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Історичний круїз з вечерею до затоки Кеалакекуа

Відпливіть на західне узбережжя острова Гаваї у 3-годинний круїз до пам’ятника капітану Куку на вечерю, а місцевий історик поділиться історіями та легендами про місця, які ви побачите по дорозі. Перший коктейль за рахунок будинку! Слухайте живу гавайську музику та насолоджуйтеся чудовим заходом сонця, повертаючись до Кони. Не забудьте про фотоапарат і стежте за дельфінами та сезонними китами.
Місто: Великий острів Гаваї
Thu 24 Oct
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Починаючи з $170.81
Thu 24 Oct
Починаючи з $170.81
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Безкоштовне паркування 75-5629 Kuakini Hwy., Kailua Kona, HI 96740 - приблизно в одному кварталі ходьби від пірсу.
Живі коментарі на борту
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  • Ця пригода відбувається на острові Гаваї в Кайлуа Кона.
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  • Відмова від відповідальності має бути заповнена всіма гостями перед посадкою.
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  • Відмова від відповідальності повинна бути заповнена всіма гостями до посадки.
Чого очікувати
Пірс Кайлуа
Посадка за 30 хвилин до вильоту. Гостей зустрічають острівним пупусом (закусками), безкоштовним коктейлем, історичною оповіддю та живою гавайською музикою.
Затока Кеалакекуа
Круїз довжиною 24 милі туди й назад вздовж Золотого узбережжя Кони, вивчаючи історію, історії та легенди Гавайських островів. Оповідач вкаже багато орієнтирів на шляху до затоки Кеалакекуа, які не видно з суші. Розповідь закінчується після прибуття до бухти та подається вечеря. Круїз назад до пірсу Кайлуа включає живу гавайську музику, чудові краєвиди узбережжя Кона та захід сонця.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (586)
Jul 2019
What a great cruise. The evening started with a slight delay because of the delay of a family. The crew quickly compensated with 2 free drink vouchers. There was live music and history commentary which was amazing. The staff worked tirelessly to make sure all the guests were comfortable and safe. Food was great. All in all a highly recommended activity!
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2019
Aloha Hkl140, Thank you so much for this wonderful review! So glad you got to enjoy an extra drink out there on the house, and that you were kind enough to be gracious about waiting a bit for that large group that was delayed. We really appreciate you! Mahalo, Body Glove Ocean Adventures
Jul 2019
We did the Sunset Dinner Cruise on July 10th. Very nice cruise. The service: They have a lot employees to help you take food and bring drinks BECAUSE the boat does move when you are out in the open water!! They give 1 drink coupon (I got a Mai Tai very average), then the rest of the cruise I had water. The different servers checked if I wanted more and they are very quick to remove empty cups/plates. They were also very quick to bring the slice of cheesecake(I don't like cheesecake)!! The Narration: Very educational and very clear. Even though we were on the top level, we could hear her explain what we were seeing. Beautiful coastline with so much Hawaiian History. We even stopped at Captain Cook's Monument. I didn't even know there was one there! On the cruise back, we could see the top of Mauna Kea!!! Just beautiful!!! Everyone was taking pictures! The Music: We had a singer play music and sing. He had a beautiful voice. He asked if anyone was celebrating anything and asked for requests. His singing was perfect for being out on the open ocean waiting for sunset. The food: Not that great. Not a lot of variety and nothing I liked except for the Kalua Pork. They had some cold pasta salads, rolls, regular salad, broccoli beef(don't like it), and some chicken with carrots(very average). PLUS the only dessert was cheesecake. I DON'T LIKE CHEESECAKE!!! There should be a couple of options. So, after we got off the cruise, I had to find a snack because I was hungry from not eating very much on the cruise. The Sunset: AMAZING!!! Everyone was taking pictures and the music playing was just beautiful. There weren't any other boats out just our cruise. Perfect, Perfect pictures!! There aren't any other words to describe the Beauty of the Hawaiian Sunset out over the ocean. So, for me, if I did the cruise again, I'd eat something before the cruise. Just a personal choice because I didn't like the food or the cheesecake. I think there should be more local food(Hawaiian) served on a cruise in Hawaii. Just a personal choice.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2019
Aloha DisneyQueenbee, Thanks for this thorough review! We appreciate your business and respect your run-down. We've gotten a lot of compliments on the food since we revamped our menu, but I understand that all tastes are a bit different. We would love to make a special lasagna for you if you come out with us again in the future. Mahalo, Chris Grossi @ Body Glove Ocean Adventures
Jul 2019
We had to wait for a group that was 50 minutes late. It cut the trip short. We expected to get a full 3 hours on the water. While most of the staff were very nice, the bartender was very rude. Every time we ordered she was mean, terrible service at bar!
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2019
Aloha Helpens, I'm glad to be able to respond to this because I dealt directly with the group that was delayed, and was a part of the decision making process to wait for them to arrive (something we do not normally do). It is true that since check-in time starts at 3:30pm, they were technically 43 minutes late (arriving at 4:13pm). However, we were underway by 4:15pm, only 15 minutes later than we were scheduled to depart, and we docked at the Kailua pier at 7:15pm to end the evening. We apologize for the delay again, as we did last night, but you did, in fact, receive a full three hours on the water. We were careful to make sure of that. Just to explain our thinking, especially since we do not normally hold the boat for parties beyond just a few minutes, I want to give a little context here. Smack dab in the middle of our island, which is about the size of Connecticut, is an active political protest on the road that connects our two biggest cities, Hilo and Kona. Most of our guests are not traveling from the Hilo-side to join us here on the Kona-side, which is a two-hour commute, so almost everyone was unaffected. However, this party of 13, through no fault of their own, found themselves delayed, gave us as much notice as they could, and were already well underway when they realized they would not make it in time. What would you have done? My first instinct was to tell them that we do not hold the boat under any circumstance, but this was a special situation. This was truly out of their hands. When I called the owner of the company to get her take on it, she decided to give them a full 20 minutes passed our normal departure time, and to comp every drinking-age adult an extra cocktail in recognition of the inconvenience. I fully agree with that course and still think we did the right thing. Perhaps the bartender was a little overwhelmed by an additional round of drinks for everyone, but that is no excuse for any rudeness on her part. On behalf of our bartender, we offer you a special apology and hope you will forgive what were probably some genuine moments of stress while handling the extra traffic. Still, you deserved five star service every time you approached the bar. If we met you with anything less, that is our fault, and we will correct that immediately. Thank you for the chance to clarify this situation Helpens. In spite of these two points on contention, we hope you still found time to marvel at the beauty of our coastline, our sunsets, and our ocean life. Mahalo, Chris Grossi @ Body Glove Ocean Adventures

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