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Екскурсія на виноробні заводи долини Напа з пікніком

Поїдьте стильно до виноробень долини Напа. Під час цієї 5-6-годинної екскурсії професійний водій проведе вас із шофером до трьох найкращих виноробень для легкої прогулянки Винною країною з іншими любителями вина.

З понеділка по четвер: Готелі в центрі міста Напа, American Canyon, Outsider можуть зустрітися з нами на Oxbow Public Market за адресою 610 1st St, Napa, CA 94559.

З п'ятниці по неділю: Готелі в центрі міста Напа, Американський каньйон. Сторонні особи можуть зустрітися з нами на Oxbow Public Market за адресою 610 1st St, Napa, CA 94559.

Відмова від відповідальності: виноробні, перелічені в маршруті, є попередніми та можуть змінюватися залежно від наявності та розміру групи.
Місто: Napa & Sonoma
Wed 25 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $124.99
Wed 25 Sep
Починаючи з $124.99
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Чого очікувати
Садиба Мадонни
Чудова виноробня долини Напа з акредитованою дегустацією вин і тихими місцями для пікніка. *Примітка: усі виноробні, перелічені в маршруті, є попередніми та можуть змінюватися залежно від наявності та розміру групи.*
Сімейна виноробня Robledo
Сімейна виноробня Robledo, розташована на родючих землях Сонома, пропонує дегустацію улюблених місцевих вин у комфортній атмосфері. *Примітка: усі виноробні, перелічені в маршруті, є попередніми та можуть змінюватися залежно від наявності та розміру групи.*
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (352)
Jul 2021
This tour was ok, some nice things, some disappointing. Abe was great, very friendly and kind. The first winery Madonna, was the best, we actually learned some things and had a little tour. The other two were not really tours of the wineries or vineyards just tasting with very little explanation or information about the wines. At the second winery we saw another group touring the vineyard with someone teaching them about how the grapes were grown and I wondered why we did not get that. The lunch was ok. The last winery was expensive and there was very little interaction from the owners. With the cost of the ticket, and the tasting fees at each winery it was an expensive day.
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2021
Hello Debora, Thank you for taking the time to write a review. It is helpful for us to receive feedback from our guests. We, too, realize that some of the wineries we visit need to improve their presentation. Just last week we started an outreach program with the powers that be at those wineries to work together to improve the experience they present to our guests. The manager of the second winery said that they have two different programs: a tour with a walking tasting and a sit down tasting. Apparently, the sit down tasting was what had been reserved for your group. Admittedly, our lunches have suffered since we were forced to close our in-house deli at the start of the pandemic. We were receiving rave reviews for our lunches, and now we are still searching for the best deli in town. Again, thank you for your feedback. We hope you will come back in the future to see the changes you have helped bring on.
Kathleen B
Jul 2021
The first winery ( Madonna) was great. Interesting talk, visit to storage area, good presentation, friendly and knowledgeable. The next 2 wineries were a complete bust. No one talked to us. Basically said pay and get 1 sip of wine. Robledo winery has an interesting story. But if you don't read posts on the wall, no one bothers to tell you the story. The driver ( Abe) was terrific. Tour operators ought to take a serious look at how much they charge for basically a driver. Do not recommend.
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2021
Hello and thank you for letting us know the aspects of our tour that you feel need to be improved. Because of your review I started an outreach program with the wineries we visit to work with them to improve the quality of their guest presentations. I gave a copy of your review to the CEO of Robledo which sparked a discussion about they can change their approach to their guests. He mentioned that they have been extremely short staffed lately but added that they have just hired 3 additional members of the tasting room staff. I met with management of the other 2 wineries as well, and will continue to do so in the future. Your review has caused some very positive changes. I am sorry they can not improve your experience, but maybe you will give us another try in the future.
Jul 2021
We spent a fun 6 hours with a group of folks we’d just met. First stop was at Madonna Estates - lovely place with an informative tour guide. Sampled 4 wines and purchased 2 bottles. From there we visited 2 other wineries for tastings - no other ‘tours’. The wines at these 2nd and 3rd stops were unremarkable. We did have a nice boxed lunch (Panera) at the 2nd stop. Our guide was pretty quiet. Really just drove us from place to place, no details about the Napa region at all from him.

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