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Кі Вест SNUBA Experience

Go Beyond Snorkeling – це найближче до підводного плавання, яке ви можете наблизити, не маючи сертифікату занурення!

Вийдіть за межі підводного плавання на нові глибини для більшої тривалості, де ви зможете легко та безпечно дихати під водою без важкого, громіздкого спорядження для занурення. Відкрийте для себе дивовижні коралові утворення, зграї тропічних риб і поплавайте поруч із різнокольоровими істотами, легко ковзаючи під хвилями.
Місто: Кі Вест
Sun 22 Sep
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Починаючи з $145.00
Sun 22 Sep
Починаючи з $145.00
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  • Неподалік є зупинки громадського транспорту
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  • Не рекомендовано мандрівникам із погане серцево-судинне здоров'я
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  • Потрібна звільнення від медичної відповідальності для кожного гостя. Застосовуються медичні винятки
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (400)
Harris B
Apr 2019
Being from south Louisiana, boating is a way of life. However, being able to dive and actually see in front of my face was new to me. All in all, FANTASTIC experience for snuba diving for the first time. I got at least 7 high fives, 2 hugs, and i was reminded of a fresh cold water shower about 97 times from the best guide in the Keys. Highly recommend this experience, Snuba Steve and crew. Pics came out great!
Apr 2019
My husband and I enjoyed a great SNUBA experience this morning. SNUBA was one of the shore excursions offered during our cruise. My husband is PADI certified, but I’m not and I’m also claustrophobic, so I thought SNUBA would be a great way to test the waters and gage if becoming PADI certified is something I might pursue. After today’s experience, I’m set to go! Our guide, Emily, was very informative and patient as we got ourselves geared up. She was very professional, yet fun and easy-going. Side note: Emily is currently on break as a Montessori teacher, so that ups her coolness factor exponentially. Anyway, as for the SNUBA experience, maneuvering with the hose attached was quite easy, though you really need to pay attention to where you are in relation to others. The water was a bit murky today, but that’s nature for you, so we made the best of it and still saw some really interesting creatures and a sunken boat. SNUBA is ideal for those interested in a scuba experience without the need for certification, personal tanks, etc. And for folks like me who don’t do well in confined spaces or with restrictive wear on your body, I think this might be a great experience for you. It definitely convinced me to move forward in pursuing PADI certification for myself so I can dive with my husband and son down the road. Capt. Zach and crew were lighthearted and fun, but we’re sure to keep everyone safe at all times. The amenities on board were great for the experience; cold drinks provided, plus a nice bathroom and a great freshwater shower to rinse off. Also, high fives were plentiful to boot! Hopefully this review is useful in making your decision to experience SNUBA a little easier. I have to say that I’m perplexed by the negative reviews, though in reading them, it seems they’re from the kind of folks who will find fault with anything and anyone. Perhaps they didn’t get enough hugs when they were little. Who knows? More importantly, SNUBA of Key West is a great experience, and my husband and I highly recommend them to anyone enjoying some time in the Conch Republic!
Apr 2019
This was the worst snuba site. We cannot believe that they took us to this location. There was nothing to see because we went to a dead coral site with murky water and grass right off the shore (although we took a boat ride to the location). There were no fish to see until we got to the sunken John boat. We moved along quickly from there and back to the grass area. The entire snuba was at about 9 feet deep, which is a depth for snorkeling, not for snuba. We were very shocked that this is the location that was chosen with all of the reefs around the keys. This is not worth the price at all. We have done far better snuba locations at a fraction of the price. On the flip side, the crew was great. They were very friendly, fun, and knowledgeable. If the location was better, this would have been 5 stars because the crew was great! Save your money!

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