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Підводне плавання на Мауї. Кратер Молокіні. Безлюдно, неквапливо.

Ми перевозимо лише 28 пасажирів на борту нашої просторої 50-футової однобортової моторної яхти, що становить лише 60% від можливостей, сертифікованих береговою охороною. Це гарантує більше місця та індивідуальне обслуговування.

Це тур для підводного плавання, який приведе вас до знаменитого кратера Молокіні та Черепашачого міста в дуже спокійному темпі, з меншою кількістю людей у ​​воді поблизу.
Місто: Мауї
Mon 24 Feb
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $173.61
Mon 24 Feb
Починаючи з $173.61
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  • Немовлят і маленьких дітей можна катати в колясці
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  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
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  • Регулярно дезінфікується зони руху
  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікують між використаннями
  • Регулярно дезінфікують транспортні засоби
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  • Перевірка температури для мандрівників після прибуття
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  • Для гідів необхідна вакцинація від COVID-19
  • Капітани та екіпаж мають сертифікати щодо серцево-легкової реанімації та рятування життя. Капітани мають десятиліття досвіду роботи у гавайських водах. Компанія має 40-річний досвід роботи у водах Гавайських островів. Обладнання безпеки суден перевищує вимоги берегової охорони США.
Політика скасування
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (70)
Dec 2022
To windy to go to the advertised location, the places they took us to instead weren't very good, should find a better back up place in case of bad weather
Відповідь від хоста
Dec 2022
Mother Nature cooperates most of the time, though there are the days of inclement weather when it is not safe to snorkel at Molokini Crater. SAFETY is and always will be our number one priority. Most of our guests understand and appreciate that nothing is more important to us than returning you to the harbor, safely. All of the boats visit the same locations during inclement weather, of which there are a handful of nice coral reefs, other than Molokini Crater, featuring a variety of colorful coral and diverse marine animals. We understand your disappointment at not making it to the crater though we did take you to "Coral Gardens", as a safe alternative.
Dec 2022
Finding the boat was the first challenge. 1) confirmation e-mail listed slip 64. we walked all the way around the harbor to slip 64, and they had no idea about the Pride of Maui. walked all the way back around the harbor and actually found the Pride (there was a sign board there - we either missed it or it wasn't up when we drove in and parked). waited a few minutes for someone to come out and start signing people in - he told us we were at the wrong place and directed us all the way back around the harbor to a boat named the leilani. we heard the captain of the Leilani talking to another boat that he didn't want to make the trip back from Molokini. And sure enough, when we got on the boat, he indicated it would be rough and recommended an alternate cove just around the corner. we snorkeled there for 20 minutes or so, picked up anchor, went a few minutes up the coast, and then came back to the exact same location to drop anchor for more snorkeling in the same location. The crew was pretty much great, and I think they were being honest about the conditions in Molokini being like a washing machine that day, and it was great that the VERY young children on the boat were introduced to snorkeling in a calm location, but I think I should have been given the option of getting my money back, or perhaps even getting transferred over to the Pride which as far as I know DID go to Molokini. Can't blame the crew (I don't think), as it was windy and choppy, but I would have at least liked to have seen Molokini and made up my own mind about whether to snorkel there or not. If you have a family of small children or are inexperienced snorkelers, this may be the boat for you. Unfortunately, my spouse & I don't fall into either category, and I won't have another chance to see Molokini.
Відповідь від хоста
Dec 2022
Please, please read the confirmation emails that Viator and we both email to you, so that you do not make the same mistake this guest made by arriving at the wrong location. We are located in slip #68 and you were not scheduled aboard "Pride of Maui" and were scheduled aboard our smaller vessel "Leilani". Our crew of course is always honest about the daily conditions and what the plan is, based upon where the conditions offer the safest and best overall conditions. Sometimes we even have to explore upon leaving the harbor, to determine the best snorkeling locations on the days of inclement weather. Pride of Maui is a very popular vessel which we book to just 60% of our Coast Guard capacity, which means she is quite often sold out, as was the case on this day, and the reason we could not move you to Pride of Maui. If it helps, you should know that she didn't go out to Molokini either, due to the rough seas. Your safety is always our number one priority. Fortunately, we make it to Molokini most days, and when the conditions prevent safe access to the crater, we do have other very beautiful snorkel locations to choose from.
Dec 2022
Very fun experience my daughter and I enjoyed so much! The crew was amazing , helpful and friendly. We would definitely come back and do the tour again
Відповідь від хоста
Dec 2022
Thank You for recommending my amazing crew. They truly are the best of the best! We look forward to exceeding your expectations again!

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