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Підводне плавання на Мауї. Кратер Молокіні та місто черепах на борту Pride of Maui

Найбільший катамаран Maxi Power на Мауї з великим відкритим простором. Ми обмежуємо кількість пасажирів половиною можливостей берегової охорони. Безлюдний, неквапливий, неперевершений сервіс із 40-річним досвідом.

Підводне плавання в Молокіні - це справді унікальний досвід. Вода спокійна, тому морських мешканців тут багато. Наша команда робить все можливе, щоб переконатися, що ваш час з нами буде веселим і безпечним, а спогади не забудуться швидко.

З нашою численністю зручностей, багаторічним досвідом, пріоритетами безпеки та свіжоприготованою кухнею; не кажучи вже про ціну «все включено», ми віримо, що ви неймовірно проведете час!
Місто: Мауї
Sun 19 Jan
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $196.12
Sun 19 Jan
Починаючи з $196.12
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  • Реєстрація о 7:30 ранку, за 30 хвилин до початку
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  • Наші судна забезпечують більше місця на одного пасажира. Меблі мають товсте покриття з гладкою обробкою для дезінфекції. Обладнання змочують дезінфікуючим засобом лікарняного рівня. Світильники для туалетів активуються рухом. Станції дезінфекції рук розташовані всюди. Щоденна санітарна обробка всього судна.
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (448)
Jun 2021
An excellent crew and a great boat! Very professional and friendly crew. Really well done and family friendly. I highly recommend the Pride of Maui!
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2021
Thank You SO MUCH! Our crew truly is the best of the best. I had the opportunity to meet a family at the harbor yesterday when my guys returned from the morning tour, who've been out with us 8 times over the years. I was told the reason they keep coming back, is because of my amazing crew. They also really appreciated the major renovations and upgrades we made to the boat. Thanks again for sharing your experience with my guys! Mahalo, Scott CEO
Jun 2021
mixed bag. The woman working on keeping everyone fed was amazingly attentive! She is five stars and really great. The guy who led the snuba only let me go on one of the two snuba excursions. Others got double the snuba. While I signed up prior to lots of the youngsters, I think he thought a 50-year-old woman would not be into it or mind only getting one outing. It's a bummer to be stereotyped. Not much fish at the crater. No turtles. Saw more fish at Ajiji. Snorkeled with turtles at Kamaole 1.
Відповідь від хоста
Jun 2021
Aloha, SNUBA diving is offered to all of our guests, as a one dive experience, at one of our two stops. This is because we are limited on the number of guests that we sign up and take SNUBA diving. It is sold on a first come first serve basis, until all spots are taken. Therefore, not many do a second SNUBA dive, and then only when another person who has signed up, decides to opt out and give their spot to someone else. This occasionally happens, when a family member changes their mind after signing up, and gives their spot to another family member, or friend, etc. In speaking to my SNUBA Instructor, Justin, he recalled a recent day, when a couple of children in a particular family, took their older family members spot, because the Uncle said the two younger ones were so excited, he and his wife decided to give their spots to the younger family members to enjoy again. This may have been the day you joined us and saw the two of them doing a second SNUBA dive. However, I am a 62 year young waterman, and most of our Captains are either over 50, or approaching 50 years of age. Your assumptions about age are incorrect. The crater is a world class snorkel destination with exceptional visibility not found along the shore line. There is a nice variety of colorful fish and coral, some endemic to the crater itself. Thank goodness for so many other guests who've been to the crater with us, that have described their experiences, about what a truly special place the crater is. You are correct, there are no Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles at the crater, because of its distance off shore. The clarity of the water and unique sightings of other marine life is part of what makes Molokini so special though. Its distance offshore occasionally attracts Hawksbill Sea Turtles, which are more nomadic by nature, but not green sea turtles. We do however see many other wonderful animals out at the crater not commonly sighted along the shoreline reefs, including Manta Rays and Whale Sharks. I'm sorry, but after living in the islands over 45 years, I have to disagree that beach snorkeling at Kamaole I, though on a good day, is far better than Miami Beach, or most other US beaches, most assuredly does not compare in any way to the unique and very special snorkeling found daily at Molokini Crater. There is so much to take in and appreciate, if you slow down and not worry so much about "counting turtles". However, because turtles are so popular, we do take you to "Turtle Town", for the second snorkel stop. Scott Turner CEO
Jun 2021
Mahalo for the awesome service, trip and taking care of the items for Mom's 80th birthday private charter to Molokini for our group of 28 on May 31st, 2021. Patrick, Takako, Jason, Dani(I think it was), and one other young lady I forget were amazing. Highly recommend and look forward to using Pride of Maui on our next trip to Maui!!!
Відповідь від хоста
Jun 2021
Aloha , It truly was our pleasure and thank you for recognizing my guys and the Aloha they so freely share with our guests! I’m the luckiest boss EVER! Scott turner CEO

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