуляри
• Сонцезахисний крем
• Телефон/камера
• Невеликі закуски
• Вода

• Розуміти та визнавати пов’язані ризики
• Мати 12 років старий або старший
• Недавній досвід їзди на велосипеді
• Зріст вищий за 4 фути 10 дюймів
• Бути фізично здатним витримувати цю активність на свіжому повітрі
• Не приймати жодних ліків, які можуть викликати сонливість
• Не бути вагітною
• Не мати вагу більше 270 фунтів.
• Носити закрите взуття
Місто: Мауї
Sun 22 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $258.29
Sun 22 Sep
Починаючи з $258.29
Що включено
Індивідуальний гірський велосипед Kona
Вхід до національного парку Халеакала
Рюкзак Da Kine
Транспортний засіб з кондиціонером
Флісовий жилет Columbia
Усі збори та податки
Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для людей на інвалідних візках
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Немовлята мають сидіти на колінах у дорослих
  • Усі зони та поверхні призначені для інвалідних візків доступна повинен мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Мінімальний зріст — 4 фути 10 дюймів
  • Мінімальний вік — 12 років
  • Потрібен нещодавній досвід їзди на велосипеді
  • li>
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний мандрівникам і персоналу
  • Регулярна дезінфекція зон з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікується між використаннями
  • Регулярно дезінфікуються транспортні засоби
  • Вказівки щодо регулярного миття рук
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (521)
Aug 2022
We enjoyed very much the beautiful sunrise and the downhill biking from the top of the volcano. Our guide Billy was awesome.
Aug 2022
Best —witnessing incredible sunrise over edge of crater. Worst__Bikes were not fitted properly to each rider and were dangerously unstable.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2022
Thank you for your feedback. When we issue the bike we will assign a bike size that is associated with the height given to us by the rider. The bikes are sized according to rider height per the bike manufactures specifications.
Aug 2022
We took the self-guided tour as my husband and I had done the guided tour before we had children and thought we might like to try it on our own. Let me start by saying, you will be up early and you will be tired when done so plan accordingly. When you check-in, you will be directed to the back of the shop where you get a helmet, rain gear and backpack. They also have some fleece vests that you can borrow but I didn't see many of them. It was cold at the top so I was glad I had brought my gloves from home. We got all of our gear and two backpacks. You head back outside where someone will give the group a demo and safety instructions for the bikes. Then you pile into your van. Make sure you get on the right one. There were three or four when we were going and some were guided so you need to be on the right one. It is pretty much pitch black driving up to the summit but our tour guide, Cory, was great. He was telling us stories and some history as we drove. He tried to point out some animals but very few of us could see them based on the darkness. We reached the top and he told us as soon as the sun comes up, head back to the bus and he would take us to another spot, before anyone else got there, for some great photo ops. It was very cold at the summit so dress accordingly. We put all of our gear on after a stop at the restroom. There were a lot of people up there so, depending on where you get a spot, you may only be able to see the sunrise and not the crater so much. The sunrise is beautiful and happens pretty quickly. After it was up, we headed back to the van and Cory was right. The next place he took us, we had the entire place pretty much to ourselves. We were able to get great photos with crater behind us. Cory took group pictures for anyone who wanted one. Then back to the bus to get our bikes. We rode down a bit more, as you cannot ride from the summit any longer, to our bikes. There was a group of staff that would help you find the appropriate size bike. It was fast and efficient. After one last group photo by Cory, the four of us set off down the volcano. You are moving fast but with a simple tap of the brake, you can slow down enough to feel comfortable. Please obey all of the safety information they give you as it will make your ride more enjoyable and keep you safe. We had pretty much perfect weather so the views were amazing everywhere you looked. We could see the Big Island in the distance and all the way to the shores of Maui. You can stop as often as you like and take pictures or just rest and look around. The ride itself is easy as most of it is downhill. We may have had to peddle three or four times. As you get closer to the bottom, you are required to stop for a safety briefing at a little church. This is given by Mary, Cory's wife. She was fun to talk to and told us everything we needed to know about the twisting roads and traffic we were about to encounter. We chatted with Mary for a bit and took off again. We reached Makawao. Our plan was to have breakfast in this little town but it was very run down compared to when my husband and I were here years ago. We stopped at the bakery, as recommended, and picked up some baked goods. It was a nice break. We sat on the steps of an unopened store and had a snack and little rest. We jumped back on the bikes and headed back to the shop. When you arrive at the shop, there is a staff member there to help you. It was very simple. Park your bike in the rack and throw your gear in a laundry bin. Super easy. Having done both the guided and self-guided tour, you can't go wrong with either. You will see amazing sites. It just depends on how much "leadership" you'd like for your ride. I would recommend doing this activity and using Bike Maui. We felt safe and prepared for our ride.

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