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Кетчікан все в одному

Екскурсія Ketchikan All In One включає в себе як історичні, так і мальовничі частини Кетчікана в рамках повнорозповідної 2,5-годинної морської екскурсії. Ми поділимося багатим на історію містом (включаючи Крікстріт і лососеву драбину), дослідимо найбільшу у світі колекцію тотемних стовпів у рідному селі Саксман, матимемо можливість побачити різноманітну дику природу в Герінг Коув (зокрема, ведмедів, тюленів і орлів) і побачити гарний водоспад. Ми подорожуємо з комфортом у люксових 14 пасажирських фургонах.
Місто: Ketchikan
Wed 23 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $94.00
Wed 23 Oct
Починаючи з $94.00
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  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в колясці
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
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  • Працює за будь-якої погоди умови, будь ласка, одягайтеся відповідним чином
  • Маски для обличчя необхідні для мандрівників у громадських місцях
  • Маски для обличчя необхідні для гідів у громадських місцях
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний для мандрівників і персоналу
  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікують між використаннями
  • Регулярно дезінфікують транспортні засоби
  • Потрібні інструкції щодо регулярного миття рук
Чого очікувати
Приморські тури
Приморські тури
Рідне село Саксман
Побачте знамениту драбину з лососем і помилуйтеся традиційними тотемами
Пляж Ротарі
Насолоджуйтесь спостереженням за китами
Оселедцева бухта
Слідкуйте за тюленями, орлами та ведмедями
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (341)
Відкрити в Google Maps
Jul 2019
Our driver rambled on and did not really show us a lot. we asked another member of our party to take a picture of us and he claimed to be an expert photographer and took pictures of our feet at the waterfall and not us- lost photo opportunity! his stories did not agree to other facts that we saw and read - we did not really get to see much. We did not see any wildlife but that is nature not the tour.
Відповідь від хоста
Dec 2019
We are sorry to hear about your bad experience. This guide no longer works at Seaside Tours as he did not reach our standards. Again we greatly apologize for your bad experience and would like to thank you for your feedback as it allows us to provide a better experience for future guests.
Jul 2019
Our guide was Carson and it was very clear that he had a good understanding of the area and the resources the the city thrived on. We got to see a bunch of eagles, some salmon, a tour of the city and Totem Pole Park. We didn't get to see any bear, unfortunately, but It was affordably priced and gave us a view of this bustling seaport.
Jul 2019
Mike, our guide and driver (and owner of the business) was so enthusiastic and keen for us to enjoy his town. He gave us many a story of its early days, the way the waterfront was converted from a forest to a lumber mill and how the original owners (First Americans) provided the land that surrounded their summer salmon catching grounds for this mill (it operated until 1979 I think and then the whole area was demolished and the town we see today built to service the tourist industry). Mike took us to a viewing point over the Ketchikan Creek where the salmon were running. This was rushing down the mountain side and the salmon were swimming up against the flow to reach the spawning grounds to lay their eggs and have them fertilized before dying of exhaustion (when they head for home after 3-4 years over the other side of the Pacific they do not eat and generally use up all their reserves before spawning). At this point is a salmon ladder (the prototype for all others used in the US) to make it easy for the salmon to get to their spawning grounds and it was well in use. Next to the creek is the remnants of an early salmon hatchery developed by the First Americans in the 19th Century. They realised they were depleting their fish stocks so developed a way of spawning fingerlings and releasing them back into the creek ready for their journey across the Pacific and back again – salmon keep a drop of water from their home creek stored, and when it is time to spawn, then use geomagnetic tracking to get back to the creek that has the same chemical composition as their stored drop. Mike took us along the seaside, where we saw bald eagles (bald meaning white headed, not without hair), sea lions, and sea otters as well as more salmon. He took us for a short walk down by the sea and told us about the year 8 camp each child on Ketchikan does. They are dropped across onto another island with minimal supplies and are required to survive for 3 days and 4 nights. It is so that they can survive if ever they are stranded on any of the islands around Ketchikan – a sensible training activity given the sparseness of the terrain and lack of human habitation. As we continued along the road, Mike sensed that there might be a bear out foraging and sure enough he was right. We, and a few others, were able to see a male black bear foraging in the asparagus grass and near a salmon filled creek. We waited but the bear disappeared. So, on we went to the beautiful waterfall near the end of the road. The water temperature was not too bad and despite Mike’s attempts to find its source, he has not found it yet. Back to see if the bear had re-appeared – no, but in the inlet nearby sea lions or sea otters grazed on salmon, and appeared to be well fed. Onward to the Saxman Historic Totem Row Park. Here Mike described the reason for carving these totems, what they symbolize, what value each tribe attached to them and describes some that are prominent in the park. It was a most illuminating explanation and informed us a lot about what totems were all about. Mike returned us to our pickup point after a most enlightening morning and a bit of touring. We enjoyed his enthusiasm for showing us his township and explaining some of the First American culture and the wildlife.

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