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Історія та архітектура Манхеттена – ексклюзивна пішохідна екскурсія

Experience Midtown Manhattan with NYC’s Best Guides! Dive into the vibrant heart of Midtown Manhattan with a 2.5 hour private guided walking tour. led by one of NYC’s top-rated guides. Explore iconic landmarks such as Rockefeller Center, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and the architectural marvels of 5th Avenue.

This tour offers a seamless blend of architecture, history, culture, and creativity in the city that never sleeps. With expert storytelling and insider knowledge, this is a must-do experience for anyone looking to uncover the magic of Midtown Manhattan.
Місто: Нью-Йорк
Sat 29 Mar
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $51.94
Sat 29 Mar
Починаючи з $51.94
Що включено
Приватна пішохідна екскурсія
Тур триватиме, дощ чи сонце
Професійний гід спеціально для вас
Тривалість 2,5 години
Private Walking Tour
Tour Will Run, Rain Or Shine
Professional Tour Guide Exclusively For You
Додаткова інформація
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • All areas and surfaces are wheelchair accessible
  • Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness
  • Maximum of 12 people per tour allowed
  • Operates in all weather conditions, please dress appropriately
  • Notes: The tour route may be affected by national celebrations. When this occurs, we will provide guests with an alternative route still being able to see all the highlights on the tour. In these cases we are unable to provide refunds or discounts. No large bags or suitcases are allowed during this tour. We recommend comfortable shoes, a bottle of water, umbrella in case of rain and hat during summer. Due to increased security measures at many attractions some can’t be visited from the inside.
Чого очікувати
Дізнайтеся про прибудови Манхеттена в 19 і 20 століттях, які допомогли сформувати міський ландшафт. Відвідайте менш відому Мармурову колегіальну церкву, а потім відвідайте такі культові пам’ятки, як Нью-Йоркська публічна бібліотека та Бібліотека Моргана. Від парку Медісон Сквер до химерної будівлі Flatiron ви відкриєте для себе попередні інновації, які буквально допомогли розбудувати Нью-Йорк. Ваш гід розповість про бум хмарочосів початку 1900-х років, у тому числі Met Life Tower і New York Life Building. Ви пройдете повз всесвітньо відомий Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг, щоб дізнатися про останніх гігантів початку 20-го століття. Він не може бути набагато красивішим, ніж головний термінал Центрального залізничного вокзалу, де ви дізнаєтеся про визначні закони, які зберігають багато з цих історичних будівель для майбутніх поколінь.
Будівля Flatiron
Переходячи до другої половини вашого туру, ви побачите те, що відоме як Flatiron Building, трикутна 22-поверхова будівля зі сталевим каркасом, яка є пам’ятною визначною пам’яткою, побудована в 1902 році. Характерна форма будівлі дозволяє їй погіршити клиноподібну власність, розташовану на на перетині П'ятої авеню та Бродвею, що робить його однією з найвиразніших будівель міста.
Парк Медісон Сквер
Далі ви прогуляєтеся парком Медісон Сквер, справжнім міським парком, розташований у центрі району Флетайрон. Уперше відкритий для публіки в травні 1847 року, парк був повністю оновлений у 2001 році і сьогодні містить собачий майданчик, дитячий майданчик і громадські інсталяції таких художників, як Сол Левітт і Вільям Вегман.
Будівля MetLife
Навпроти парку Медісон Сквер ви побачите Met Life Tower, офіційно відомий як Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower. Відомий як найвища будівля у світі з 1909 по 1913 рік, він залишається визначним хмарочосом у місті, відомому також своєю вражаючою архітектурою.
Площа генерала Ворт
Далі ви побачите те, що відоме як Меморіал генерала Вільяма Дженкінса Ворт, меморіальний обеліск, який позначає місце поховання генерал-майора Вільяма Дженкінса Ворт. Датований 1857 роком, це місце є другим найстарішим великим пам’ятником у парках Нью-Йорка.
Мармурова колегіальна церква
Далі ви побачите Marble Collegiate Church, одну з найстаріших безперервних протестантських конгрегацій у Північній Америці, засновану в 1628 році.
Тін Пан Алея
Далі ви відвідаєте Tin Pan Alley, невелику ділянку Західної 28-ї вулиці між Бродвеєм і Шостою авеню. Це місце є синонімом золотого віку американського написання пісень, коли Ю-Йорк був світовим епіцентром композиторської творчості, написання текстів і видання нот.
Емпайр Стейт Білдінг
Після цього ви побачите сумнозвісний Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг, 102-поверховий хмарочос у стилі ар-деко, який був побудований у 1931 році. Щороку ця пам’ятка приваблює безліч туристів. Під час екскурсії ви побачите зовнішній вигляд будівлі та зайдете у внутрішній вестибюль.
Бібліотека та музей Моргана
Далі ви відвідаєте Бібліотеку та музей Моргана, музей і дослідницьку бібліотеку, засновану для розміщення приватної бібліотеки Дж. П. Моргана в 1906 році. Цю будівлю було визнано пам’яткою Нью-Йорка в 1966 році, а пізніше того ж року оголошено національною історичною пам’яткою.
Брайант Парк
Під час туру ви також відвідаєте Bryant Park, приватний громадський парк, названий на честь поета-романтика, давнього редактора New York Evening Post і громадянського реформатора Вільяма Каллена Браянта в 1884 році.
Бібліотечний шлях
Ви також пройдете Бібліотечною дорогою, вулицею, що веде до будівлі Стівена А. Шварцмана, частини будівлі Нью-Йоркської публічної бібліотеки. Дорогою ви побачите на тротуарі бронзові таблички з літературними цитатами, що робить це чудовим літературним досвідом.
Публічна бібліотека Нью-Йорка
Ви також пройдете Бібліотечною дорогою, вулицею, що веде до будівлі Стівена А. Шварцмана, частини будівлі Нью-Йоркської публічної бібліотеки. Дорогою ви побачите на тротуарі бронзові таблички з літературними цитатами, що робить це чудовим літературним досвідом.
П'ята авеню
Під час туру ви також познайомитеся з П’ятою авеню, вулицею, яка вважається однією з найдорожчих і найелегантніших у світі.
Chrysler Building
Далі ви побачите Chrysler Building, хмарочос у стилі ар-деко, який колись був найвищою будівлею у світі, перш ніж у 1931 році його перевершив Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг. Сьогодні він вважається 8-м найвищим будинком у місті разом із будівлею New York Times.
Центральний термінал
Ваша екскурсія завершиться біля Центрального терміналу, історичної пам’ятки Нью-Йорка. Тут ви дізнаєтеся все про історію терміналу, насолоджуючись атмосферою того місця, яке вважається універсальним символом між минулим і сьогоденням Нью-Йорка.
Flatiron Building
Moving on to the second half of your tour, you will see what is known as Flatiron Building, a triangular 22-story steel-framed landmarked building built in 1902. The building’s distinctive shape allows it to ill the wedge-shaped property located at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Broadway, making it one of the city’s most dramatic-looking buildings.
Madison Square Park
Next you will take a stroll through Madison Square Park, a true urban park nestled in the heart of Flatiron district. First opened to the public in May 1847, the park underwent a complete renewal in 2001 and today contains a dog run, playground and public installations by artists like Sol LeWitt and William Wegman.
MetLife Building
Across from Madison Square Park you will see the Met Life Tower, officially known as the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower. Known to be the tallest building in the world from 1909 to 1913, it remains a landmark skyscraper in the city, known also for its impressive architecture.
General Worth Square
Following, you will see what is known as the General William Jenkins Worth Memorial, a memorial obelisk which marks the burial site of Major General William Jenkins Worth. Dating to 1857, this site is the second oldest major monument in parks of New York.
Marble Collegiate Church
Next you will see the Marble Collegiate Church, one of the oldest continuous Protestant congregations in North America, founded in 1628.
Tin Pan Alley
Next you will visit Tin Pan Alley, a small section of West 28th Street between Broadway and Sixth Avenue. The place is synonymous with the golden age with American song writing, when Yew York was the world’s epicentre of composing, lyric writing and sheet music publishing.
Empire State Building
Afterwards you will see the infamous Empire State Building, a 102-story Art Deco skyscraper completed in 1931. Every year this landmark attracts numerous tourists. During your tour you will observe the exterior of the building and go into the interior lobby.
Morgan Library
Next you will visit the Morgan Library & Museum, a museum and research library founded to house the private library of J. P. Morgan in 1906. This building was designated a New York City landmark in 1966 and declared a National Historic Landmark later that same year.
Bryant Park
During your tour you will also visit Bryant Park, a privately managed public park, named to commemorate the Romantic poet, longtime editor of the New York Evening Post, and civil reformer, William Cullen Bryant in 1884.
Library Way
You will also walk along Library Way, a street leading to the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, a building part of the New York Public Library. Along the way you will see bronze plaques imbedded in the sidewalk containing literary quotes, making this a delightful literary experience.
New York Public Library
You will also walk along Library Way, a street leading to the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, a building part of the New York Public Library. Along the way you will see bronze plaques imbedded in the sidewalk containing literary quotes, making this a delightful literary experience.
Fifth Avenue
You will also get to experience Fifth Avenue during your tour, a street considered one of the most expensive and elegant in the world.
Chrysler Building
Next you will see the Chrysler Building, an Art Deco style skyscraper which was once the world’s tallest building before surpassed by the Empire State Building in 1931. Today it is considered the 8th tallest building in the city, tied with the New York Times building.
Grand Central Terminal
Your tour will end at Grand Central Terminal, a historic New York City landmark. Here you will learn all about the terminal’s history whilst enjoying the atmosphere in what is considered as a universal symbol between New York City’s past and present.
Flatiron Building
Moving on to the second half of your tour, you will see what is known as Flatiron Building, a triangular 22-story steel-framed landmarked building built in 1902. The building’s distinctive shape allows it to ill the wedge-shaped property located at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Broadway, making it one of the city’s most dramatic-looking buildings.
Madison Square Park
Next you will take a stroll through Madison Square Park, a true urban park nestled in the heart of Flatiron district. First opened to the public in May 1847, the park underwent a complete renewal in 2001 and today contains a dog run, playground and public installations by artists like Sol LeWitt and William Wegman.
MetLife Building
Across from Madison Square Park you will see the Met Life Tower, officially known as the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower. Known to be the tallest building in the world from 1909 to 1913, it remains a landmark skyscraper in the city, known also for its impressive architecture.
General Worth Square
Following, you will see what is known as the General William Jenkins Worth Memorial, a memorial obelisk which marks the burial site of Major General William Jenkins Worth. Dating to 1857, this site is the second oldest major monument in parks of New York.
Marble Collegiate Church
Next you will see the Marble Collegiate Church, one of the oldest continuous Protestant congregations in North America, founded in 1628.
Tin Pan Alley
Next you will visit Tin Pan Alley, a small section of West 28th Street between Broadway and Sixth Avenue. The place is synonymous with the golden age with American song writing, when Yew York was the world’s epicentre of composing, lyric writing and sheet music publishing.
Empire State Building
Afterwards you will see the infamous Empire State Building, a 102-story Art Deco skyscraper completed in 1931. Every year this landmark attracts numerous tourists. During your tour you will observe the exterior of the building and go into the interior lobby.
Morgan Library
Next you will visit the Morgan Library & Museum, a museum and research library founded to house the private library of J. P. Morgan in 1906. This building was designated a New York City landmark in 1966 and declared a National Historic Landmark later that same year.
Bryant Park
During your tour you will also visit Bryant Park, a privately managed public park, named to commemorate the Romantic poet, longtime editor of the New York Evening Post, and civil reformer, William Cullen Bryant in 1884.
Library Way
You will also walk along Library Way, a street leading to the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, a building part of the New York Public Library. Along the way you will see bronze plaques imbedded in the sidewalk containing literary quotes, making this a delightful literary experience.
New York Public Library
You will also walk along Library Way, a street leading to the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, a building part of the New York Public Library. Along the way you will see bronze plaques imbedded in the sidewalk containing literary quotes, making this a delightful literary experience.
Fifth Avenue
You will also get to experience Fifth Avenue during your tour, a street considered one of the most expensive and elegant in the world.
Chrysler Building
Next you will see the Chrysler Building, an Art Deco style skyscraper which was once the world’s tallest building before surpassed by the Empire State Building in 1931. Today it is considered the 8th tallest building in the city, tied with the New York Times building.
Grand Central Terminal
Your tour will end at Grand Central Terminal, a historic New York City landmark. Here you will learn all about the terminal’s history whilst enjoying the atmosphere in what is considered as a universal symbol between New York City’s past and present.
Flatiron Building
Moving on to the second half of your tour, you will see what is known as Flatiron Building, a triangular 22-story steel-framed landmarked building built in 1902. The building’s distinctive shape allows it to ill the wedge-shaped property located at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Broadway, making it one of the city’s most dramatic-looking buildings.
Madison Square Park
Next you will take a stroll through Madison Square Park, a true urban park nestled in the heart of Flatiron district. First opened to the public in May 1847, the park underwent a complete renewal in 2001 and today contains a dog run, playground and public installations by artists like Sol LeWitt and William Wegman.
MetLife Building
Across from Madison Square Park you will see the Met Life Tower, officially known as the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower. Known to be the tallest building in the world from 1909 to 1913, it remains a landmark skyscraper in the city, known also for its impressive architecture.
General Worth Square
Following, you will see what is known as the General William Jenkins Worth Memorial, a memorial obelisk which marks the burial site of Major General William Jenkins Worth. Dating to 1857, this site is the second oldest major monument in parks of New York.
Marble Collegiate Church
Next you will see the Marble Collegiate Church, one of the oldest continuous Protestant congregations in North America, founded in 1628.
Tin Pan Alley
Next you will visit Tin Pan Alley, a small section of West 28th Street between Broadway and Sixth Avenue. The place is synonymous with the golden age with American song writing, when Yew York was the world’s epicentre of composing, lyric writing and sheet music publishing.
Empire State Building
Afterwards you will see the infamous Empire State Building, a 102-story Art Deco skyscraper completed in 1931. Every year this landmark attracts numerous tourists. During your tour you will observe the exterior of the building and go into the interior lobby.
Morgan Library
Next you will visit the Morgan Library & Museum, a museum and research library founded to house the private library of J. P. Morgan in 1906. This building was designated a New York City landmark in 1966 and declared a National Historic Landmark later that same year.
Bryant Park
During your tour you will also visit Bryant Park, a privately managed public park, named to commemorate the Romantic poet, longtime editor of the New York Evening Post, and civil reformer, William Cullen Bryant in 1884.
Library Way
You will also walk along Library Way, a street leading to the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, a building part of the New York Public Library. Along the way you will see bronze plaques imbedded in the sidewalk containing literary quotes, making this a delightful literary experience.
New York Public Library
You will also walk along Library Way, a street leading to the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, a building part of the New York Public Library. Along the way you will see bronze plaques imbedded in the sidewalk containing literary quotes, making this a delightful literary experience.
Fifth Avenue
You will also get to experience Fifth Avenue during your tour, a street considered one of the most expensive and elegant in the world.
Chrysler Building
Next you will see the Chrysler Building, an Art Deco style skyscraper which was once the world’s tallest building before surpassed by the Empire State Building in 1931. Today it is considered the 8th tallest building in the city, tied with the New York Times building.
Grand Central Terminal
Your tour will end at Grand Central Terminal, a historic New York City landmark. Here you will learn all about the terminal’s history whilst enjoying the atmosphere in what is considered as a universal symbol between New York City’s past and present.
Flatiron Building
Moving on to the second half of your tour, you will see what is known as Flatiron Building, a triangular 22-story steel-framed landmarked building built in 1902. The building’s distinctive shape allows it to ill the wedge-shaped property located at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Broadway, making it one of the city’s most dramatic-looking buildings.
Madison Square Park
Next you will take a stroll through Madison Square Park, a true urban park nestled in the heart of Flatiron district. First opened to the public in May 1847, the park underwent a complete renewal in 2001 and today contains a dog run, playground and public installations by artists like Sol LeWitt and William Wegman.
MetLife Building
Across from Madison Square Park you will see the Met Life Tower, officially known as the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower. Known to be the tallest building in the world from 1909 to 1913, it remains a landmark skyscraper in the city, known also for its impressive architecture.
General Worth Square
Following, you will see what is known as the General William Jenkins Worth Memorial, a memorial obelisk which marks the burial site of Major General William Jenkins Worth. Dating to 1857, this site is the second oldest major monument in parks of New York.
Marble Collegiate Church
Next you will see the Marble Collegiate Church, one of the oldest continuous Protestant congregations in North America, founded in 1628.
Tin Pan Alley
Next you will visit Tin Pan Alley, a small section of West 28th Street between Broadway and Sixth Avenue. The place is synonymous with the golden age with American song writing, when Yew York was the world’s epicentre of composing, lyric writing and sheet music publishing.
Empire State Building
Afterwards you will see the infamous Empire State Building, a 102-story Art Deco skyscraper completed in 1931. Every year this landmark attracts numerous tourists. During your tour you will observe the exterior of the building and go into the interior lobby.
Morgan Library
Next you will visit the Morgan Library & Museum, a museum and research library founded to house the private library of J. P. Morgan in 1906. This building was designated a New York City landmark in 1966 and declared a National Historic Landmark later that same year.
Bryant Park
During your tour you will also visit Bryant Park, a privately managed public park, named to commemorate the Romantic poet, longtime editor of the New York Evening Post, and civil reformer, William Cullen Bryant in 1884.
Library Way
You will also walk along Library Way, a street leading to the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, a building part of the New York Public Library. Along the way you will see bronze plaques imbedded in the sidewalk containing literary quotes, making this a delightful literary experience.
New York Public Library
You will also walk along Library Way, a street leading to the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, a building part of the New York Public Library. Along the way you will see bronze plaques imbedded in the sidewalk containing literary quotes, making this a delightful literary experience.
Fifth Avenue
You will also get to experience Fifth Avenue during your tour, a street considered one of the most expensive and elegant in the world.
Chrysler Building
Next you will see the Chrysler Building, an Art Deco style skyscraper which was once the world’s tallest building before surpassed by the Empire State Building in 1931. Today it is considered the 8th tallest building in the city, tied with the New York Times building.
Grand Central Terminal
Your tour will end at Grand Central Terminal, a historic New York City landmark. Here you will learn all about the terminal’s history whilst enjoying the atmosphere in what is considered as a universal symbol between New York City’s past and present.
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Політика скасування
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (23)
Mar 2025
Hit most of the highlights on the itinerary. Did not see gilded mansions or if did we walked by quickly. Tour guide, Mark was very personable and knowledgeable.
May 2024
As a new York native with a girlfriend who's never been to Nyc, it was everything I could have dreamed of and more! I was worried about cool things for us todo together and this was perfect. We both learned so much about the rich history and how Nyc has laws to preserve the historic landmarks as saw. I was in town for a race in Brooklyn and I believe the tour helped my girlfriend learn the lay of the land and she felt confident in finding me at the finish line. I think Robin’s tour guide really gave her the New York Energy I was hoping to give her!! We are so grateful for the tour and it made our trip a 12/10 ❤️
Aug 2023
Charlie was an amazing tour guide 10/10 would recommend to a friend! So insightful, as someone who loves art history I learned so much!

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