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Екскурсія по національному парку Джошуа-Трі

На північ від Палм-Спрінгс лежить одне з величних витворів природи, Національний парк Джошуа-Трі. У комфорті закритого автомобіля з клімат-контролем ваш гід проведе вас у великій екскурсії через приголомшливі скельні утворення та потойбічний ландшафт пустелі Мохаве.
Місто: Палм-Спрінгс
Sun 22 Sep
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Починаючи з $209.00
Sun 22 Sep
Починаючи з $209.00
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Чого очікувати
Перегляд ключів
Якщо гості хочуть побачити приголомшливий оглядовий майданчик з висоти понад 5000 футів, це те місце!
Прихована долина
Якщо гості хочуть здійснити коротку прогулянку на природі, це чудовий і легкий шанс розім’яти ноги
Центр для відвідувачів Joshua Tree
Якщо гості бажають взяти сувенір на пам'ять або відвідати туалет, ми пропонуємо зупинитися тут
Національний парк Джошуа-Трі
Центральна частина всього туру!
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Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (179)
Aug 2018
took the afternoon and drove through the National Park. Was very interesting and pretty. Would visit the park again, this time taking a different path to see other parts.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2018
Thank you for joining us! It is a big park, as big as Rhode Island! So yes, you can definitely spend a few days there.
Apr 2018
There are hidden dangers in any park, and a desert park like Joshua Tree holds some unfamiliar ones. Big Wheel Tours set a meetup at a place near my house and told me they would send me an awesome guide. They did just that. Ron, who was a wonderful storyteller, was a geologist, historian, and naturalist combined. He talked all the way to the park (about one hour) explaining the terrain, history and dangers of the cholla cactus, which proved valuable later. We stopped a couple of times to walk and climb on the rocks and take pictures of the amazing views. He gave us a choice of ways to return, and we chose the southern and eastern end of the park which took us by a cholla "garden" - cholla in every direction. A tourist in a group without a guide, had an unfortunate encounter with a cactus. Ron grabbed his emergency kit, and spent 30 minutes to an hour patiently picking spines out of her hand. Ron had impressed upon us the dangers of this cactus, and we were witnesses to the importance of his warnings. No one in the group complained. It was an amazing day, and certainly memorable. With no harm to the group, thanks to our awesome guide, Ron.
Відповідь від хоста
Jun 2018
Ha! Not only is Ron a terrific guide, he is a great humanitarian! Thank you for the great review and we hope to see you again. And it is true, the Park can be remote, wild and dangerous.
Vanessa D
Apr 2018
My work colleague and I decided to go on the discovery tour on a Sunday morning. It was unreal! It was honestly one of the best tours I've ever been on. Our tour guide, Ron (a 72 year old machine with a wealth of knowledge), answered every question I fired at him and took us to see some really really cool sites. I fell in love with the high desert today and can't wait to get back! Thank you so much Ron for everything - you really made it a wonderful experience. The tour had a great mix of driving around and walking. We even got to stop at the gift shop and buy some pretty sweet souvenirs. This is also a great tour if it's your first trip to Joshua Tree - really insightful intro.
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2018
Ron is a machine! Pretty amazing how much he works and he is so full of knowledge it is pretty astounding. Thank you!

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