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Екскурсія спостереження за китами з Монтерея на півдня

Вирушайте в 4-годинний тур спостереження за китами. Усі подорожі розповідає гід-натураліст або морський біолог, який також проведе час на палубі з гостями. Професійних фотографів часто відправляють, щоб зняти вражаючі краєвиди, які можна побачити з борту, і вони готові дати поради щодо ваших власних фотографій.
Місто: Монтерей і Кармель
Tue 24 Sep
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Починаючи з $80.00
Tue 24 Sep
Починаючи з $80.00
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  • ЧЕРЕЗ СИТУАЦІЮ З COVID19-Усі гості та екіпаж повинні носити ЗІЗ/маски, щоб сісти в поїздку та протягом усього туру.
  • Ми маємо обмежену кількість місць під час наших турів, щоб гості могли підтримувати дистанцію принаймні 6 футів разів
  • З метою забезпечення безпеки всіх гостей на борту було застосовано посилені процедури прибирання/дезінфекції.
  • Від гідів у громадських місцях потрібні маски для обличчя. li>Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний для мандрівників і персоналу
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати місця з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати транспортні засоби
  • Порадники повинні регулярно мити руки
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (556)
Aug 2019
My average rating based on fact 3 members of our party of 4 felt the trip was too long and they all felt nauseous. This tour picked because they have smaller groups, marine biologists on board and can engage your children to help them collect data making this seem to be a really good educational tour. PROS Reasonable cost of $50 US per person and less for children. Good clean solid safe cruise boat. Educational for children. Good commentary on board by knowledgeable staff. Plenty of time to take photos and video. Plenty of seating inside on two levels. Ample room to sit and stand at the rear of boat. Enough space to move around freely. Free complimentary coffee, tea, hot chocolate. Washrooms available. Vomiting okay just as long as its done off the side of the boat. Optional to leave a tip. In my group there were four of us and we all took an anti-nausea pill in the morning one hour before the tour. I was the only person who did not eat breakfast and I felt perfectly fine whereas the others all ate and consequently they all felt nauseous on board. CONS This tour asks you to arrive about fifteen minutes early at the boat. Sometimes though people are late and Discovery Whale Watch knows this and it should state on their website why its necessary to arrive early. We and others were late and missed out on hearing all about the safety talk, what you can and can not do on board and other important safety information. The two fellas that gave the talk knew there were plenty folks who were late and they didn't seem to care that we missed their speech. Nobody wore a life jacket not even children on board. We never seen life jackets and thank goodness our boat didn't encounter anything dangerous but if it did who knows how it would have turned out. Although it wasn't confirmed to us late-comers we all believed the marine biologist on our boat may have been the rough looking dude with dread-locks which made this entire tour suddenly look very unprofessional due to his unsavory appearance. Other staff on board consisted of young men probably in their early twenties and they hung out together instead of talking to guests. It also took one staff member thirty minutes before he came upon a load of chunky vomit on deck and to clean it up. Discovery Whale Watch policy is if there are whales to be seen their boat it will continue watching the whales even if there is barely any movement in the water and this is the reason why our tour turned boring. We drifted and watched specs about two hundred feet away as if that was special for us. Then we took off at a suddenly great speed with high waves causing even more guests to feel sick. Discovery states on all its tours that you will see marine life and we certainly did and it was enjoyable but in hindsight this tour can and should be shortened. I brought and read my book on board so I was fine but the others were either going to barf, or wanted to lay down or get off the boat. My suggestion is a 2.5 hour trip instead of 3.5 to 4 hours which is much too long. In addition I was disappointed not one child was asked to partake in collection of data with the biologists on board.
Aug 2019
I booked the whale watching trip not expecting great things as nature doesn't come to order. However I was totally amazed at the variety of sea life that we witnessed. After being in the boat for about 45 mins, we saw our first whales, it was totally amazing with more to come. We saw about 30 whales in all, as well as seals, dolphins and a sun fish. The crew were excellent very friendly & knowledgeable, over all an amazing morning, highly recommended.
Susan V
Aug 2019
Highly recommend this company. They are super concerned about your comfort and that you see marine mammals. Also concerned about the protection of the marine environment. Boats are smaller than some which is enjoyable as there is more opportunity for questions and answers. On our day the captain went out of his way to make sure we saw the rarer Blue whales first and then the more common humpbacks. We’ve been on multiple trips all over the world and will use this company again when we are in the area. What a day!

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