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Берегова екскурсія Кетчікан: морський каякінг на острові Ігл

Проведіть час у порту в Кетчікані, веслуючи водами Тихого океану та відкриваючи для себе острів Ігл на Алясці. Під час цієї берегової екскурсії у вас буде можливість побачити величезну кількість диких тварин, таких як морські зірки Аляски, білоголові орлани, горбаті кити та косатки. Чудова нагода дослідити прекрасні краєвиди Кетчікана чекає!
Місто: Ketchikan
Sun 20 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $99.36
Sun 20 Oct
Починаючи з $99.36
Що включено
Професійний гід
Використання всього необхідного обладнання
Морський тур на байдарках
Зустріч і висадка в порту
Додаткова інформація
  • Неподалік є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Обмеження щодо пасажирів: Максимальний зріст: 6 футів 6 дюймів Максимальна вага : 230 фунтів Мінімальний вік: 8 років
Чого очікувати
Центр розваг на відкритому повітрі на південному сході
Ваша пригода починається з поїздки на мікроавтобусі до північного краю Кетчікана до прекрасного перевалу Кловер. Вас зустрінуть і проведуть до нашої набережної, познайомлять з вашим тандемним каяком і проведуть інструктаж з техніки безпеки від вашого гіда.
Національний ліс Тонгас
Ви швидко набудете впевненості, допливаючи до острова Ігл. Захищені води Кловер-Пасс дають нам можливість по-справжньому насолодитися спокійною обстановкою національного лісу Тонгасс.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (134)
Ralph H
Jun 2018
This was the greatest excursion of our trip. JT is the best guide. This excursion made our entire cruise to Alaska worth the trip. We encountered a large pod of humpback whale who surfaced five times for us. We could hear the whales communicate with each other and see them jump out of the water right in front of us. We saw over twenty-five bald eagles close up and of various ages of maturity. We were able to view a nest with two eaglets sticking there heads out from around a parent eagle. A group of three sea lions swam around our kayaks and played in front of us. JT pointed out the wildlife and sea creatures like star fish and baby salmon. We saw two sisca deer on the boat ride back. The day was cold and rainy but it did not matter. This was the best excursion of our trip. Anyone who wants to see natural Alaska and wildlife must do this kayaking trip. JT is the best guide and is patient and knowledgeable. This made our trip complete. If you are only going to do only one excursion in Alaska this should be it. We saw more and did more in this 4.5 hour trip than the rest of our 7 day cruise. Do not miss this experience. Highly, highly recommend this kayaking trip! It is truly amazing!!!
Jun 2018
Went with JT and Craig. Amazing trip with eagles, baby salmon jumping, seals, and a very large pod of humpbacks. Jared and his family run an outstanding outfit. The kayaking was very doable but our 8 year old took a nap for some of it! Highly recommend this if you are in the area.
Jun 2018
We were looking forward to this kayaking trip that was planned for our family vacation. There were four of us. We all felt the same way at the end of the trip. The guides did a great job preparing everyone for the experience; dressing, instructions, etc. Taking off out of the cove was easy, but keeping up with everyone soon became a challenge. There were 3 guides. My thoughts would have been, one for the front, one for the middle and one for the end of the group - which was often my daughter and myself. My daughter and I are hearing impaired somewhat. We both suffer moderate hearing deficient. First, we had to cross the harbor which was very rough and windy. It was raining and cold with choppy seas. We managed to get across without incident with one of the guides help. The lead guide, Angie or Angela, not really sure, was the only one doing the talking. Because we were always in the rear of the group we never could hear anything she was saying. No other guides repeated or relayed what she said until I got so frustrated and said loudly to my daughter, I can't hear anything the guide is talking about from back hear. Not realizing the rear guide's kayak was across from ours she spoke up and repeated what had just been said like magic! Once and only once during the entire trip did this happen. Second, paddling back against the current was frustrating when the rear guide kept passing us or running into our kayak and pushing us out of the way breaking our momentum. It was constantly putting us farther behind the group and we had to regain our momentum. It was frustrating to say the least. Third, crossing the harbor in choppy seas in kayaks was a little scary. I know these people do it every day but to a visitor it definitely wasn't on my bucket list of things I wanted to do. My son in law who kayaks all the time didn't enjoy this trip either. So we weren't alone in our thoughts. As far as the hearing issue with my daughter and myself, I didn't realize it would be a problem in this situation until we were out and so spread apart.

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