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Неймовірна пригода перегляду Аврори

* Пригода починається в нашому теплому, сучасному розкішному VIP-фургоні-спринтері до одного або кількох місць, які, залежно від погоди, будуть найкращими для огляду.
* Дізнайтеся від місцевого експерта про Фербенкс і Аляску в невеликій групі (не більше 14 гостей)
* Навчання, як робити фотографії неймовірного Північного сяйва з практичною допомогою
* Насолоджуйтесь дивлячись угору, дивлячись на всесвіт, милуйтеся сузір’ями, можливо, спіймайте падаючу зірку та переслідуйте Аврору Бореаліс
* За запитом, під час очікування Аврори ми пропонуємо багаття зі смачними домашніми хот-догами з аляскинського оленя
* Вечорами, коли північне сяйво надзвичайно активне, ми можемо залишитися на вулиці пізніше, щоб ви насолодилися
* Портрети Аврори включені, якщо бажаєте, БЕЗКОШТОВНО.
Ми вийдемо лише тоді, коли будемо знати, що збираємося побачити Аврору. . Якщо ви заплановані на день, а погода не сприятлива, ми зателефонуємо та запропонуємо кращий день.
Місто: Фербенкс
Sat 19 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $269.00
Sat 19 Oct
Починаючи з $269.00
Що включено
Вода в пляшках
Усі збори та податки
За бажанням, в очікуванні Аврори ми пропонуємо багаття зі смачними хот-догами з аляскинського оленя
Кава та/або чай
Додаткова інформація
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
Чого очікувати
Захоплюючі краєвиди полярного сяйва з деяких наших ключових місць спостереження за Північним сяйвом. Ми подбаємо про те, щоб ви побачили Аврору
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (139)
Jan 2021
Austin was our guide, and he did awesomely since it was my first time in Alaska I was asking a lot of questions, Austin did answer all of them and was very helpful during our tour. Unfortunately, we saw only a small piece of the aurora, but thanks to Austin the tour was very entertaining and we still had fun!
Jan 2021
Austin was an amazing and outstanding guide. He went above and beyond to make our experience just mesmerizing. He picked us up from 10 miles far from Fairbanks downtown and the stop was not in the list of pick ups. He then drove us about 80 miles outside of Fairbanks just so that we are away from clouds as much as we can and can do uninterrupted photography. He then parked on a frozen lake which was something we never did. That in itself was an experience. He then put up a picnic table with beverages. He also lit up a bonfire within couple of minutes. That helped us a lot to fight against the cold and made it a lot easier to wait for the Aurora. He put in more woods and we had the fire the whole time we were there. He also clicked our pictures and send them immediately using air drop. Having him was a cherry on the cake. I totally recommend this to everyone and they surely have the lowest price.
Dec 2020
We booked this tour for a Sunday night and had such a great time we did it again the next night. The company is run by two brothers - Austin and Nick. Austin in the "face" of the company and the one who usually drives the van and operates the tour while his brother usually does the backend operation. Both have lived in Fairbanks pretty much their entire lives since their family worked on the construction of the pipeline. Thus, Austin is a wealth of information and is happy to share on the ride to the viewing location. The viewing spot we went to both nights was about 45 miles north of Fairbanks but we understand they will go to other spots depending on the aurora and weather forecast. The spot is a large clearing away from the city lights and allows for a great unobstructed view when the aurora appears. We were lucky that we had a good set of lights the first night. Since our primary purpose for the trip to Fairbanks was to see the lights, we did the tour again the next night and the lights were even better (Austin said it was one of the best nights he had seen). Austin takes and shares photos during the tour and will also help if needed on personal photos. The first night he also built a "campfire" that allowed for the cooking of reindeer sausages (the group opted out of this the second night). Yes, it was cold (-5 to -10 each night). Austin kept the van running and it was easy to get in and out as needed to both see the lights and keep warm. As a note, the van is more of a luxury vehicle than a basic van. Seats are very comfortable, it has high ceilings, and the heat works well. We are planning another trip back to Fairbanks and will definitely go with Austin again.

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