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Цей південний тур по дикій природі є ідеальною орієнтацією на екосистему Великого Єллоустоуну. Наші гіди-інтерпретатори поділяться історіями та інформацією про історію та геологію місцевості під час розвідки таких тварин, як лось, бізон, вилорог, лось і ведмідь. Трансфер із готелю та висадка з району Джексон-Хоул включено.
Місто: Джексон
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $168.95
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $168.95
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (62)
Sep 2021
My wife and I went on the Half-day Sunset wildlife "safari" on September 12, 2021. Our guide was Mike and he did a fantastic job of showing us wildlife. He picked us up at our hotel and took us up into Grand Teton National Park. We saw herds of Bison and herds of Pronghorn. He then took us to an area where we saw several elk, both male and female. I would have to say the highlight of the trip was seeing black bears right next to the road. Due to traffic we could not stop, but we drove by a few times and saw them up in a tree very close to the road. We also saw two moose just as it was getting dark, so this was an awesome experience of wildlife viewing. Mike knew a lot about the park and some of the issues related to conserving nature and managing the wildlife. He had a spotting scope and with that we were able to see the animals very well. We thoroughly enjoyed our trip with him and recommend the trip!
Sep 2021
We had our tour changed to the sunrise tour due to not enough people signing up for the sunset tour. It turns out it was to our advantage as typically they see more wildlife in the morning! Jeremy was very personable and knowledgeable. He had a great eye for seeing the wildlife and gave us information about each animal. We saw osprey, five black bears, a female moose with her two calfs another female moose standing in water eating, a herd of bison, and pronghorn. It was a nice leisurely tour with stops to use the restroom. They provided drinks, muffins, and snack bars. I would highly recommend this tour, it’s worth every penny!!
Sep 2021
Nice to see the area. Good trip, but nothing spectacular with the exception of a grizzly bear on the side of the road for about 20 minutes which really was pretty cool. Otherwise, you basically see everything you'd normally see on your own anyway...bison, pronghorn deer, elk, etc. One other note...although our tour guide was "fair", if you want to hear anything the tour guide is saying, sit in the front of the van if you can, otherwise you're just along for the ride.
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