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Спостереження за китами Кона та пригода на рифах з трубкою! Швидкісний катер ВМС - Макс. 14 гостей

Спостереження за китами та підводне плавання на рифах на швидкісному катері Navy SEAL із максимум 14 гостями, без великого скупчення людей! Цей годинник для китів призначений лише для гостей, які готові до пригод на швидкісному катері, це не повільний круїзний катер. Наш човен створений для того, щоб рухатися швидше, ніж інші човни, щоб отримати найкращий вид на китів, перш ніж вони зникнуть. Човен знаходиться дуже низько над водою, що дає вам кращий огляд зблизька. Спостереження за китами зблизька та особисто, це не великий туристичний човен, набитий від 30 до 100 людей!
Закуски, напої та спорядження безкоштовні. Час екскурсії НЕТОЧНИЙ (2 - 4 години) чому? Як далеко дикі кити того дня, погодні умови, кількість помічених китів ТОЩО. Якщо немає китів, приходьте знову БЕЗКОШТОВНО!
Місто: Великий острів Гаваї
Mon 09 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $165.00
Mon 09 Sep
Починаючи з $165.00
Що включено
Додаткова інформація
  • Неподалік є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Не рекомендовано мандрівникам із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендовано вагітним мандрівникам
  • Не рекомендовано мандрівникам із погане серцево-судинне здоров’я
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Мінімальний вік становить 6 років
  • максимальний вік 50
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Пристань Хонокохау та гавань для невеликих човнів
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (12)
Veronica G
Jul 2018
Chase was absolutely fantastic! This was by far my favorite snorkeling excursion of the trip. We had a beginning snorkeler (and inexperienced swimmer) in our group and Chase was fantastic with him. He was also great when someone on our boat got sea sick. The small tour size was awesome because it meant that we could customize what we were doing. Chase found lots of dolphins and he took us to snorkel near a bait ball, something I haven't seen advertised by any other tour and by far one of the coolest parts of our trip. The surf was too rough for us to snorkel the sea caves and lava tubes, but we got to see some fish in a calmer nearby reef. If you have your choice of tours definitely choose this one!
Mar 2018
We were on the NCL Pride of America in January, and wanted to do some snorkeling in Kona. I found this excursion on-line. Chase was very responsive and professional in setting up our tour, which only accommodates 6 people at at time. Very short Uber ride to the harbor where the tour is located. We toured with another family from our cruise, for a total of 4 adults, and 2 teenagers; a great group! Started out seeing spinner dolphins; a first for us. We actually got quite lucky, and the dolphins decided to put on a "little show" for us. Truly Amazing as you watch these dolphins jump and "spin" out of the water. Chase did an extraordinary job of boating "ahead" of the dolphins, and having us re-enter back into the water so that the dolphins would simply pass by us. A word of CAUTION: On this tour, you are not to TOUCH these dolphins or any other animal/creature that you come across. I am NOT sure about these pictures I am seeing posted with people reaching out to touch. That is a BIG NO NO, and highly illegal! And, Chase was very EXPLICIT about that on our tour. Moving on, next there were apparently NO humpback whale sightings all morning. Just as we were about to decide what sight we wanted to go snorkel, WHALE HO!!! So, we were so blessed with a couple of humpbacks that seemed to be very curious as to what we were up to. So ... ever so slowly they swim ... into a circle of boats surrounding them with VERY DELIGHTED gawkers, and they decided to give us a "little show" too. We got really LUCKY, and were treated to a handful of breaches, a fin slap, and a couple of tail flukes. So, after our second show of the day, we were served a very lovely snack as we sped away to our snorkeling sight. Along the way, Chase pointed out to us lava tubes and other points of interest. Once we reached our snorkeling sight, we were the ONLY snorkelers there. Jumped in, pure snorkelers heaven. Just loads of beautiful, colorful fish on the reef! AMAZING! Honestly, this was the very BEST water excursion/snorkeling adventure my husband and I have ever taken, and we've been all over the Caribbean and Mexico. This tour was worth every penny! Chase really knows where to go, and he provides the best tour possible. Keep in mind that each tour experience is going to be different. This is nature after all .... so go with the flow and be flexible to get the most out of your experience. Highly Recommend!
Amy A
Feb 2018
The only thing I cared about doing in Hawaii was swimming with dolphins, thanks to Chase and his wife, I got to do just that! It was an absolutely AMAZING experience and I highly recommend choosing Kona Snorkel Tours for any kind of excursion! They will make sure you have fun and if you don't, they will invite you back, on them!
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