It wasn't stand up paddling but basic lvl 1 kayak lessons I signed up for and received, Trip advisor didn't give me that as an option...
Anyway, This was a really fun, awesome, amazing experience made better by the coolest staff teaching my class. First person I met right off the bat was Paul, super cool dude. Then Eric our main instructor for that class and very experienced, helpful, engaging, informative, professional, kind to say the least. But they all were way cool! It was a beautiful day yesterday June 8th 2024 and I was lucky enough to be in a nice group of people who also signed up for lessons.
Shaun, Alex, Bernadette, Brin, and Kelsey...we all did well and had an awesome time on some pretty choppy waters as Eric said, he was impressed 👍😁
I definitely recommend this as a cool learning experience and really fun activity!
Thank you MKC for a memory of a lifetime!
Looking forward to lessons 2 & 3 plus the kayaking at sunset tour I signed up for in July!!!