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Винний тур на велосипеді Healdsburg на півдня з Віндзора

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Місто: Napa & Sonoma
Fri 20 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $189.00
Fri 20 Sep
Починаючи з $189.00
Що включено
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Користування велосипедом та шоломом
Задня рейка з кріпленням для велосипеда Wine
Додаткова інформація
  • Запакуйте перекус
  • Потрібно щонайменше 2 особи на бронювання
  • Мінімальний вік для вживання алкоголю — 21 рік
  • Мінімальний вік — 8 років , у супроводі дорослого
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (8)
Apr 2021
Loved it!! Rita our tour guide was amazing! The wines were delicious, and we even made new friends. I highly recommend this experience and tour company.
Aug 2019
The Healdsburg wine tour was so much fun! We grabbed some delicious treats from Olivers, but if you go to their main site you can order a box lunch. It ended up being just my boyfriend and I on the tour, which made it very personal. We went to three wineries- Limerick Lane, J, and Mutt Lynch. All were amazing for different reasons. The last one was right near the bike shop! The ride had beautiful scenery and Frieda was the perfect guide. I learned a lot about Sonoma, wine making, she made sure we were safe and had fun! Definitely had me sweating going up the hills, but totally worth it! Frieda offered a flatter ride back, but the scenery is worth seeing! A must do if you love active travel and wine!
Jul 2019
Based on their website and their reviews, this seemed like a reliable tour. However nowhere in their website do they tell you exactly what the ride will entail (eg. Riding on the road as opposed to a bike path and how far/long you will be riding for before you reach the winery). The guide presumes that all riders are experienced and doesn’t review any safety rules prior to starting the tour. He spent about 1 minute fitting us with our bikes which didn’t seem like enough. When I told him that my bike didn’t feel right, he insisted that it was fine. I had difficulty using the brakes which resulted in a minor fall. The guide was well ahead and did not even realize I had fallen and left my friend and I behind for about 20 minutes before he returned. It seems like it should be a priority of a guide to know how many people are in the party and ensure that they are all present. Of note, there were less than 10 of us, so keeping an accurate head count should not be hard. The only person who was helpful was a second guide for whom it was his first day and he wasn’t even on the clock yet. The winery was lovely in terms of location and the host of the tasting (which is the only reason for the stars on this review). But otherwise, be advised that after you sign the waiver, safety is not their priority.

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