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Тур Гаваями Five-O та обід у McGarrett's із кузеном Фліппою

Шанувальникам гучного телевізійного шоу Hawaii Five-O сподобається ця екскурсія місцями, яка включає ГАРАНТОВАНИЙ ЕКСКЛЮЗИВНИЙ ДОСТУП до «Будинку МакГаррета», вишуканий обід, а також зустріч і привітання з актором Шоном «Кузеном Фліппою» Мокуахі Гарнеттом!

Ми проводимо шанувальників шоу через увесь процес його створення в одному з його найважливіших місць, у Будинку МакГаррета. Ви зустрінетеся з кузеном Філіппою та отримаєте багато запитань про те, як створюється шоу, особисто від зірки.
Місто: Гонолулу
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $189.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $189.00
Що включено
Вода в пляшках
Обід у Bayer Estate (Будинок МакГаррета) з актором Шоном Мокуахі Гарнеттом (кузен Фліппа). Вибір сендвічів: The Beefy McGarrett | Курка МакГаррет | Вегі МакГаррет
Місцевий гід
Додаткова інформація
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
Чого очікувати
Державний монумент «Даймонд Хед».
Обід у McGarrett's
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (114)
laurel B
May 2017

We had a great time on this tour. We learned a LOT of information about the show, the actors, the ohana among the family that is Hawaii Five-O. Well worth the time. We also were able to tour the McGarrett house and meet Duke. Those were definitely the highlights.

Susy C
May 2017

Amy was our guide, full of knowledge of the series and the cast. Knows them personally so that was even better. She would take us to where filming of an episode was done, put the IPad to show the scene and then we could remember and relate to that site. Very good tour if you are a fan. We loved it as we do the series. After the tour, we decided to go to a shopping centre to hear the shrimp guys cousin perform. Not only was he good, he was great taking photos with us. Then Gracie turns up accidentally, as Amy knew her, she came over to us, had photos taken with us, she was so sweet. Most of the filming had stopped a week before and therefore most of the cast were on holidays. We went outside everyone's house, and in Steve McGarrett's house, even though this is a private home, the lady was so sweet to let us in and take a look, take photos, was not a problem, invited us all again. Great tour, loved it, would do again if in Hawaii again and hopefully meet more of the cast....Thanks Amy.

May 2017

We attended the Hawaii Five-0 tour a few weeks ago and it was so worth it. Zoom and Amy are so knowledgeable about the show answered all of our questions. We saw some amazing views and were able to get out and take pictures. We drove by all of the characters houses, which was pretty cool. And the piece de resistance was being able to go to McGarrett's house, walk the grounds and all through the house. My husband and I had were able to speak with the owners and they couldn't have been more delightful. If you are a fan of the show, and even if you aren't, you will love this tour. Not only was it a great tour for fans of the show, but it was a great tour of the island. My husband didn't necessarily watch the show, but he loved the tour. Great experience!!!

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