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Makena Turtle Town Eco Adventure в Мауї

Поспостерігайте за гавайськими зеленими морськими черепахами в їхньому природному середовищі в цьому сімейному 3-годинному екологічному турі. З Макени ви помандруєте до Черепашачого міста на байдарках, веслуючи по спокійних чистих водах Південного Мауї, перш ніж зануритися в захищений риф і занурюватись разом із морськими черепахами, дельфінами, скатами, восьминогами та вуграми. Екскурсія невеликою групою до десяти осіб.
Місто: Мауї
Sun 22 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $98.00
Sun 22 Sep
Починаючи з $98.00
Що включено
Користування спорядженням для байдарки та трубки
Бутильована вода та закуски
Професійні гіди з навчанням рятувальникам, серцево-легеневій реанімації та наданню першої допомоги
Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із травмами хребта
  • Доступні спеціальні дитячі сидіння
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Підходить для всіх рівні фізичної підготовки
  • Не рекомендовано дітям до 5 років
  • За умови сприятливих погодних умов. У разі скасування через погану погоду вам буде надано можливість вибрати іншу дату туру або повне повернення коштів
  • ***** Будь ласка, зареєструйтесь на 15 хвилин раніше о 6:45 ранку, щоб розпочати тур о 7 ранку. *****
Політика скасування
Якщо ви скасуєте принаймні 3 дні до запланованого часу вильоту, ви отримаєте повне відшкодування.
Якщо ви скасуєте протягом 2 днів до запланованого вильоту, ви отримаєте 0% відшкодування.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (649)
Aug 2022
John was a great guide. Very knowledgeable of the area and where to look for sea turtles. Everyone had a great time!
Aug 2022
We had a wonderful experience during our Makena Turtle Town Eco Adventure! John was experienced, entertaining and accommodating. He went above and beyond to ensure the safety of every member in our group and provide an awesome experience. We had several young children with us and John patiently took the time to teach basic kayaking and snorkeling skills. He shared great stories, took amazing photos and found sea turtles! We had the best time and strongly recommend Makena Turtle Town Eco Adventure to all.
Aug 2022
My boyfriend and I took his neice (14 y/o) and nephew (11 y/o) to this kayak/scuba excursion during their first Hawaii trip and we all had a wonderful time! Carlos was very patient, informative, friendly, and genuinely cared about everyone's safety. The kids had 0 experience in swimming, scuba diving, and kayaking but Carlos was very patient with them and constantly checked in with them throughout the time we were there. That was the most important thing for my boyfriend and I and we were so glad that the kids had an amazing time. Since waves were rougher than usual, Carlos wasn't able to provide underwater photos because he needed to stay on his kayak just in case an emergency came up. He would normally charge for his underwater photos but since he couldn't provide that, he took photos of us while he was on his kayak and gave them to everyone free of charge! Which was very kind because we couldn't bring our phones with us. If you guys have the opportunity to purchase the underwater photos ($20/adult), I would definitely do it. He showed us the photos he has taken and they looked amazing! The tour also had to be cut short because of the currents but we did see a whole bunch of sea turtles and sea life so the excursion was still very worth it! At the end of the day, safety was a priority and Carlos was very aware and made sure we did as much as we could with the time we had. He provided ginger candy for those who got motion sickness (me lol), granola bars, and water during our break time. Overall, I would definitely come back and book Carlos again! If you have kids/adults with you that are inexperienced with swimming, scuba diving, or kayaking then you will be in good hands with Carlos. This was our most memorable experience during our time in Maui!!

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