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Екскурсія спостереження за китами з Монтерея на півдня

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Місто: Монтерей і Кармель
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $80.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $80.00
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  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
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  • ЧЕРЕЗ СИТУАЦІЮ З COVID19-Усі гості та екіпаж повинні носити ЗІЗ/маски, щоб сісти в поїздку та протягом усього туру.
  • Ми маємо обмежену кількість місць під час наших турів, щоб гості могли підтримувати дистанцію принаймні 6 футів разів
  • З метою забезпечення безпеки всіх гостей на борту було застосовано посилені процедури прибирання/дезінфекції.
  • Від гідів у громадських місцях потрібні маски для обличчя. li>Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний для мандрівників і персоналу
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати місця з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати транспортні засоби
  • Порадники повинні регулярно мити руки
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (556)
Oct 2022
Excellent trip! Saw close to a dozen humpback whales, if not more. 3 or 4 whales breaching in spectacular fashion. Lots of wildlife, otters, sealions, a basking shark, birds on birds on birds. The boat is smaller, but nimble, which allowed for up close and personal views of the whales. The captain was skilled at navigating the ship to allow for excellent photo opportunities for all spectators. Ship seats about 35-50 people. Plenty of seating, an indoor cabin to warm up, bathroom on the ship. Highly recommended experience! I had a blast!
Oct 2022
Going whale watching has been on my bucket list for many years. This truly was an incredible expereince. Our crew was great, and this was one of the best days ever!
Oct 2022
Review from Mom: Our five year old son Adrian has been wanting to see whales since he could talk, and my inner child has longed to see them for 39 years. It’s been such a fantasy, that I felt nervous to actually go, for fear that it would be disappointing for those young ones, in addition to Grandma, Grandpa and Dad. After lots of blocks, we finally booked a trip and set out early to go. The trip was deeply healing for my inner child, was joyful for our family and brought the whales into our hearts forever. They were just right there, in their majesty and mystery, in their slow and deep time, with their joyful leaps and melancholic calls. Isiah and his gifted captain and crew opened our hearts the story of how hearing the whale’s voice struck humanity enough to save them from annihilation from the planet. His talks wove images of the immensity of the web of life which supports the whales, and us. He showed us carefully hand drawn diagrams to demonstrate his points. We all left feeling more whole and connected-in awe of the whales. I felt changed afterwards, and my husband remarked that for the team, every day must feel like heaven. I agree. Thank you Discovery Whale Watching, Isiah and team for the magical memories and for being advocates for the ocean. Review from Grandpa: Our family had a wonderful day of whale watching in Monterey Bay on Monday. Despite having lived in Pebble Beach for the past 30 years, the family had never ventured a whale watching trip. Of course, we were motivated to take our grandson, Adrian, and family on the adventure. Discovery promised whale sightings and we really didn’t know what to expect. My expectations were pretty low but they were greatly exceeded on the trip. We saw at least 20 humpback whales in various states of activity as well as a bunch of sea otters, seals and other creatures on the bay. The experience was enriched by our guide, Isaiah, who I assumed is a marine biologist. Isaiah provided the group with a wealth of knowledge regarding the whales. He told us about the whales’ migration habits and why they are here in Monterey for the winter predominantly to feed on the rich nutrients of sardine, plankton and the like that inhabit the bay. He relayed that the whales eat as much as 3,000 lbs of sardines/day prior to their return to the warmer waters of Mexico where they will breed and not eat again for at least 4-5 months. It was an amazing trip and all of us enjoyed it immensely made possible by Isaiah’s warm personality and enthusiasm for educating us about these whales. We’ll be back to do it again!

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