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Берегова екскурсія Кетчікан: морський каякінг на острові Ігл

Проведіть час у порту в Кетчікані, веслуючи водами Тихого океану та відкриваючи для себе острів Ігл на Алясці. Під час цієї берегової екскурсії у вас буде можливість побачити величезну кількість диких тварин, таких як морські зірки Аляски, білоголові орлани, горбаті кити та косатки. Чудова нагода дослідити прекрасні краєвиди Кетчікана чекає!
Місто: Ketchikan
Sun 20 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $99.36
Sun 20 Oct
Починаючи з $99.36
Що включено
Професійний гід
Використання всього необхідного обладнання
Морський тур на байдарках
Зустріч і висадка в порту
Додаткова інформація
  • Неподалік є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Обмеження щодо пасажирів: Максимальний зріст: 6 футів 6 дюймів Максимальна вага : 230 фунтів Мінімальний вік: 8 років
Чого очікувати
Центр розваг на відкритому повітрі на південному сході
Ваша пригода починається з поїздки на мікроавтобусі до північного краю Кетчікана до прекрасного перевалу Кловер. Вас зустрінуть і проведуть до нашої набережної, познайомлять з вашим тандемним каяком і проведуть інструктаж з техніки безпеки від вашого гіда.
Національний ліс Тонгас
Ви швидко набудете впевненості, допливаючи до острова Ігл. Захищені води Кловер-Пасс дають нам можливість по-справжньому насолодитися спокійною обстановкою національного лісу Тонгасс.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (134)
Jun 2022
Trevin was our guide and he was very knowledgeable and personable. We were fortunate to have an extraordinary experience - the whales came very close to our kayaks!! Trevin has my video. We were all just in awe. Trevin shared knowledge of whales, eagles, and some marine life (all of which we saw), so he was able to predict the behavior of these animals, which helped in being able to see more wildlife activity. I would recommend Trevin and this tour because the knowledge he shared made us feel comfortable and he seems a natural in sharing that.
Jun 2022
Eagle Island Sea Kayaking tour is a MUST DO!! We were on a cruise and decided we wanted to Kayak so we booked a tour. From the moment we were met at the dock until we were dropped off back at the dock the trip was amazing! The bus drivers were like tour guides. Learned a lot about Ketchikan while on the quick drive to our destination. Once we arrived, the process of signing waivers, to putting on safety gear and then getting in the kayak was quick and efficient. The tour to the Eagles nest and around the surrounding islands was peaceful and so beautiful. We saw sea lions during our kayak trip which was an added bonus. We had Rainey and Clementine as our tour guides and they were knowledgeable, professional and a lot of fun! Katie made us feel as if we were family from moment 1 at the dock and we saw her again after the tour was finished. If you get to Ketchikan, you must go to Eagle Island Sea Kayaking! You will not be disappointed!!!!!!
Feb 2022
Really felt like our guides were just phoning it in; we had a blast on our other cruise excursions but this was a dud. From the looks of it, the ziplining folks were consistently having more fun so if you're debating between the two activities, I suggest avoiding the sea kayaking. I canoe and my partner has kayaked, yet we still found it incredibly difficult to maneuver against the wind and current. I will be the first to admit we would have benefitted from any instruction, but there was none to be had. We were placed in a kayak, cast off, and left to figure it strokes on our own. I felt bad for a parent and two teenagers in a three-person kayak; they struggled even more and just seemed to have a miserable time. We were led by two guides who seemed to be having some personal disagreement. It sounded like the lead guide had been working all day and missed lunch (we were an afternoon group) and the other guide thought about grabbing an extra sandwich but didn't. No open disputes but the two didn't speak much to each other. In fact, they didn't speak much at all. We were told an island was called Eagle Island because it had eagles, and spent the rest of the time on the water in silence. My partner and I pointed out starfish and birds to each other just to have some engagement. One weird aspect was when the rear guide offered to take photos of folks with one of the islands in the backdrop. We said we would really appreciate it, but when we came up with our phone she just paddled away.
Відповідь від хоста
Feb 2022
Thanks for the input middle of winter review will sure stoke our fire to serve our guests better for the 2022 season.

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