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Mystère від Cirque du Soleil в готелі та казино Treasure Island

Mystère — це оригінальне шоу Cirque du Soleil, яке варто побачити, яке поєднує потужний атлетизм, енергійну акробатику та надихаючі образи, які стали візитною карткою компанії. Вважаючи театральною «квіткою в пустелі», Mystère хвилює покоління глядачів своїм захоплюючим поєднанням химерності, драми та неймовірного, втіленого в життя на сцені.
Місто: Лас-Вегас
Fri 07 Mar
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Fri 07 Mar
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3300 Las Vegas Blvd S, готель і казино Treasure Island
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Чого очікувати
Mystere від Cirque du Soleil
Журнал Las Vegas Review-Journal отримав вісім разів нагороду «Найкраще постановочне шоу». У Mystère є міжнародний склад із 65 виконавців, серед яких танцюристи, співаки, музиканти та акробати чемпіонського рівня. Газета Chicago Tribune назвала Mystère одним із найбільш інноваційних і захоплюючих шоу, яке можна побачити будь-де. Інтригуюче поєднання краси та сили, влади та грації, пристрасті та точності… Це Mystère від Cirque du Soleil. Приходьте, живіть екзотикою! Режисер: Франко Драгоне. Категорія 2: Секції 101 і 105 (ліворуч нижнього рівня та праворуч); Розділи з 202 по 205 (верхній рівень центральної сцени - від переднього до середнього рядів) Категорія 3: Секції 201 і 206 (ліворуч верхнього рівня та праворуч); Секції 202-205 (верхній рівень центральної сцени - задні ряди) Зверніть увагу: точні місця та спосіб їхнього розподілу за категоріями можуть змінюватися без попередження
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Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (349)
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Dec 2021
I was not impressed. Cirque acts and that's all. Expensive for what it is, even at cheapest prices ($81taxes included). No need at all to pay more. I expected something spectacular, or at least a little silly or funny but it was not. No musicians except for little drums, sooo disapointing. The theme around Life is just to say there is a story but I didn't notice it at all. First show for me in Vegas, I hope the others are not of this level or I'ld be very disapointed. I expected singers above the audience, stage in the air, impressive costumes, incredible performers but it was not. I give 2 stars, only to not insult the work.
Dec 2021
Great experience for both adults and children! I highly recommend getting drinks and snacks before the show!
Dec 2021
This was the 3rd cirque show we’ve been to in Vegas. The other 2 being, “Ka’” 3 times at MGM, and “O” at Bellagio: in which both are incredible. All of these cirque shows are amazing in their own way, but are quite different in their structure. My review may be skewed a bit based on my opinion of which is better: But I’ll try my best to score Mystere on its own, and not in comparison to any other…. Note: Entertainment tastes vary, so to each their own. Mystere is their original Vegas show, and one that has lasted the test of time. The theatre is much smaller than the other 2 we’ve been to, so honestly, there isn’t a bad seat in the house. We paid a little more to sit in 102, but it’s not a big deal to do so here. I will say, if you don’t like being picked at(by their comedian) stay away from the end seats, and front row. Also, it seems the first 2-3 rows were a bit straining on the neck, especially when the trapeze act is going in. Like other cirque shows, the stage moves up n down and about to change the various settings needed: though I’ll say, this one doesn’t match the others’ we’ve seen, from a state of the art engineering feat. But, I’m sure it’s due to the age of the theatre. (the others are much newer). Mystere resembles and mimics a well done circus type production, albeit, much better. There’s some unbelievable feats of strength performed; as well as trapeze, and tumbling and seesawing. Of course, there’s a beautiful couple swinging from the rafters, on one handed ropes, doing a romantic, “in air” dance. It’s expected at this point I think, as there’s one like it in every cirque show we’ve seen: But, it’s still an excellent routine, and certainly worth noting. Mix in a few quality dance routines by their contortionists, and add in a clever comic(used to fill in the time between acts), and you get a fun filled evening for sure. My favorite act was the 2 young ladies that balance each other in the air, in various positions, all while moving and twisting about, Simply unbelievable! Overall, though not as big of a fan of circus acts as most folks are, this show is entertaining. Personally, I tend to be more in awe of the other 2 shows: Ones in which the special effects of the stage, and equipment make the near impossible, impossible to figure out. But, Mystere has its place here as a quality show: And I’ll admit, its at a much better price point. If you’re a circus fan, and a fan of ultra athletic maneuvers, you’ll like this show. As a bonus: it’s kid friendly, and would work well as a show for the whole family. Note: Doors open 30 mins early, so please plan ahead. Somehow there were people being sat 30+ mins into the 90 min show: And it seemed all of them were coming down our isle, and being sat on our row. Please be courteous of others if attending, as this interrupts the focus of the show for all. Also, if you’re planning on videotaping, you’re out of luck, as the ushers police this process constantly. Btw: this is also a huge distraction. Overall, though I only gave mystere a 4 myself, I still recommend going.

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