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Озеро Тахо Мальовнича екскурсія на півдня

Ми єдина компанія, яка включає вашого гіда, який фотографує вас і вашу групу в кожному місці, а також пейзажі. Додаткова обробка фотографій, зроблених вашим гідом, включена, і фотографії виходять абсолютно приголомшливими.
Звичайно, ви можете зробити стільки фотографій, скільки забажаєте.
Між чудовими знімками, які ви зробите, та фотографії, зроблені вашим гідом, гарантують, що ви покинете озеро Тахо з цінними спогадами та зображеннями, які ви будете плекати назавжди!

Польові квіти, осінні кольори, бурхливі водоспади чи чиста місцева краса, цей фототур по озеру Тахо приведе вас туди!
Місто: Озеро Тахо
Sat 05 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $189.00
Sat 05 Oct
Починаючи з $189.00
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Фотографічні екскурсії південним і західним узбережжям.
Фотографії вашої вечірки та пейзажу, зроблені вашим гідом
Додаткова інформація
  • Неподалік є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Доступні спеціальні дитячі крісла
  • Підходять для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Мінімум 2 особи на потрібне бронювання
  • Потрібні маски для мандрівників у громадських місцях
  • Маски потрібні для гідів у громадських місцях
  • Маски для обличчя надаються мандрівникам
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний для мандрівників і персоналу
  • Соціальне дистанціювання дотримується протягом усього досвіду
  • Регулярно дезінфікуються місця з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікуються між використанням
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати транспортні засоби
  • Від гідів вимагається регулярно мити руки
  • Регулярні перевірки температури для персоналу
  • Перевірки температури для мандрівників після прибуття
  • Безконтактні платежі чайових і надбавок
Чого очікувати
Державний парк Смарагдова затока
Остаточний тур на півдня відправляється о 7:00 і зосереджується на найкращих районах південного та західного узбережжя Тахо. Наша подорож починається на прекрасному відокремленому пляжі Тахо, затіненому вражаючою горою Таллак. Через річку знаходиться заповідник орлів, і ви зможете побачити та сфотографувати різні види місцевих птахів і, можливо, навіть ведмедя. Поки манять гори й озера, наші пригоди продовжуються разом із сільськими озерами та вражаючими водоспадами. Над водоспадом ще одне високогірне сільське озеро чекає нашого прибуття. Піднявшись на висоту 2000 футів над Тахо на високу хребетну місцевість, ви відкриваєте дивовижні краєвиди. Продовження до одного з найбільш фотографованих місць у Північній Америці, Смарагдовій затоці. Tahoe Photo Tours проведе вас у спеціальних місцях, щоб уникнути натовпу.
Державний парк Шугар-Пайн
Державний парк Шугар-Пайн-Пойнт містить одну з найкращих природних зон озера Тахо. Майже дві милі від озера, парк має густі ліси сосни, ялиці, осики та ялівцю. Побудований у 1903 році заклад є одним із найкращих прикладів минулої епохи літніх відпочинків уздовж берегів озера Тахо. З кришталево чистою водою та сосновими шишками до 24 дюймів це місце, яке варто побачити.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (602)
Aug 2012
My wife and I recently took a tour with Lisa on our 30th anniversary. We chose to take the tour because I had spent the day before trying to find places to see the lake and was constantly finding areas where you had to pay to get close to the lake. I knew we would miss the more beautiful spots so I made a call to Tahoe Photographic Tours and Robin was able to schedule us in. Lisa took us to places I could never have found myself and took some amazing pictures. My wife and I are thrilled with our CD of pictures and look forward to going back and seeing more of the Lake Tahoe area. My only regret was wasting the day before trying to do it myself. We had a great time.
Giridhar N
Aug 2012
We took this tour on Saturday, August 18. Initially I had only booked this for my wife, but on Friday, I decided that I would also go along with my 2 little kids. I called Keith and left a message through his mother-in-law who was very polite and assured me that Keith or his wife would get back to me soon. Sure enough, Keith's wife called about 1 hour later and was very accommodating. She quoted $25 for each kid and $125 each for my wife and myself, which was reasonable. There were 3 other people booked on the same tour, but it was our good fortune that they canceled, so the tour was only for our family. We arrived about 10 minutes late and I apologized to Greg, our tour guide, but he was very gracious about it and said at least we were there and we departed immediately. What an experience we had !! Greg took us to 5-6 places and covered a lot of area. Each location was very different from the other and all locations had one thing in common - they all provided fantastic views and photo opportunities. Greg is an excellent photographer and very knowledgeable about the entire Lake Tahoe area including its history and each location that we visited. We had lots of questions for him and he answered each one patiently. He shared a lot of information about the trees, wildlife and even about photography. We took a lot of pictures and Greg clicked a lot of photos of us against all backdrops, with his camera and ours as well. I can safely say that this was the best tour I have taken in my life and that I would not have seen most of the places that we saw on this tour, by myself. We are eagerly waiting for the CD to arrive and I am sure the wait will be worth it. I have spoken to Keith a few times on the phone and what has struck me each time is his genuine desire to provide us with a very good experience. They are very nice people and possess excellent knowledge about the area and photography. As far as I am concerned, this is an unbeatable combination. I would recommend this tour to everyone. It is money well-spent and I will definitely do this again when I go to Lake Tahoe next time. Thank you Greg and Keith for a memorable experience. Giri
Aug 2012
On August 4th my husband and I took the half day tour. We spent a good bit of time reading reviews on tripadvisor before we booked this and ultimately booked with great confidence given all the positive reviews? Our tour guide was Lisa, who while very friendly, was lacking immensely in most all attributes to be expected of a tour guide. We expected to be given facts and information about the Lake Tahoe area and about the points of interest she was taking us too. She spent the better part of the trip doing what could only be described as a personal overshare, telling us about her past and how she was pushed out of her last job after 11 years because the new management was spying on her conversations with other employees or about how she had just worked the night shift at a casino and only had about two hours of sleep before she had to come pick us up for our tour. The most contributing thing offered by way of information or facts about Lake Tahoe was her repeated "aren't chipmunks cute?" or "I wonder if it's safe to feed them cranberries from my trail mix? That's probably safe for them, right." It was really rather pathetic. In addition to her lack of relevant knowledge and gross personal over sharing was the discovery that she knew nothing about photography and the use of her camera. At one point, I spotted a snake on rocks below a bridge we were on and she even made the comment that she wished she knew how to use the zoom feature on the camera so she could get a better picture of it. Um, shouldn't she be able to work the camera? Isn't that a huge aspect of being a photo tour guide? At one point she was so unsure of her camera that she admitted she wasn't sure if the pictures would turn out and said to us "don't worry, Keith has stock photos of the area and he can substitute those if these come out too dark." I do not want stock photos. I can see those on the Internet for free whenever I want. What I want is pictures taken where I'm at, with me in them. As the tour wore on, she even asked the couple that was touring with us if they were hungover because they were being so quiet. They were not hunger and in fact informed her that they do not drink. Perhaps we were all quiet because we were so disappointed with the tour guide? And at the end of the tour she suddenly whipped out a stack of safety waivers and actually says "oh shoot! I forgot to have you guys sign these before we got started! You have to sign these now!" Um, isn't the whole point of a safety waiver to have your customers sign them prior to the tour, not in the parking lot as you drop them back off at their hotel? Not that we minded signing waivers at all but had we been injured while out on the tour this could have been a huge liability to the owners of the company. We paid about $250 for this highly rated tour so that we could see beautiful areas, learn about our surroundings and take home "professional" pictures of our experience. As soon as we were back to our hotel, my husband called the owner and expressed to him (Keith) our dissatisfaction. Keith's only offering was to let us take another tour with him instead of with Lisa. Well, that would have been nice if we had more time, however we were flying out in less than 24 hours. My husband explained that to him, again expressing the fact that we were not satisfied and Keith said to us that he was sure we would be pleased once we saw our pictures and that he was surprised we hadnt had a good experience. While we felt a partial refund was fair, he was only offering a redo of our tour. Two weeks later our photo cd arrived in the mail and much as we expected, the pictures are terrible. The vast majority of them had closed eyes or open mouths as if we weren't ready for the picture to be snapped. Had we been provided the professional photographer we paid for perhaps she would have noticed as she took the pictures? That is one of the benefits of a digital camera, isn't it? To be able to look and see if you got the shot right away? In addition to the lousy photos of us, we received a slew of those previously mentioned stock photos. Pictures of snow covered trees and rocks. What are we supposed to tell people when we show them our vacation pictures from our tour? Here is a great spot we visited, just try to imagine it without all the snow since we visited in August when it was 80 degrees outside and there wasn't any snow. How ridiculous is that? Overall, we were highly disappointed with our tour guide and further disappointed by the owners unwillingness to offer a partial refund. We definitely feel we were ripped off, lured in to shelling out big bucks by rave reviews only to find that those reviews should have come with a disclaimer saying only take the tour if Keith is your guide. So, that's our experience, take it for what you will. But trust us, if you book the tour and find out that Lisa is your tour guide, save yourself the disappointment and just don't go.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2012
To our guest, thank you for taking the time to write in and share your experience. I had spoken to your husband on the day of your tour, and am I‘m extremely sorry that our tour guide’s knowledge fell short of your expectations. Since you were leaving the next day we offered you a $250 complimentary Private Sunset Tour with me Keith Price the owner of Tahoe Photographic Tours. I completely understand if the evening tour wasn’t in your plans, and extended you an offer for a complimentary tour for up to four guests at any time in your future. That offer still stands. Since you live in California, I thought that would appeal to you. Regarding your photos, unfortunately you will never receive numerous images from a photographer that are all perfect. It is a natural photography business progression to take more shots than needed for that very reason. Quite honestly, Lisa did a good job from a photographic standpoint. The additional “Stock photos” were merely a gift to you as I have given to so many of my other guests. They are surely not meant to represent the time frame you were here. We as a company continue to make every effort to provide exceptional value and experience into every tour. Few businesses extend the operational time we do to insure we exceed our guests’ expectations. This is proven by the number of outstanding reviews we receive. Unfortunately every business owner knows that we all make mistakes, In the case of your guide, well everyone has to start somewhere. Since the lack of Tahoe information was your major concern I’ll be glad to take you out on tour myself as stated anytime in the future. Unfortunately I’m not well, so it may be another one of my senior guides if I’m not available. Either way you will have a wonderful experience packed full of Lake Tahoe Information. If you aren’t able to come back, I completely understand. My concern is to exceed my guests expectation’s, and again I am truly sorry your experience what not up to expectations. Please contact me regarding a complimentary Tour anytime in the future. Thank you Keith Price Owner Tahoe Photographic Tours

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