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Lunar Legends нічний досвід веслування/байдарки

Ця безтурботна нічна пригода забезпечує ексклюзивний доступ до сіл Полінезійського культурного центру після того, як вони закриються для публіки, і має контрольоване та безпечне водне середовище, яке є єдиним у своєму роді! Без хвиль. Без акул. Ніяких турбот! Проводячись крізь спокійну лагуну при місячному світлі, ви відвідаєте острови Самоа, Нову Зеландію, Фіджі, Гаваї, Тонга та Таїті на дошці для веслування стоячи або на байдарці з кольоровим світлодіодним освітленням у воді навколо вас. Приблизно 90 хвилин ваш оповідач розповідатиме стародавню полінезійську культуру, легенди та перекази, які навчатимуть, розважатимуть і зачаровуватимуть!
Місто: Оаху
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $107.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $107.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (60)
Mar 2022
Awesome experience! 1 of 4 couples in group originally didn’t want to do this, but they said it was the highlight of their Hawaiian trip. There was an issue with our reservations. Our reservation was for 4 kayaks. But there was a mixup between the TripAdvisor and Lunar Legends’ systems. When we arrived they had set us up with SUPs. The crew quickly switched out the SUPs for kayaks. I recommend confirming your reservations ahead to avoid a delay.
Mar 2022
We booked this Lunar Legends tour not knowing entirely what we'd actually signed up for. It looked like a fun time on the website - lighted stand-up paddleboards and kayaks in a controlled, lazy-river environment. We arrived at the predetermined meeting place about 10 minutes early and an assistant brought us to the launching area. Our guide, Cousin Fatu, did some introductions and spoke to us about what we would be doing. Getting us into the kayaks and onto paddleboards went smoother than anticipated and no one got wet...yet. Over the next 90+ minutes, we gently paddled through the night around the different villages. Quite a bit of time was spent at various stopping points along the way, learning new words and hearing more about some of the ancient stories passed down from generations of Polynesian history. At one point in the tour, we had an opportunity to sit back and reflect our thoughts towards the night sky. Although the clouds were covering much of the stars, it was the perfect setting to relax. Our guide made sure to check in often to make sure we were comfortable and everything was okay along the way. He went above and beyond to make this tour enjoyable for everyone. I won't ruin any more surprises, but overall it was definitely worthwhile to book this tour. All 7 of us had a great time, from ages 11 to nearly 70, which is not an easy accomplishment. In conclusion, if you are looking for a laid-back tour yet still full of excitement and fun for all, give this a try. I know you will be pleasantly surprised.
Feb 2022
This experience was one of the highlights of our trip to Oahu! I was nervous about paddle boarding as I had never done it before but our guide, Fatu, was very helpful and I quickly got the hang of it. Paddling through the cultural centre lagoon at night was incredibly tranquil. At various points Fatu would have us huddle together on our boards to tell us Polynesian legends. My favorite part was towards the end when we were instructed to lay back on our boards and gaze out into the night sky. The waterfalls were also a lot of fun. Thank you to Fatu for being such a hilarious and kind guide, definitely book with him if you’re looking for a great time!

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