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Відкрийте для себе велику кількість морського життя у водах під горами Західного Мауї під час цього 2-годинного туру на байдарках з Мауї. Насолоджуйтеся приголомшливими краєвидами, катаючись на байдарках поруч із зеленими морськими черепахами, які перебувають під загрозою зникнення, а також тюленями-монахами, дельфінами-вертлюгами та скатами. Ви навіть можете помітити китів у сезон (січень-березень). Цей тур для невеликих груп, обмежений десятьма особами, підходить для будь-якого віку та будь-якого рівня каякінгу.
Місто: Мауї
Sun 22 Sep
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Починаючи з $74.00
Sun 22 Sep
Починаючи з $74.00
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  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із травмами хребта
  • Немовлята повинні сидіти на колінах у дорослих
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Тема до сприятливих погодних умов. У разі скасування через погану погоду вам буде надано можливість вибрати іншу дату туру або повне повернення коштів.
  • Будь ласка, прибувайте за 15 хвилин до початку туру для реєстрації.
Політика скасування
Якщо ви скасуєте принаймні 3 дні до запланованого часу вильоту, ви отримаєте повне відшкодування.
Якщо ви скасуєте протягом 2 днів до запланованого вильоту, ви отримаєте 0% відшкодування.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (205)
Vicki Bilbro
May 2017

Very fun kayaking trip. The guide was a wealth of knowledge and we enjoyed talking with him. We saw a couple of turtles swimming but that was all the wildlife we saw. A great way to be on the water and basically float around for 2 hours. We would recommend.

Apr 2015
We decided last minute to add another excursion and booked the "kaanapali cruise" only a day prior for 4/9/15 as we were leaving that night. We opted for the later start time (which is not advertised on their website) but we booked through Hyatt concierge as we didn't want to get up early and miss bkft buffet and didn't prefer to drive - this was supposed to be in walking distance from the hotel. Unfortunately they called about 45 minutes before the trip and left message that it was too windy. When I returned the call, I had option to cancel and get full refund or they would have us kayak from out of their Lahaina store about an hour later, so we opted to do that and so drove down to Lahaina. We had Ryland as our guide and Brandon who assisted and under training and they were very accomodating and got us out on kayaks to snorkel. B/c I injured my left upper arm, I rode with Ryland and did not have to paddle at all. We did get to see few turtles and fish/coral but no whales but that was fine since we did another snorkeling trip on catamaran few days prior and saw some closer to Lanai. We were a small group of 8 - four in my family and another family of 4 who were our friends, so it was nice and intimate small group. They provide all the snorkel equipment as well and water of bottle. The only one thing that wasn't fun was that I had to run on hot sand and walk on hot sidewalk to get back and forth from the beach since our personal items and flip flops were kept at the store.
Feb 2015
See whales, monk seals, turtles and fish right on or in the water. This is a "take your breathe away" experience! We did the "Whale Watching and Snorkeling Adventure." Our guide quickly took us out from the beach in Lahaina to see the whales (amazing) and enjoy one snorkel site with fish, seals and turtles (fantastic). Our guide was helpful getting our kayaks launched and landed (with a short kayak lesson) and helped point out whales, seals and turtles along our trip. A great trip for families with older children that have some kayak experience (you will need to paddle out a distance to see the whales) and are confident swimmers. Snorkel site was out from the shore which might be intimidating for those who are not at least comfortable swimmers. Snorkels, vests, dry bags, fins, extra floatation (if needed) and water bottles provided. Sunscreen up previous to setting out, with reef safe sunscreen if you can, the water reflects some strong rays even in the morning. An experience to remember!

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